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Armenia: Development

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  • Armenia: Development

    Armenia: Development
    Davit Lokian
    Minister of Agriculture of Armenia
    Dear readers,

    Between July 18 and 25, 2005, you had an opportunity to address your
    questions on the Yerkir's website to DAVIT LOKIAN, Minister of
    Agriculture of Armenia.

    Below are the answers to your questions. See the full version of the
    interview in Armenian.

    Thank you for your active participation: Spartak Seyranian,
    editor-in-chief of "Yerkir" Weekly.

    Mrav - Dear Mr Minister. For 2 years now, thanks God, all the dams of
    Armenia are full of water. Specially the Akhourian dam. But most
    villagers in dry Aragatsotn do not have the water on time, and the
    employees of water administration prefer to let the water go to the
    Turks, rather than to giveto the peasants. Same thing was reported in
    the Tchoghas dam basin recently. Why can't we fix this existential
    question? Do you have new irrigation plans for Shirak, Aragatsotn dry

    Davit Lokian - Thank you for appreciating the work that has been done
    in the past two years. However, there are still lands where we have
    problems. Thatis why the government is directing $170 million to
    fixing the irrigation system. The Aragatsotn and Shirak regions are
    included in the Millennium Challenge program of the US
    government. Besides, the Armenian government in cooperation with the
    World Bank is implementing local projects in Gehgarkunik, Shirak,
    Aragatsotn and Lori regions. I believe the irrigation problem will be
    wholly resolved in Armenia in the coming 3-4 years. The water we lose
    because we give it to neighbors will be much less since it is going to
    stay in the reservoirs currently under construction or directed to the
    irrigation system.

    Eric - You worked as a Minister of Urban Development for couple of
    years before being nominated as a Minister of Agriculture of
    Armenia. In both cases you did not have any experience in the fields
    you were/are in charge of. What if next time Dashnaktsutyun party
    receives a vacant post of the Minister of Health or the Minister of
    the Education? Will you agree to become a Minister in one of those
    Ministries? Do not you think one should know what he/she does before
    seating on a ministerial chair and expect foreign consultants to
    literate them in the work they were supposed to know before agreeing
    on the Ministerial posts? Do not you think that appointment of
    `strangers in the fields' as Ministers in current Government holds
    back the development of Armenian economy? Unfortunately, there are
    many cases of `strangers' occupying the ministerial chairs in the
    current Government, don't you think. Anyways, I will appreciate your
    honest and open answer. Thanks

    Davit Lokian - Let me state first that the Ministry of Health is
    headed by one of our party members; the Ministry of Education was
    headed in the past by Levon Mkrtchian. I have no much of a desire to
    change ministries but if there are serious problems in a ministry in
    terms of governance or clarifying of general principles and when the
    government and my party had deemed necessary, I have tried to work and
    resolve the problems. It is the head of the country and my party
    comrades that are to evaluate my performance. Eric, let me assure you
    that I have no intention to head the Education or Health Ministries. I
    suggest we could meet if Eric finds it possible to understand what his
    criteria are when evaluating a minister's performance, and how much he
    knows about the ministers' work.

    Vazgen - Is it true that the Lebanon-based branch of the ARF has
    rejected the socialist doctrine and instead endorsed capitalism? if I
    am not mistaken, that's the largest branch of the ARF and so why is
    the ARF a member of the socialist international?

    Davit Lokian - I am not aware, and I believe that no such thing is

    See the full version of the interview in Armenian.