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Azerbaijan: Spy Scandal Continues To Raise More Qs Than As

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  • Azerbaijan: Spy Scandal Continues To Raise More Qs Than As

    Azerbaijan: Spy Scandal Continues To Raise More Questions Than Answers

    Wednesday, 10 August 2005

    The Azerbaijani authorities and supporters and associates of Ruslan
    Bashirli, leader of the opposition youth movement Yeni Fikir, have
    offered widely diverging accounts of, and explanations for, the events
    that culminated in Bashirli's arrest last week on charges of plotting
    to overthrow the Azerbaijani leadership.

    According to a statement released on 4 August by the Azerbaijani
    Prosecutor-General's Office, Bashirli traveled in late July to Tbilisi
    at the behest of his mentor, Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (AHCP)
    Chairman Ali Kerimli. On the sidelines of a conference, Bashirli is
    said to have met with three men, one ethnic Georgian and two
    Armenians, all of them Armenian intelligence agents, and told them he
    was working on instructions from the U.S. National Democratic
    Institute to prepare for a revolution in Azerbaijan. His interlocutors
    reportedly expressed approval, promised help, and presented him with
    an initial payment of $2,000 to help fund the revolution, promising to
    provide a further $20,000 within days.

    One of the Armenians then informed Bashirli that the encounter had
    been filmed, including his acceptance of and signing a receipt for the
    $2,000. The Armenian reportedly told Bashirli that if he reneged on
    his promise to cooperate, the incriminating film footage would be
    handed over to the Azerbaijani authorities.

    Bashirli was accompanied to Tbilisi by his deputy, Osman Alimuradov,
    who, according to on 4 August, was reluctant to collaborate
    with the Armenians and who denounced Bashirli to the authorities on
    his return to Baku. Bashirli was duly apprehended on 3 August.

    In an interview with Azerbaijan's Lider TV on 6 August, a transcript
    of which was posted on on 8 August, Azerbaijani
    Prosecutor-General Zakir Garalov quoted from what he said was a
    written statement by Alimuradov. Alimuradov said he spent the night
    after the meeting with the three Armenian agents brooding over the
    implications of the course of action Bashirli had agreed to, and came
    to the conclusion that it was morally wrong. He said he tried to
    persuade Bashirli after their return to Baku to abandon the entire
    undertaking, but Bashirli said they should wait to do so until he
    received the additional $20,000. Therefore, according to Alimuradov,
    he decided to hand over to the Azerbaijani authorities the video
    footage of the meeting he was given by the Armenian.

    A Crude Fabrication?

    Bashirli's fellow oppositionists, however, have dismissed the
    prosecutor-general's account as a crude and clumsy fabrication
    intended to discredit the AHCP in the run-up to the 6 November
    parliamentary election, and Kerimli personally. Bashirli himself
    reportedly told his attorney, Elchin Garalov, on 8 August that he was
    being pressured to incriminate Kerimli, whom the website on 6
    August identified as one of Azerbaijan's most popular and respected
    opposition politicians. The online daily on 6 August
    quoted pro-government political scientist Mubariz Akhmedoglu as saying
    Bashirli is clearly guilty of treason, and the links between him and
    the AHCP are adequate grounds for revoking that party's official

    Speaking at a press conference in Baku on 5 August, two deputy
    chairmen of Yeni Fikir, Said Nuriev and Fikret Faramazoglu, said that
    Bashirli was offered the $2,000 by representatives of Georgian and
    Armenian "democratic forces." They said he was drunk at the time, and
    hypothesized that his drink may have been spiked. They said that the
    following day, Bashirli returned the money.

    Both the official charges against Bashirli and the opposition
    objections to those charges are based on the incriminating video
    materials, which show Bashirli sipping cognac in the company of three
    men and uttering incriminating statements. Specifically, he is said to
    have agreed to the proposal made by one of the Armenian agents to take
    advantage of the tense domestic political situation in Azerbaijan, and
    even open fire at an opposition demonstration.

    Questions About Video

    But Bashirli's lawyer Gambarov told journalists in Baku on 8 August
    that the video footage was edited, and that Bashirli's words were
    "taken out of context," reported on 9 August. Moreover, as
    several Azerbaijani commentaries have pointed out, Bashirli's drunken
    pronouncements cannot be conflated with a statement of intent to
    overthrow the present leadership.

    Even more problematic than the content of the videocassette is the way
    the Azerbaijani authorities allegedly acquired it. As Bashirli's
    lawyer Gambarov observed on 8 August, "No intelligence service in the
    world would hand over a videocassette with compromising footage to
    someone whom it was seeking to co-opt. "

    In an article entitled "Armenian recruitment or planned operation?"
    the independent online daily on 6 August similarly asked
    why the Armenians should have given the cassette to Alimuradov. Are
    the Armenian special services really so stupid, the daily asked, that
    they would play into the hands of their Azerbaijani counterparts?

    The daily further noted that the Azerbaijani Prosecutor-General's
    Office acted unprofessionally in immediately making public the
    contents of the cassette, rather than handing it to the National
    Security Ministry to permit it to try to identify, and obtain more
    watertight evidence against, the purported Armenian agents.
    went to far as to suggest that the case against Bashirli was
    fabricated by the Azerbaijani authorities. But Akhmedoglu dismissed
    that possibility, telling on 6 August that "I do not think that
    the Azerbaijani authorities are powerful enough to try to manipulate
    the Armenian special services or certain Georgian circles."

    What Lies Beneath

    Pending the emergence of new evidence, it is impossible at this
    juncture to determine with any certainty which of the above hypotheses
    is correct. But if, as Bashirli's supporters claim, the case against
    him was fabricated in Baku, then the question arises: by whom, and to
    what end? Was it simply a bid to discredit Kerimli and his party in
    the run-up to the 6 November ballot, or even to trigger widespread
    unrest that could be adduced for postponing that ballot?

    Or could the real object of the exercise be totally different? Given
    the rumored existence of rival factions within the upper echelons of
    the Azerbaijani leadership, was the hapless Bashirli simply a pawn in
    a larger scheme either to embarrass President Ilham Aliyev and call
    into question his professed commitment to building a democratic
    society, or to reignite popular hostility towards Armenia at a point
    when Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe mediators
    have expressed cautious optimism that a negotiated settlement to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict may be closer than ever before?