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Armenian NGO News in Brief - 04/29/2005

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  • Armenian NGO News in Brief - 04/29/2005


    Volume 2, No. 53,
    April, 2005

    This issue of the Newsletter is devoted to the AAA NGO Training and Resource
    Center's Grants Programs


    Our grants program was aimed at promoting social partnership mechanisms
    between NGOs and stakeholders, as well as advancing participation of NGOs in
    improving the conditions of disadvantaged populations. Funding of the grants
    program was provided by USAID. Eighteen NGOs received financial assistance
    totaling 141.938.832 AMD, which provided direct benefits to about 38.114
    disadvantaged individuals in Yerevan, Shirak, Gegharkunik, Tavush, Ararat
    and Lori regions. Below are brief descriptions of projects implemented by
    grantee NGOs.


    To increase employment opportunities within the civil service to disabled
    people with limited mobility, Galik NGO provided professional and
    psychological consultancy and training courses for the disabled. In addition
    to learning computer skills, 96 disabled people underwent Civil Service
    Employment training. They gained knowledge on legislation related to civil
    service employment and were informed about competition requirements and
    participation process. Sixteen have already participated in competitions;
    four have successfully passed the competitions and are now registered in the
    civil service system reserve system.

    Contact: Artur Sargsyan
    Galik NGO
    1 Jrashat St.
    Tel.: (374-1) 54-19-85; 56-53-54
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Against Epilepsy National Union NGO, through its Social Integration of
    Children with Epilepsy in Gyumri project, contributed to the early detection
    of epilepsy and the prevention of accidents which occur as a result of
    epileptic seizures. Training courses were conducted for the personnel of
    schools, kindergartens, hospitals and ambulance stations to raise their
    awareness on symptoms and manifestations of the disease. They developed
    first aid skills necessary. Educational materials were disseminated to the
    public-at-large. The NGO provided medical, social and psychological
    consultancies to people with epilepsy and ensured their undergoing necessary
    diagnostic examinations in the Erebuni Epileptological Center.

    Contact: Vahagn Darbinyan
    Against Epilepsy National Union NGO
    14 Titogradyan St.
    Tel.: (374-1) 47-49-31
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Addressing the issue of the disabled people's independent life, the Lusastgh
    Charitable Union NGO conducted training courses among disabled people and
    their nurses in Gyumri, Vanadzor, Spitak and Stepanavan. Beneficiaries
    gained knowledge on care, self-care, hygiene and as a result, developed
    important independent living skills. One outcome was that self-assistance
    groups were created to continue working with disabled people and their
    nurses needing assistance. Within the framework of the project, the NGO
    produced an educational film on organizing care and self-care. The NGO also
    published a brochure--Care, Self-Care For The Disabled--with both
    theoretical and practical recommendations. The publication will be a
    medical, psychological, social and professional guidebook for the disabled
    and their family members to independently organize their life to the extent

    Contact: Nune Pepanyan
    Lusastgh Charitable Union NGO
    Vanadzor, 2/4 Azatamartikneri St.
    Tel.: (374-51) 4-29-14
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Through its Social Partnership, Healthy Family, Strong Society project, the
    Shirak International Association NGO assisted those lonely mothers, ones
    with many children, juveniles, women abandoned by their husbands, and widows
    with children who are permanently subject to various risks. The NGO provided
    assistance in solving family problems and improving social conditions by
    promoting their activeness and integration into society. The NGO worked
    towards overcoming the psychological isolation of their target group. With
    this regard, developing skills and transferring knowledge through training
    courses was effective in terms of assisting the beneficiaries in dealing
    with state structures and independently solving their problems. Within the
    framework of the project, beneficiaries were provided with humanitarian
    assistance, consultancy, information and mediated assistance. Definite
    positive results, recorded during project implementation, prove that
    preventive activities conducted with risk group families and cooperation
    with other interested parties will only contribute to the effective solution
    of problems.

    Contact: Geghanush Gyunashyan
    Shirak International Association NGO
    Gyumri, 1/50 Isahakyan St.
    Tel.: (374-41) 3-06-74
    E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


    The Union of Seminarians NGO made a step forward in solving the pre-school
    preparation problem of children not attending kindergartens by educating 240
    vulnerable children. During project implementation, children gained basic
    knowledge, and their days were filled with games, aesthetic and handicraft
    activities. Once a day, the children were provided with a meal. Special
    efforts were made in developing gifted children's skills. Children with
    specific difficulties and behavioral problems were provided with
    psychological assistance. Thus, the NGO established level starting
    conditions for children not able to attend pre-school institutions, so they
    could enter school psychologically prepared and with the skills necessary
    for their age level.

    Contact: Khachik Hakobyan
    Union of Seminarians NGO
    Tel.: (374-1) 64-51-54, 64-01-02
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Paros Center for Educational and Cultural Development of the Disabled
    NGO helped vulnerable disabled people with mobility problems to lessen
    wounds and bedsores through home based medical care. Family members gained
    knowledge on first medical aid, developed relevant skills and now, they
    themselves are able to monitor the health conditions of their disabled
    family members through proper care. During project implementation, some of
    the disabled and representatives of other vulnerable groups learned computer
    skills. Others participated in singing classes. The NGO provided
    transportation for some beneficiaries to special gyms, where specialists
    worked with them and gave them recommendations on health rehabilitation and
    avoiding psychological complexes. Within the framework of the project,
    refugee and lonely mothers, as well as those with many children, and with
    disabled family members, learned sewing skills, providing them with a skill
    set which could open up employment opportunities. Currently a small sewing
    workshop is functioning, where the best of them were provided with jobs.
    Those wishing to get involved in these activities can contact the Paros NGO.

    Contact: Suren Ohanyan
    Paros Center For Educational And Cultural Development Of The Disabled NGO
    30/39 First Nork District
    Tel.: (374-1) 63-29-58
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Beneficiaries of the Haghartsin Youth NGO's project were schoolchildren from
    first to sixth grades of 13 schools in Yerevan. They obtained knowledge on
    personal, food and mouth hygiene, physical conditioning and bad habits. They
    received brochures on healthy lifestyles, hygiene and physical exercise. As
    stated by Haghartsin Youth NGO Chairman Robert Sukiasyan, the project was
    effective in terms of preventing diseases among schoolchildren and reducing
    the frequency of illness. Data collected and analyzed during project
    implementation will be presented to the Ministry of Science and Education,
    along with recommendations for applying the lessons learned in Armenia's
    educational system.

    Contact: Robert Sukiasyan
    Haghartsin Youth NGO
    Tel.: (374-1) 56-04-42
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Maternity Fund of Armenia Charitable NGO's project was aimed at raising
    awareness levels, providing integrated pre-natal and post-natal monitoring
    and care and protecting the interests of pregnant women, particularly
    socially vulnerable women, in the Kanaker-Zeytun community. During project
    implementation, 120 pregnant women were provided with antenatal counseling
    to ensure their medical observation. They participated in interactive
    training courses, conducted by an obstetrician-gynecologist, psychologist,
    pediatrician, legal specialist and social worker. Twenty booklets were
    provided to them. Visiting nurses provided assistance in household issues to
    pre-natal and post-natal, risk group pregnant women. Beneficiaries also
    received humanitarian assistance. It is anticipated that the experiences
    gained from this project can be shared with other communities.

    Contact: Susanna Aslanyan
    Maternity Fund Of Armenia Charitable NGO
    11 David Anhaght St., 6th floor
    Tel.: (374-1) 28-75-49, 28-35-75
    E-mail: [email protected]

    The Pan Armenian New Generation Youth Union NGO's project was aimed at
    solving the garbage management problem of the Vanadzor neighborhood.
    Household garbage and construction waste containers were placed, garbage
    removal schedules were developed, leaflets on the new waste removal system
    were distributed and video clips were broadcast on the NGO activities.
    Armen Matinyan
    Pan Armenian New Generation Youth Union NGO
    Vanadzor, 86/25 Aghayan St.
    Tel.: (374-51) 5-53-03, 2-12-07
    E-mail: [email protected]

    The Khachvogh Ughiner (Crossing Ways) Social NGO provided the Bazum
    community with information technologies and contributed to the improvement
    of living conditions for members of the neighborhood by creating a Community
    Development and Civic Initiative Center. The Center provides the following
    services to the community: developing computer skills and NGO capacity
    building training; free access to computers and the Internet; photocopying;
    presentation of educational films; and organizing games and out-of-school
    training. Latest editions of local and national newspapers are available for
    the population. The Bazum Newsletter is issued and various events for
    children are organized within the framework of the project. A database on
    target groups of the neighborhood was developed to ensure targeted community
    Narine Ghazaryan
    Khachvogh Ughiner (Crossing Ways) Social NGO
    Vanadzor, 147/29 Yerevanyan Khchughi
    Tel.: (374-51) 2-33-31, 5-57-29
    E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

    The Reflection Social and Economic NGO created sites for organizing outdoor
    rest and leisure time of the community population in the Bazum neighborhood.
    The entire community, local self-governing bodies and entrepreneurs were
    involved in solving their own problems; they participated in construction
    activities, fencing and tree plantings. As a result of this cooperation, the
    neighborhood population will have a playground and a park.
    Contact: Lilit Aramyan
    Reflection Social and Economic NGO
    Vanadzor, 59 Tigran Mets St., #48
    Tel.: (374-51) 2-35-63
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Gyumri based Ozone Young Men's Christian Association NGO's Supporting
    The Community project was aimed at raising the quality of life of families
    living in Yerevanian Highway district and Voghji village. Leisure time of
    lonely aged refugees was filled with various events. Five days a week they
    were provided with quality food. Computer and Armenian language classes were
    also organized for refugees aged 25-50. Another group of project
    beneficiaries were children of vulnerable and refugee families. Project
    staff helped them to prepare more difficult homework, organized games and
    cultural events, and provided foods. As stated by the Project Coordinator,
    "The activity considerably assisted to the refugee and vulnerable families
    in Yerevanian Khchughi district and Voghji village both from social and
    educational perspectives." The Voghji Mayority and the Gyumri Municipality
    were the NGO's partners within the framework of the project.

    Contact: Martin Petrossyan
    Ozone Young Men's Christian Association NGO
    Gyumri, 11 Paruir Sevak St.
    Tel.: (374-41) 3-29-94
    E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


    The Martuni Women's Community Council NGO met the urgent social needs of the
    lonely elderly by providing various social services, and developing
    self-assistance mechanisms of cooperation in the community. Providing food
    and hygiene products, primary healthcare services to those who have no
    opportunity to go out of their homes, other care, household services, legal
    consultancies, preparing legal documents, creating a day center for social
    and psychological support of the elderly - this is the list of services
    provided to the elderly in this community. As stated by one project
    beneficiary, "We - sick and isolated people - now feel that we are being
    cared for and that we are part of the community."

    Contact: Anahit Gevorgyan
    Martuni Women's Community Council NGO
    Martuni, 8 Proshian St.
    Tel.: (374-62) 4-43-00; 4-36-04
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Prkutiun Center of Disabled Children NGO created integration groups
    allowing the mentally retarded children to learn painting, needlework,
    knitting, pottery and rice-grain decoration together with healthy children.
    The disabled children developed computer skills and were provided with
    psychological assistance. During the project implementation, seminars were
    organized and TV clips aired by national TV stations to draw public
    attention on the disabled.

    Contact: Arpenik Abrahamyan
    Prkutiun Center of Disabled Children NGO
    33 Chekhov St.
    Tel.: (374-1) 42-78-50; 42-65-84; (374-9) 38-34-81
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO's For A Toxic-Free
    Future In Armenia project goal was to reduce the risk of exposure of
    pesticides on human health and environment in Ararat region. Dissemination
    of factsheets, information sheets, posters, newspaper articles and
    organizing TV programs and performances were aimed at raising the awareness
    of the population of ten villages on pesticides and their harmful impact on
    health. To promote cooperation with local and regional authorities,
    healthcare institutions and NGOs, seminars, lectures and other meetings on
    the topic Preventing Exposure of Pesticides were organized.

    Contact: Elena Manvelyan
    Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO
    24D Baghramyan Ave., room 609
    Tel. (374-1) 52-36-04
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Pharmprogress Youth NGO's project title was Increasing Awareness On Safe
    And Rational Medicine Usage Among Representatives of Economic and Social
    Risk Groups in Yerevan. Cooperating with the Health and Social Welfare
    Department of the Yerevan Municipality and eight policlinics in Yerevan, the
    NGO ensured the provision of Armenian and English versions of instructions
    of medicines disseminated by Yerevan policlinics to vulnerable groups, and
    their participation in training courses on safe usage of medicines. Hotline
    was also functioning on medicine substitutes and their obtaining on
    affordable prices.

    Contact: Hrant Danagulyan
    Pharmprogress Youth NGO
    18 Heratsi St.,
    Tel.: (374-1) 57-82-05, 57-82-04
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The Noyemberyan based Yerevak NGO's Developed Communities project
    beneficiaries were refugees and socially vulnerable groups of the border
    communities of the region. They were provided with free legal consultancy
    and information. During the project implementation, they developed computer,
    as well as business skills by training courses titled How To Start Own
    Business. Roundtable discussions were organized and live broadcast on the
    local TV channel with participation of community members, local authorities,
    NGOs and businessmen. Discussing issues related to citizen-local
    authority-NGOs cooperation, taxation, social services, social security and
    employment and their clarification by specialists contributed to the further
    cooperation of mentioned parties.

    Contact: Sasha Gishyan
    Yerevak NGO
    Noyemberyan, 14 Zoravar Andranik St.
    Tel.: (374-66) 2-26-05; 2-27-05


    The Lusatsir Charitable NGO created elderly support centers in five
    communities in the Tavush region. The centers were located in border
    villages and provided health, social and legal individual consultancies to
    beneficiaries. Their leisure time was also organized through watching TV,
    playing table games and meetings with other community members and
    representatives of local authorities. The centers were also replenished with
    literature and latest editions of newspapers.

    Contact: A. Zurabyan
    Lusatsir Charitable NGO
    Noyemberyan, 3 Barekamutian St.
    Tel.: (374-66) 2-10-46


    This is another Grants Program of AAA NGOC with the goal of promoting the
    institutional development of local Armenian NGOs towards their more
    effective involvement in delivering social and/or primary healthcare
    services and information. The idea of the grants program is to enable NGOs
    to implement their strategic plans. Grants up to 8,400,000 AMD were awarded
    to eight indigenous NGOs from Yerevan and the Tavush, Shirak and Lori
    regions to implement projects addressing the development of their human,
    service, financial, external relations and physical capacities. As a result
    of their various projects, databases on beneficiaries were created, public
    relations tools were published, new members and volunteers were recruited
    and trained, literature, equipment and office furniture was obtained,
    fundraising events were organized and branch offices were enhanced. The
    grantee NGOs are: Meghvik Children and Youth NGO; Greatmed
    Scientific-Medical NGO; Maternity Fund of Armenia Charitable Public
    Organization; YMCA of Vanadzor; Yerevak; Women's Rights Center; Asup
    Benevolent Social Organization; Ozone YMCA. Funding of the grants program
    was provided by USAID.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    Armenian NGO News in Brief is a publication of the NGO Training and Resource
    Center (NGOC) issued in the Armenian, English and Russian languages for
    electronic dissemination inside and outside Armenia. Primary funding for
    the NGOC, which is a project of the Armenian Assembly of America, is
    provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
    Individual NGOs are welcome to submit information for publication to the
    NGOC. The NGO Center is not responsible for the clarity of information
    provided by individual NGOs.

    Dear Readers,

    The not-for-profit, non-governmental sector of Armenia is rich with diverse
    civic initiatives and activities. This electronic publication, though far
    from covering all activities of the sector per any given period of time, is
    intended to contribute to raising awareness, both inside and outside
    Armenia, of the activities of Armenian not-for-profit, non-governmental

    Your comments and feedback about this electronic publication are greatly

    Thank you.
    NGOC staff.

    Contact Information:

    In Armenia:
    Armenian Assembly of America
    NGO Training and Resource Center
    39 Yeznik Koghbatsi St.,
    Yerevan 375010
    Tel.: (3-741) 54-40-12; 54-40-13; 53-92-04
    Fax: (3-741) 54-40-15
    E-mail: [email protected]

    In the United States:
    Armenian Assembly of America
    NGO Training and Resource Center
    122 C Street NW, Suite 350
    Washington, DC 20001 USA
    Tel: (202) 393-3434
    Fax: (202) 638-4904
    E-mail: [email protected]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress