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Turkish Premier in Israel to Repair Damaged Relations

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  • Turkish Premier in Israel to Repair Damaged Relations, GA
    April 27 2005

    Turkish Premier in Israel to Repair Damaged Relations

    By K Gajendra Singh

    Al-Jazeerah, April 25, 2005

    In 1996, strategic dialogue between Israel and Turkey took their
    relations almost to the level of allies with Ankara signing numerous
    defence deals with Israeli arms industry and the two countries
    carrying out joint military exercises. But the illegal US invasion of
    Iraq in 2003 changed the regional strategic balance , with Israel
    even interfering last year in Iraqi Kurdistan adjoining Turkey's
    own turbulent Kurdish region.

    Ankara withdrew its ambassador and barred El Al flights to Istanbul
    and asked for an explanation. It publicly denounced Israel's policy
    of `state terrorism' in Gaza led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan. Bilateral relations plummeted . Satisfied, Ankara then took
    steps to smoothen its relationship with Tel Aviv .After official
    visits to iron out differences during the last 6 months, Erdogan
    himself would now visit Israel for two days from 1 May. He had
    publicly refused an Israeli invite last year .The visit would provide
    an opportunity to repair the damaged bilateral relationship. Erdogan
    would also visit Palestine to maintain the balance and Turkey's
    self new role as a peace maker in the region.

    Fearful of uncertain consequences from Iraq , which could go hay wire
    , its own problems for entry into the Europe Union , open ended
    position of north Cyprus , which it occupies and the international
    outcry about the alleged Armenian genocide at the end of the Ottoman
    Empire 90 years ago, Turkey also needs to normalise relations with
    Israel .Ankara being its only friend in the region , Tel Aviv had
    kept its cool last year. Close relationship between the two countries
    in security and defence sectors has survived many vicissitudes over

    Erdogan would be accompanied by Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul and
    Trade and Industry Minister Ali Coskun. Gonul would hold talks with
    Israeli military officials on the development of joint defense
    projects, such as the co-production of Arrow II and Popeye II
    missiles. Officials from both sides are scheduled to work out new
    counter-terrorism intelligence systems. Nearly a hundred businessmen
    would accompany Erdogan to Israel.

    Turkey's relations with Israel involve billions of dollars in joint
    projects and strategic cooperation. Israel is currently upgrading 170
    Turkish M-60 tanks, 54 F-4 fighter planes, and 48 F-5s under a
    multi-billion dollar agreement, which also includes exchange of
    visits by defence personnel and joint military exercises .

    Abdullah Gul, Turkeys`s suave and soft spoken Foreign Minister
    visited Israel at the beginning of January to prepare for Erdogan's
    visit . After his flare ups against Israel, which duly warned Israel
    , Erdogan had sent a delegation of three close advisers to Tel Aviv
    in September as a good will gesture.

    But , at the same time, Turkey relations with its Nato ally USA
    ,Israel's umblically linked strategic partner , remain wobbly
    .Despite USA's public disapproval , Turkish President Ahmet Necdet
    Sezer recently visited Damascus . It was after the Turkish insistence
    on the Damascus visit that Erdogan's visit was broken in the
    Israeli media in the first week of April, to soothe Israel, which has
    also not been happy with the visit.

    The official announcement was made in Ankara on 18 April after
    Erdogan had telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to
    exchange ideas about the visit . Sharon reportedly told Erdogan, ''I
    see many areas to strengthen our relations and cooperation. We
    believe you and Turkey will play an important role in the region, and
    will have important contribution to peace and stability in the Middle
    East. Thus, we attach importance to Turkey's taking part in
    developments in the Middle East.'' In return, Prime Minister Erdogan
    said, ''I will be pleased if my country contributes to peace

    Apart from Prime Minister Sharon, Erdogan is expected to meet with
    Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, President Moshe Katsav.

    Turkey signed an agreement with Israel on 19 April to buy spy planes
    (drones) costing $183 million. It will include three unmanned aerial
    vehicle systems and 10 aircrafts, surveillance equipment and ground
    control stations, with the Turkish companies providing sub-systems
    and services worth 30 % of the cost

    Annual trade between the two countries now amounts to over US$1.4
    billion, excluding the defense sector. More than 300,000 Israeli
    tourists (8% of the population) visit Turkey annually for vacations
    to escape tensions at home as they find Turkey quite safe. There are
    other important economic deals in the energy sector .Last year, the
    two sides signed an agreement for Turkey to sell to Israel more than
    50 million cubic meters of water annually for the next 20 years.

    A few days before the visit , the Turkish Union of Chambers and
    Commodities Exchanges (TOBB) will host Israeli as well as a
    Palestinian businessmen delegations in Ankara. The Israeli delegation
    would be headed by Israeli Union of Manufacturers chief Shraga Brosh,
    while Ahmet Azzghayar, the head of the Federation of Agriculture,
    Commerce and Industry Chambers, will lead the Palestinian delegation.
    `As political efforts are continuing to seek a solution to the
    region's problems, business circles must also get closer to each
    other,' said TOBB Chairman Rifat Hisarciklioglu.

    Deterioration in Turkish-Israeli relations

    When asked by Israel's Haaretz newspaper in a May 2004 interview ,
    shortly after Israel's assassination of Hamas' spiritual leader Ahmed
    Yassin, if he would define Israel's actions against the Palestinians
    as state terrorism. "How else can you interpret it?" Erdogan had

    In his May 25 meeting with Israeli Infrastructure Minister Yousef
    Paritzky, Erdogan asked the Israeli minister: "What is the difference
    between terrorists who kill Israeli civilians and Israel, which also
    kills civilians?" Erdogan had refused to meet with Israeli Deputy
    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who was in Ankara in mid-July to mend
    Israel's deteriorating relations with Turkey. This was the first
    high-level contact after Erdogan repeatedly characterized Israel's
    policy in Gaza as "state terrorism".

    But it was an article in New Yorker magazine by veteran US journalist
    Seymour Hersh about Israel providing training to peshmarga militias
    in northern Iraq and running covert operations in neighboring
    countries that revealed the brewing differences between Turkey and
    Israel. Soon Kurds in Syria created problems for Damascus. The media
    reports of interference were denied by both Israel and the Kurdish
    leadership in north Iraq. But Turkey was far from convinced. Israel's
    case was not helped by other reports that it was infiltrating agents
    into Iran's clandestine nuclear-weapons program for information for
    possible preemptive strikes by the Israeli air force, believing that
    Tehran was about a year away from a breakthrough in that program.

    Beirut's Daily Star wrote on July 17, "It appears that Foreign
    Minister Abdullah Gul, one of Erdogan's closest confidants, was
    behind the leak on Israeli interference in Kurdistan, to demonstrate
    Ankara's deepening anxiety that Kurdish aspirations of independence
    will be fueled by Israeli interference. Indeed, the US debacle in
    Iraq is driving neighbors Turkey, Syria and Iran into each other's
    arms as all fear chaos in Iraq in the coming months." Israel would
    like to have a weak Iraq and even an independent north Iraq.

    It added: "Erdogan's government has embarked upon a high-profile
    diplomatic effort to bolster relations with the Arab and Muslim
    world, which were blighted by Israel's 1996 military agreements with
    Turkey. Ankara has settled its disputes with Syria and is seeking to
    normalize its often fraught relations with Iran."

    Strained relations between Turkey and Israel caused serious concern
    in the United States , which wee conveyed by President George W Bush
    to Erdogan in Ankara prior to the June North Atlantic Treaty
    Organization summit in Istanbul. But then US relations with Ankara
    have been on a roller coaster with public airing of differences. The
    differences came about after the illegal US invasion of Iraq , a
    Muslim country generally friendly to Turkey ,which was opposed by a
    massive majority of Turkish population. When Erdogan publicly
    criticized Sharon's policies , members of his Justice and
    Development party (AKP),which has Islamic roots , were even harsher,
    lambasting US policies in Iraq as well. AKP must cater to its own
    constituency at home.

    The Turkish-Israeli relationship reached a low point when Erdogan
    publicly turned down an invitation to visit Israel. Ankara
    temporarily withdrew its ambassador and consul general from Israel.
    Relations took a turn for the worse when the Israeli airline El Al
    had to suspend for two weeks six weekly flights to Turkey from June
    24 in a row over security at Istanbul airport.

    Turkey's Kurdish problems;

    Turkey has serious problems with its own Kurds, who form 20% of the
    population. The Kurdish rebellion since 1984 against the Turkish
    state, led by Abdullah Ocalan of the Marxist Kurdistan Workers Party
    (PKK), has cost more than 37,000 lives, including 5,000 soldiers. The
    economy of the Kurdish region in south east was shattered. The cost
    of countering the insurgency at its height amounted to between $6
    billion and $8 billion a year. Whenever there has been chaos and
    instability in north Iraq, as during the Iraq-Iran War in the 1980s
    or after the 1991 Gulf War, PKK activity has perked up in Turkey.

    The rebellion died down after the arrest and trial of Ocalan in 1999,
    when a ceasefire was declared by the PKK and a Turkish court commuted
    to life imprisonment the death sentence passed on Ocalan. The Turkish
    Parliament also granted rights for the use of the Kurdish language
    and took other steps ,thus removing some of the root causes of the
    Kurdish rebellion. But the PKK shifted most of its 4,000 cadres to
    northern Iraq where they stay put . The United States has not
    disarmed them despite promises to Turkey . US wants to reward Iraqi
    Kurds, who have remained loyal and peaceful. Iraqi Kurds have been
    ambivalent toward the PKK, often helping them . They remain a card to
    be used in the region.

    US Turkish Relationship ;

    Turkish Foreign Ministry Deputy Undersecretary Ali Tuygan went to
    Washington to discuss US Turkish relations to discuss bilateral and
    other matters including President Sezer's visit to Damascus . In
    his speech at Washington's Near East Institute, Tuygan expressed
    Turkey's hopes for better relations. It is hoped that Washington
    would finalise a date for Erdogan's visit soon .Turkey believes that
    to improve Turkish-U.S. relations and counter increasing
    anti-American sentiment in Turkey a summit in Washington is necessary
    .Turkey is a major power in the region. Ankara remains worried about
    US plans to have Iraqi Kurds as new "strategic partner" in the

    Turkey has been quite helpful on Afghanistan , where the current ISAF
    Commander is Gen. Ethem Karadagli ,a Turk . Hikmet Cetin , a former
    Turkish Foreign Minister and Speaker, is NATO `s Senior Civilian
    Representative .Erdogan made a second visit to Kabul a few days ago
    .He expressed satisfaction at the Turkish military's success in the
    face of difficult conditions and investments by Turkish businessmen
    in Afghanistan. He added that the country still needed significant
    international help for its reconstruction.

    Problem of Armenian Genocide;

    The alleged killing of between three quarters to one and half million
    Armenians in eastern Turkey at the time of the firstworld war between
    1915 and 1920 by Turks has become a major international embarrassment
    and even a problem for Ankara. It has adversely affected its
    relations with many countries and used by some as a lever against

    Many Turks feel that `If Turkey accepts the Armenian allegations,
    Diaspora Armenians will benefit from this, but Republic of Armenia
    will pay for it.' First they expect legal compensation with some
    Diaspora organizations expecting billions of dollars. They also
    expect right of resettlement in Eastern Turkey. But more than that it
    keeps the Diaspora united in its hate of Turkey and revenge .The
    author knew many Turkish diplomats who were assassinated by secret
    Armenian organizations over decades .

    Turks and Turkish historians maintain that more than 500,000 Muslims
    were also killed around 1915 by the Armenian armed groups , who had
    joined with the invading Russian forces during the first world war.
    While accepting it as a tragedy, for which Turkish politicians have
    said that they were sorry, they add that many Ottoman officers were
    sentenced for their mistakes during the 1915 Resettlement ; some of
    them were even executed. They feel that the number of Armenians
    killed is intentionally exaggerated by the Armenian Diaspora. Many
    died due to the diseases and famine. Many were attacked by the armed
    bandits. The Ottoman Government could be criticized for its
    Resettlement decision but not accused of genocide.

    One example of the affect is that the Turkish Government's gave a
    year's extension on the use of Incirlik Airbase by allied forces
    under a United Nations resolution on the eve of April 24, the
    so-called `Armenian genocide day.' The Armenian lobby in USA
    recently stepped up pressure on President Bush on a proposed
    congressional resolution urging him to use the term `genocide' in
    his remarks on that day. But Ankara believes that despite the
    Armenian lobby Congress would not pass a resolution recognizing the
    alleged genocide. Gul said that the US Secretary of State Condoleezza
    Rice had told him said that the US stood with Ankara on the alleged
    genocide question.

    This agreement grants the US a number of restricted rights for using
    the airbase. Ankara has thus side stepped US demand for use of
    greater facilities at the base. Gul said that this decision was not a
    new development, but just `regulating' the matter. He added that
    the military would work with US officials on technical aspects of the

    The discussions in the Parliament for long pending US request for
    greater use of the base could have aroused anti-US statements. The
    Parliament had rejected on 1 March, 2003 a government motion to allow
    USA use of Turkish territory in south east to open a second front
    against Iraq .Since then there has been a roller coaster decline in
    bilateral relations.

    Despite Turkish efforts the Polish Parliament has recognized the
    alleged Armenian genocide .Gul expressed his disappointment but added
    that Polish Foreign Minister Rotfield had informed him that the
    decision was a result of the political stance of some deputies and
    that the Parliament was caught unprepared. He assured Gul that the
    Polish government `didn't share the same view concerning the
    genocide and that that it always supported Ankara.'

    The Russian state Duma (Parliament ) passed a resolution on 22 April
    denouncing the 1915 genocide following a unanimous vote just ahead of
    the start of the 90th anniversary of the massacres in Turkey and
    western Armenia on 24 April , when the alleged massacres began.
    `The deputies of the State Duma fully denounce the act genocide and
    believe that the entire international community should commemorate
    the 90th anniversary,' the Interfax news agency quoted from the

    The deputies described it one the most `tragic' and `cruel'
    events of the 20th century. Russia was among the first to recognize
    the genocide and remains among a handful of countries that do so .

    In 2001 , Parliament in France ,which has an Armenian community of
    nearly four hundred thousand , officially recognized the killings as
    genocide .It strained ties between Paris and Ankara. Last year,
    President Jacque Chirac asked Turkey to recognize the mass killings
    otherwise French would keep Turkey out of EU in a referendum. On 22
    April the French and Armenian Presidents laid a wreath at a Paris
    monument commemorating the genocide.

    Erdogan has offered to establish a joint commission consisting of
    historians from Turkey and Armenia to look into the question of the
    genocide. Armenian President Robert Kocharian welcomed Erdogan's
    offer but added that `if Turkey wants to discuss the issue,
    Armenia prefers that it be done at the highest level and in the
    largest scope possible.' Landlocked Armenia wants to have normal
    trade and other relations with Turkey but Ankara is not keen because
    of its close relations with Azerbaijan. Armenia occupies Azeri
    enclave Nagorno Karabakh and some of its territory .

    The United States does not recognize the genocide, although the
    Congress has pressed for recognition several times. USA and many
    other countries, such as Israel, are reluctant to do so because it
    would strain relations with Turkey, which is a NATO member and
    influential player in the region.


    Erdogan's Justice and Development party (AKP) emerged from the ashes
    of four Islamic parties, banned earlier by the secular establishment
    led by the armed forces, but it now feels more secure. The AKP
    unexpectedly won 2/3 seats in the November 2002 Parliamentary
    elections but with only 34% of votes cast. It has consolidated its
    hold further based on clean government compared with bribe ridden
    asymmetrical coalition governments earlier.

    Taking advantage of the European Union requirement to harmonize
    Turkey's system to Copenhagen criteria, the AKP has successfully
    sidelined the military, which had exercised power through its
    domination of the top policy making body, the National Security
    Council (NSC ), now reduced to an advisory role. The reduction of
    Military role saw clear erosion in the strategic relationship between
    Turkey and Israel. Turkish negotiations to enter EU have overall
    strengthened Erdogan and his party

    Turkey's geographical location gives it many advantages but also
    brings in many problems .It has succeeded in reaching an accord with
    EU to begin final talks in October , but the problem of north Cyprus
    under Turkish military control remains , with Cyprus (Greek) having
    been admitted to EU last year . The latter is now creating obstacles
    for Turkey's entry into EU .Last year in an April referendum it
    rejected a US sponsored solution , which the Turkish side accepted .

    Turkey is trying to seek the support of Israel, Russia and the U.S.
    to bring north Cyprus out of the limbo like situation in which it
    remains isolated .Erdogan had obtained some support from Russian
    President Vladimir Putin during the Ankara visit and his own visit
    to Moscow later. In his scheduled visit to Moscow on May 10, Erdogan
    would solicit further support from Russia even though Putin considers
    Cyprus an "internal matter of the EU."

    Many times when Turkey expressed desire to buy arms from Europe , it
    was denied because of its Kurdish problem or human rights violations
    .So Ankara depends on US arms for its major military needs. With
    twists and turns and US unpredictability, Turkey wants to continue
    its close defence cooperation with Israel , which can often overlook
    US pressure.

    After 1996, when a strategic dialogue between Israel and Turkey began
    and relations reached almost to the level of allies , Ankara signed
    numerous deals with the Israeli arms industry . Turkey also looks at
    Israel as its partner in this part of the world and, therefore, where
    security and economic interests are concerned, the cooperation would

    Yes, the Iraq war and the chaos in and around Iraq have brought about
    a rapprochement between Turkey and Iran and Turkey and Syria, in
    spite of US opposition. Turkey also pursues a strategy of
    strengthening its ties with countries in the east.

    But the developments in Iraq would be determined by the growing
    insurgency now blossoming into full-fledged resistance against US
    occupation .The incipient civil war between Shiites and Sunnis ,
    with new President of Iraq Jalal Talbani offering to use Kurdish
    peshmargas against mainly Sunni resistance bodes ill for Iraq .Its
    breakup would have unforeseen consequences, even beyond the region.

    Pepe Escobar wrote on 21 April in Asia Times ; 'The White
    House/Pentagon/Green Zone axis wants "shock therapy", deregulation,
    wide-ranging privatization, control of Iraqi natural resources, Iraq
    reduced to a deregulated capitalist colony with all or most
    government properties and services controlled by American
    multinationals and all assets held by the foreign lending
    institutions that own the majority shares of the Iraqi National Bank.
    People who disagree may hit the streets and scream. So much for Iraqi
    "democracy". Long live the shadow Iraqi government.'

    The quisling Iraqi government will keep on pushing for full
    privatization of the Iraqi oil industry , the reason why US invaded
    Iraq. Washington also wants 14 military bases to control the region
    and its resources .Some fear that SCIRI of Prime Minster designate
    Jaafri might have agreed with Washington to give full control of oil
    industry to USA in exchange for political power in Iraq. In any case
    Bremer laws , which have already done so need ¾ votes in the
    Parliament to be undone .The Shiite masses voted for US with drawl
    from Iraq ,but its leaders are now soft pedaling on that electoral
    promise. But there is Moqtda As- Sadr on the sidelines calling for
    exit of US troops. The situation does not look pretty.

    But with a stock of nuclear bombs, Egypt shackled and thus
    neutralized, Israel a major player in the region would like to have
    Turkey on its side. Chaos suits it . Despite universal and legal
    opinion against its `Berlin wall - which is taking in more of
    the Palestinian territory , it is going ahead with the project .
    During his recent visit to Washington , Sharon coolly ignored George
    W.Bush's advice against expanding the settlements on Palestinian
    land , which have never really ceased .Sharon will make a great show
    of evacuating the Gaza strip , which in any case is proving costly
    to hold on to. Then it would hang on to as much of West Bank
    territory as possible .

    (K Gajendra Singh, served as Indian Ambassador to Turkey and
    Azerbaijan in1992 -96. Prior to that, he served as ambassador to
    Jordan (during the1990 - 91Gulf war), Romania and Senegal. He is
    currently chairman of the Foundation for Indo-Turkic Studies. The
    views expressed here are his own.- [email protected])