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TBILISI: Georgian troops not to replace Russians in Javakheti

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  • TBILISI: Georgian troops not to replace Russians in Javakheti

    Georgian troops not to replace Russians in ethnic Armenian area - president

    Imedi TV, Tbilisi
    28 Apr 05

    [Presenter] The format of President [Mikheil] Saakashvili's meeting
    with Armenian parliamentary speaker Artur Bagdasaryan has had to be
    changed because of Saakashvili's trip to Ninotsminda. He apologized to
    his Armenian guest and explained that he was going to
    Samtskhe-Javakheti to open a new Armenian school. Saakashvili also
    promised him that after the closure of the Russian base in
    Akhalkalaki, local Armenians would not be left unemployed.

    [Saakashvili, speaking at an open meeting with Bagdasaryan, in
    Russian] Unfortunately we have had to change the format of our meeting
    for the simple reason that I am flying to Ninotsminda, the biggest
    village in Ninotsminda [District], (?Tandzia). There we are building,
    today we are starting to build a new large Armenian school from
    scratch. It will be ready by 1 September.

    We are taking problems in Javakheti very seriously. We will start
    building a major road network there. We are not just repairing the
    road linking Akhaltsikhe and Akhalkalaki, but in the centre of
    Akhalkalaki I will provide additional funds to build and repair the
    road network there.

    In the autumn will we start building a major road from Tbilisi to
    Akhalkalaki, Akhaltsikhe and the Turkish border. It means that the
    road network will cover the whole region.

    We are beginning a large programme of social rehabilitation for people
    who are employed there, including those who currently work on the
    Russian military base. We will conduct a programme of social
    rehabilitation for all of them. We are not planning to open a new
    military unit there, but we are offering them places in nearby units
    for their existing pay, or even more, so that they serve in the
    Georgian armed forces. For those who do not want to do that, we will
    have a separate programme of social rehabilitation for them, such as
    business and other programmes, so they do not feel they are losing
    out. It should be the opposite. They must feel that the country is
    being rebuilt, that we are moving forward.

    We are very grateful to Armenia for their help in solving the energy
    problem in this region, and not only in this region. Last winter,
    problems in Tbilisi were more or less resolved thanks to Armenian
    electricity. We will develop these links and in the future we will buy
    this energy.

    We will do our utmost to ensure there are no problems with the transit
    of Armenian freight through Georgia. There will also be other
    contacts. Of course, we have very broad contacts but there is a
    painful issue [changes thought] - I had a very good conversation on
    this with [Armenian President] Robert Sedrakovich [Kocharyan] not long
    ago. Our conversations were much more successful than our skiing. They
    were really very good and useful for all of us.