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Azerbaijan: Does Wahhabism Pose A Threat?

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  • Azerbaijan: Does Wahhabism Pose A Threat?

    Azerbaijan: Does Wahhabism Pose A Threat?

    RFE/RL Sunday
    07 August 2005

    By Liz Fuller

    Addressing a 3 August conference in Baku on "Religion and National
    Security," Rafik Aliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijani government's
    Committee for Work with Religious Formations, warned that the increased
    activity of "Wahhabis," meaning members of radical and/or unregistered
    Islamic groups, poses a threat to political stability in Azerbaijan in
    the run-up to the 6 November parliamentary elections. Reports of at
    least one, possibly two National Security Ministry operations against
    Wahhabis in recent weeks would seem to substantiate Aliyev's apprehension.

    The first such crackdown took place on the night of 12-13 July, when
    National Security Ministry personnel raided the village of Novkhany near
    Baku, killing two "armed Wahhabis" and arresting six others. Some 30
    more suspected Wahhabi sympathizers were apprehended in the district in
    the following days, reported on 4 August, quoting the father of
    Emil Novruzov, one of the young men in question.

    Also on 4 July, the National Security Ministry refuted media reports
    that its operatives arrested 11 Wahhabis during a raid on a Baku mosque
    the previous day and are monitoring attendance at several other mosques.

    In the wake of the July arrests, Azerbaijani Deputy Interior Minister
    Vilayat Eyubov was quoted by as saying that he does not believe
    the situation in Azerbaijan is conducive to the spread of Wahhabism. "I
    do not believe that they will be able to put down roots in Azerbaijan
    and attain their desired [objective]," he was quoted as saying. At the
    same time, Eyubov admitted that there is a constant flow of information
    about suspected Wahhabi sympathizers, and that information is
    systematically evaluated.

    In contrast, popular Imam Ilgar Ibrahimoglu believes that Wahhabism does
    indeed pose a danger for Azerbaijan. Ibrahimoglu told that
    "it is no secret to anyone that radical Wahhabi groups have been active
    in Azerbaijan for several years," and that there is no indication of a
    weakening of that trend. Ibrahimoglu attributed the appeal of Wahhabism
    to the lack of democracy, frequent human rights violations, and the
    authorities' clumsy repression of less radical but unregistered
    religious communities. (Ibrahimoglu's own Djuma Mosque in Baku has been
    subjected to repeated pressure and harassment over the past two years.)

    Parliament deputy Ramiz Akhmedov blamed the growing popularity of
    radical Islam on the "primitive, 19th-century" approach of the
    officially registered Muslim clergy that, he claimed, alienates
    believers and impels them to seek "pure Islam," reported on
    18 January. Some, Akhmedov continued, opt for Shi'a Islam, some for
    Sunni Islam, and others for a third alternative that he did not name.
    Adherents of radical Islam then seek to take advantage of young
    believers' interest in studying the fundamentals of their faith. And
    supplying such knowledge has apparently become a major industry:
    Akhmedov pointed out that religious literature is freely available both
    in Baku and elsewhere, written in contemporary Azerbaijani and printed
    in both the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets.

    According to on 4 August, Wahhabism has taken root above all
    in the northern and central districts of Azerbaijan, and in Baku. That
    geographical pattern suggest that Wahhabism first penetrated from
    Daghestan, which borders on Azerbaijan to the north. So-called Wahhabis
    in several remote villages challenged the Daghestani authorities in
    1999, and the Russian media consistently blame Islamic fundamentalists
    for the almost daily terrorist bombings and killings in that republic.

    The online daily similarly registered a strong Wahhabi
    presence in northern Azerbaijan, but in an article on 18 January
    entitled "The 'Wahhabization' of Azerbaijan is continuing," it claimed
    that there is also a Wahhabi presence in the south of the country. The
    same article listed other ways in which young Azerbaijani believers are
    exposed to radical Islam: when studying theology abroad, and while on
    pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

    Former Deputy National Security Minister Sulhaddin Akper enumerated
    various ways in which the Azerbaijani authorities could counter Wahhabi
    propaganda: by raising the level of religious education, screening more
    stringently applications from persons wishing to perform the hajj, and
    lodging a formal protest with the government of Saudi Arabia, which is
    perceived as an exporter of radical Islam. Akper said it is up to both
    the Foreign Ministry and Azerbaijan's official religious bodies to take
    appropriate action.

    But according to the government's Committee for Work with Religious
    Formations Chairman Aliyev, the Board of Muslims of the Caucasus (UMK),
    instead of acting to avert the subversion of Islam in Azerbaijan by
    radical tendencies, is actively encouraging them. Aliyev claimed in
    mid-July that on two occasions within the previous three months, state
    customs officials have intercepted and confiscated consignments of
    radical Islamic literature addressed to the UMK. Aliyev said the first
    consignment of books weighed 14 tons and the second 10 tons.

    But UMK officials claimed that the literature in question was in Arabic,
    Uzbek, and Kazakh, and was intended for shipment to Uzbekistan. They
    said the consignments were sent to Baku "by mistake." On 4 August,
    Caucasus Press quoted Aliyev as saying customs officials intercepted a
    further consignment of radical literature two days earlier, and that
    such shipments are sent to Azerbaijan via Turkey and Georgia.

    Speaking at the 3 August conference on "Religion and National Security,"
    Aliyev said that he thinks the recent arrests of "Wahhabis" were
    justified, according to on 4 August. He called for "serious"
    work to explain government policy to the leaders of religious
    communities in the run-up to the 6 November election.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress