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Press Release: Armenian-Australian Community Outraged At False Repor

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  • Press Release: Armenian-Australian Community Outraged At False Repor

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia & New Zealand
    10 Macquarie Street
    Chatswood NSW 2067
    Contact: Laura Artinian
    Tel: (02) 9419-8056
    Fax: (02) 9904-8446
    Email: [email protected]

    6 August 2005


    Sydney, Australia - The Armenian-Australian Community was outraged
    this week demanding an apology and full retraction of a falsely
    reported column headlined "Pope Shot by Armenian Gunman" posted in
    The Canberra Times on 4 August 2005. The correspondent erroneously
    reported the would-be assassin of His Holiness Pope John Paul II of
    blessed memory, in May 1981, was of Armenian origin. Mehmet Ali Agca
    was in fact a Turkish militant with absolutely no Armenian connection.

    The outpouring of rage and resentment by the local and international
    Armenian Community at such sloppy journalism is totally justifiable
    particularly when The Canberra Times claims to be "Canberra's primary
    source of news, views and advertising information" and bears as its
    motto 'To serve the national city and through it the nation'.

    Letters denouncing the Armenian link to the Turkish assassin,
    the falsity of the report and the slur on the Armenian name were
    affirmed to the Editor calling for an unequivocal apology. All
    Armenian organisations and individuals are urged to make their own
    protest against this profound mistruth, in a voice of unity that is
    blasphemous for Armenians.

    In his letter to The Canberra Times, Primate of the Diocese of the
    Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand, His Eminence Archbishop
    Aghan Baliozian wrote ~ "I trust this egregious and damaging error will
    elicit an immediate and sincere apology to the Armenian-Australian
    Community. In turn, as true followers of Christ's teachings, and as
    the example set by His Holiness in forgiving Agca for the error of
    his ways, the Armenian-Australian Community will forgive The Canberra
    Times for the gross error it has made."

    A response from The Canberra Times is pending.