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Prelate Congratulates Apostolic Nuncio in Washington

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  • Prelate Congratulates Apostolic Nuncio in Washington

    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America
    H.G. Bishop Moushegh Mardirossian
    Prelate, Western United States
    4401 Russell Avenue
    Los Angeles, CA 90027
    Tel: (323) 663-8273
    Fax: (323) 663-0438
    E-mail: [email protected]

    On the occasion of the election of the new Pope, His Eminence
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian sent the following congratultion
    letter to the Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, His Eminence Archbishop
    Gabriel Montalvo and the Prelates of the Roman Catholic Church in Los
    Angeles, San Francisco, Riverside County and Denver:

    Your Eminence,

    On behalf of the Clergy, Religious and Executive Councils and entire
    faithful of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of
    America, we greet Your Eminence and congratulate You on the blessed
    and joyous occasion of the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who
    has become Pope Benedict XVI, the worthy successor of the late Pope
    John Paul II.

    We also congratulate the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church on this
    historic event, praying to Almighty God to lead the mission of His
    Holiness as a faithful laborer to serve in the vineyard of our Lord.

    On this occasion, we humbly ask Your Eminence to convey our best
    wishes and prayers to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. We are confident
    that the newly elected Holy Father will further strengthen the
    ecumenical relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, as well as strive for the advancement of
    the collaboration between all Christian Churches and other religions
    that began during the pontificate of the late Pope.

    Yours in Christ,
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    Western United States of America