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Turkish-Israeli Ties Warming

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  • Turkish-Israeli Ties Warming

    Turkish-Israeli Ties Warming

    Baltimore Jewish Times (Baltimore, Maryland)
    April 27, 2005

    The recent announcement that Turkey's prime minister, will visit
    Israel is a signal that the two Middle Eastern allies may be coming to
    the end of a rocky period in their relationship, officials in Turkey
    and Israel say.

    "The significance for both sides is that the official declaration of
    the visit means that relations are back on track after a tough
    political year," Pinhas Avivi, Israel's ambassador to Turkey, told
    JTA. "The economic and security relations were not impacted, but I
    think" Recep Tayyip Erdogan's "visit will again solidify the political

    Erdogan, who heads the Islamic Justice and Development Party, is
    scheduled to depart for Israel on May 1 and spend two days there. He
    is expected to meet with his Israeli counterpart Ariel Sharon, Foreign
    Minister Silvan Shalom and President Moshe Katsav.

    Erdogan also will visit the Palestinian territories and meet with
    officials there.

    In many ways, the tension that grew between Jerusalem and Ankara
    stemmed from Erdogan's office. Several times, the Turkish prime
    minister described Israel's actions against the Palestinians as "state

    The criticism of Israel is believed to stem from two sources: the
    roots of Erdogan's party in Islamic fundamentalism, and the fact that
    Turkey can score political points in the Arab and Muslim world by
    blasting Israel, knowing that the Jewish state never reciprocates by
    criticizing Turkey's treatment of its minorities or its role in the
    Armenian genocide.

    The upcoming visit, Erdogan's first to Israel, has been in the works
    for a long time; the length of time it took to arrange it became yet
    another point of friction.

    In that sense, Erdogan's visit has important symbolic value, said
    Soner Cagaptay, an expert on Turkey at the Washington Institute for
    Near East Policy.

    "After the strained period of harsh remarks toward Sharon and his
    government, if this trip goes well and there is a deepening of
    understanding and dialogue, it would mean the return to normality for
    the Turkish-Israeli relationship," he said.

    "It's important for Erdogan and Sharon to meet in person, to create a
    channel of communication and to help them realize that they are both
    politicians," Cagaptay continued. "This will be a chance for them,
    especially for Erdogan," to show "that the other side is just a
    politician with human ambitions and nothing more."

    Turkey's relations with the United States also are strained
    now. American political and military officials continue to express
    disappointment over Turkey's refusal to allow U.S. troops to enter
    Iraq from the north, across the Turkish border, when the war in Iraq
    began two years ago.

    Washington also has been alarmed by a rise in anti-American sentiment
    in Turkey. One of the country's bestsellers, for example, is the
    fictional account of an American military invasion of Turkey.

    Erdogan is expected to visit the United States later in May, but
    Ephraim Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic
    Studies at Israel's Bar Ilan University, said Erdogan's visit to
    Israel is an indication that one of the roads to Washington goes
    through Jerusalem.

    "I think it's a signal to Washington" that Turkey wants to improve its
    relationship with the United States, "and could use Israel's help in
    doing that," Inbar said.

    Ankara also depends on the support of American Jewish organizations,
    who frequently have acted as the main lobbyists on Turkey's behalf in
    Washington. Jewish American leaders recently have expressed concerns
    about the strains between Turkey and both Israel and the United

    "If the trip is going to bring the period of the strains to an end,"
    and will help normalize the relationship between Turkey and Israel,
    "this would be one way of winning back the hearts of the American
    Jewish organizations," Cagaptay said.

    Despite the political tensions, Israeli and Turkish officials point
    out that other components of the relationship between the two
    countries - particularly trade and military cooperation - have not
    been affected. The level of annual trade between the two countries is
    now approaching $2 billion, up from $1.2 billion three years ago.

    Turkey also recently signed a $200 million deal to buy a sophisticated
    network of unmanned aerial vehicles and ground stations from
    Israel. Erdogan's visit - and an expected reciprocal trip by Sharon to
    Turkey - will help bring the relationship back to normal, Inbar said.

    "You have to invest in bilateral relations, especially with
    Turkey. This is a chance for Israel to invest in the relationship, to
    introduce Erdogan to the right people," Inbar said. "Maintenance is an
    important part of the relationship."

    This story reprinted courtesy of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.