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ANKARA: Erdogan: Relations With US A Main Pillar of Foreign Policy

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  • ANKARA: Erdogan: Relations With US A Main Pillar of Foreign Policy

    Turkish Press
    April 27 2005

    Erdogan: Relations With United States Is One Of Main Pillars Of
    Turkish Foreign Policy

    ANKARA - Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that
    relations with the United States continued to be one of the main
    pillars of Turkish foreign policy.

    ''We should be alert against the efforts of various groups and
    lobbies who are uneasy about the development of Turkish-US relations
    and we shouldn't permit them,'' told Erdogan in AK Party meeting held
    in the parliament.

    Referring to the many different comments and news made about
    Turkey-US relations, Erdogan said that they were either wrong or

    Pointing out to the sound basis in Turkey-US alliance which continued
    for 50 years, Erdogan said that further improvement of the relations
    with the US in line with common interests and mutual benefits was one
    of the main priorities of the Turkish government. Erdogan stressed
    that the communication channels at all levels should be open in that

    Erdogan said that the high ranking visits between the two countries
    would continue, stressing that Turkey-US cooperation should continue
    as regards to Iraq, solution of Arab-Israeli conflict, Caucasus,
    stability in Central Asia, reform efforts in the Middle East,
    reconstruction of Afghanistan, fight with terrorism and energy

    Erdogan stressed that finding a lasting and fair solution in Cyprus,
    fight with PKK terrorism and Armenian claims constituted an important
    place in Turkey-US relations.

    Referring to the recent claims brought to agenda saying that there
    was a widespread anti-Americanism in Turkey, Erdogan said that ''the
    Turkish nation, who has never forgotten the support US extended to
    Turkey in many issues, is also aware of the fact that the two
    countries need each other today and tomorrow.''

    ''However, I should clearly state that the positive responses of not
    only the US, but of all our allies and partners to our right
    expectations will contribute significantly to overcoming the
    disappointment that appears in the Turkish public opinion from time
    to time,'' said Erdogan.
    From: Baghdasarian