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BAKU: Armenia should be excluded from CoE

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  • BAKU: Armenia should be excluded from CoE

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    April 28 2005

    [April 28, 2005, 13:37:57]

    Armenia bearing series of diplomatic failures, in particular,
    undergone criticism in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
    Europe and officially represented in a number of documents of the
    Council of Europe as a country - aggressor, resorts to the most
    various provocations.

    In 2001, when Azerbaijan and Armenia were admitted to the Council of
    Europe, among their basic obligations was peace settlement of the
    military conflict. However, Armenia uses various means to prevent
    settlement of the conflict by diplomatic way. At the same time, it
    declares that Azerbaijan is ostensibly going to solve the problem in
    military way. Consecutive infringement by Armenia of ceasefire regime
    testifies to its intention to involve Azerbaijan in open military

    Addressing in the Ministerial Committee of the Council of Europe, the
    Armenians, taking out from the context of interview which during
    various times were given by a number of Azerbaijani officials,
    distort ideas, trying to create such representation that Azerbaijan
    ostensibly supports the military way of settlement of the conflict.

    In the next document prepared by member of the permanent delegation
    of Azerbaijan in PACE Rafael Huseynov, exposing this false activity
    of the Armenians, it is marked, that, as a matter of fact, Armenia
    itself tries to untie military operations. In the document submitted
    in the Ministerial Committee, titled `Intentions and attempts of
    Armenia to continue aggression against Azerbaijan in the military
    way', it is stated:

    `During admission into the Council of Europe, one of the basic
    obligations of Armenia consisted in achievement of peace settlement
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.
    However, it is already for 5 years Armenia evidently shows absence of
    intention to carry out this task, as well as a number of other
    obligations accepted before the Council of Europe. Recently, in
    particular, in second half of 2004 and in the first months 2005,
    Armenia with a view of provocation consistently breaks the ceasefire
    regime proceeding already for 10 years. Besides, it is carried out
    not only in the territories which are directly included in zone of
    the conflict, but also on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border which are
    taking place far enough from zone of the conflict and in completely
    other direction. In result, for the expired period, besides soldiers
    of national army of Azerbaijan, as a result of bombardment by the
    Armenian armed forces, were lost tens peaceful citizens of

    All these actions of the Armenian side have openly provocative
    character, solution of the problem are directed to diplomatic way on
    prevention by all means and mean instigation to settlement of the
    conflict in military way.

    As Armenia, which the Council of Europe in the official documents
    openly recognizes as aggressor, and the Nagorno-Karabakh regime which
    it regards as separatist, realizes persistence of the international
    public in settlement of the question in diplomatic way and their
    unfair, unprofitable position in this sense, they see a way out to
    kindling military operations, transformation of temporarily frozen
    military conflict into open war. Infringement with special intensity
    by Armenia of ceasefire is connected to it. While the truth consists
    in it, the Armenian side distributes messages and accusations that
    Azerbaijan is ostensibly interested in settlement of the conflict by
    military way'.

    Taking into account the listed facts, deputy R. Huseynov has
    addressed to the Ministerial Committee with the following question:

    `What measures the Committee of Ministers is going to take for
    prevention of attempts of Armenia to expand scales of aggression
    against Azerbaijan, its initiatives to proceed active military
    operations, its instigations to military way of settlement of the
    conflict and whether there has come time to apply against Armenia -
    aggressive member of the Council of Europe - resolute sanctions, to
    exclude it from this structure which is not worthy?'

    Predictably, the document in the near future will be discussed in the
    Ministerial Committee, and the Azerbaijan side will present for these
    discussions and other facts openly testifying to falsification of the