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Pres. Kocharian's reply receives deep resonance in Turkey

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  • Pres. Kocharian's reply receives deep resonance in Turkey

    AZG Armenian Daily #076, 28/04/2005



    On April 13, Turkish press informed that Turkey's prime minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan sent a letter to RA President Robert Kocharian suggesting "to
    establish a joint group consisting of historians and other experts from our
    two countries to study the developments and events of 1915". The same they
    Turkish Huriyet newspaper hurried to noise abroad that the Armenian side
    turned the offer down, despite the fact that the letter reached Yerevan only
    on April 17.

    This disinformation aimed apparently at several targets: to picture Armenia
    as irreconcilable before the world community, to force Armenia reply the
    letter, to oppose the letter to activities directed to Genocide recognition
    and to signal the US President to be careful not to say pro-Armenian things
    in his traditional speech on occasion of Armenia Genocide on April 24.

    On April 26, President Kocharian replied to Erdogan's letter emphasizing
    that "governments are responsible for bilateral relations and we have no
    right to authorize historians. Thus we suggest as we did before to establish
    normal relations between the two states without preconditions. In this
    context there may be set an intergovernmental commission to discuss all
    bilateral issues with the aim to solve them and reach mutual understanding".

    Turkish foreign minister, Abdullah Gul, said in his televised appearance
    that he is just back from Luxemburg and has not yet received a copy of
    Kocharian's letter but the Foreign Ministry will carefully study it and will
    make assessments after which it will be presented to the prime minister and
    official announcement will follow. Contrary to Gul, CNN-Turk quoted Foreign
    Ministry employees as saying that the text of RA President's letter was
    predictable, by underlining inadmissibility of preconditions the Armenians
    want to start a dialogue with us without withdrawing from the Azeri
    territories and disowning genocide assertions and territorial claims.

    Those statements are possibly non-official statements of official circles
    aiming perhaps at checking out Armenian side's opposition. A non-official
    response came from Zaman daily's Turkish Armenian correspondent Etienne
    Mahcupyan who wrote, "Atmosphere in Turkish-Armenian relations has changed
    to positive. I think the US has its input in it. Armenia and Turkey are
    looking for ways to come closer. This is the period of reconciliation. From
    this respect, Armenia's step is very important. Turkey needs to avoid
    unnecessary sensitivity which will turn into an obstacle for it".

    Prof. Mensur Aqgyuz added to Mahcupyan's words, "This a sign of U-turn in
    Turkey-Armenia relations. Henceforth the relations between the two countries
    will take the course of improvement. Of course there is the Azeri factor.
    Nationalistic circles of Turkey may well show resistance. The government
    needs to be cautious and make careful steps. Improvement of Turkish-Armenian
    relations will contribute to improvement of our relations with the whole
    world. In this case it will be easier for Turkey to explain to the world
    that it recognizes the events of 1915 as 'tragedy' and not as 'genocide'. It
    will help us to put up with our history".

    Taha Aqyol from Yeni Safaq noted that "Kocharian is using a positive
    language not to leave impression of an irreconcilable. It's not honest.
    Honesty supposes that the sides will come closer slinging away worrying
    claims and provocations".

    By Hakob Chakrian