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Jihadists and Lager Louts: Blair's Tsurris

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  • Jihadists and Lager Louts: Blair's Tsurris

    Jihadists and Lager Louts: Blair's Tsurris

    Jewish Comment .com
    Thursday 11th Aug 2005 at 00:20

    Contributed by : Carol Gould

    [tsurris - Yiddish word for miserable problems]


    It is the day before Thursday yet again, and in London we tend to get
    nervy at this point in the week because July 7th and 21st were
    Thursdays. It is worrying that tomorrow is 11 August (Madrid happened
    on the 11th and of course 9/11 ..) and that eight and eleven add up to
    nineteen. In recent years radical groups operating without
    interference inside the UK have celebrated September 11th with
    veneration of the `Magnificent Nineteen.'

    So, here we are being told by the Metropolitan Police that the next
    attack is not a matter of if, but when. Intelligence gatherers have
    declared that the attack will centre on the City of London, our
    financial district. It is vulgar to try to blow one's own trumpet and
    say `I told you so' at times like these, but for years in these
    columns we have been lamenting the rhetoric being used by radical
    organisations throughout the British Isles. Tonight on the news Avi
    Dichter, the head of the Israeli security services, the Shin Bet, said
    it is vital to nip the terror in the bud. He cited the targeted
    killings of major militants using military helicopters.

    Assassinations from helicopters hovering overhead will never happen in
    London. However, reading an interview with Hassan Butt, a Muslim
    activist in the UK who cares nothing for Britain and does not have any
    feelings about the killing of Londoners, one could imagine an enraged
    reader taking in the comments by Butt and wanting to throttle this
    young radical. Butt had been vociferous about the grievances of
    British Muslims just after September 11th, 2001. Four years later, his
    sentiments have not changed.

    This provokes a far-fetched but, we think, valid premise: does the
    death of six million in the Holocaust give licence to Jews around the
    world to blow up Germans? Does the 1915 massacre give Armenians the
    right to go out and slaughter Turks? British Muslim leaders have taken
    to wheeling out events from the founding of Islam to the present day
    as unresolved issues needing a renewed, brave confrontation with the
    West. In a disturbing poll conducted by the BBC today, only 29% of
    British Muslims questioned said they think they should integrate into
    British society. I am moved to look up at the wall of my living room
    and gaze at the photograph of my late grandfather, Harry, who is
    dressed as a Yankee Doodle Dandy and, with a moustachioed pal, waves a
    fistful of American flags. This photograph was likely taken in 1910,
    and both young men look ecstatic. They are so thrilled to be in
    America, even if they can barely speak the language. As Janet Daley,
    the expatriate American columnist observed on BBC `A Question of
    Security,' Britain does not have any structures in place to make
    immigrants feel they are being inducted into a special and exciting
    national identity, whereas the United States makes citizenship an
    experience and celebration.

    The only instance in American history in which hatred of the nation
    spilled over into civil disobedience was the height of the civil
    rights movement, when radical elements influenced public figures and
    sportsmen to raise their fists in the Black Power gesture rather than
    singing the Star-Spangled Banner. These African Americans did indeed
    have a grievance, but what has Britain done to harm the scores of
    angry young Muslims spewing fury in the media and on the streets, and
    who burned the Union Jack and US flag in Grosvenor Square in May of
    this year? I asked Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about this at the
    World Affairs Council in Philadelphia that same week and he seemed
    lost for words; what, when all is said and done, can the nations'
    leaders do to placate these viscerally angry, British-born militants?
    They have been given every opportunity in this country and many have
    claimed tens of thousands in state benefits including housing, child
    support, Incapacity Benefit, mobility cars, free pills plus medical,
    optical and dental care and Income Support. The thanks the British
    taxpayer gets is pronouncements from these non-workers that Jihad is
    now in full swing and that the `covenant of security' ( the passive
    acceptance of radical activity by British authorities over the past
    decades) ended with the re-election of Tony Blair.

    Last year I had a vision of Britons waking up one morning to be
    greeted by streets filled with tens of thousands of young men with
    AK-47 machine guns, mowing us down in a giant Jihadist insurgency. The
    people to whom I mooted this `remote view' of things to come must have
    thought me close to lunacy. This week, the `Independent' newspaper
    reports that intelligence sources feel there is a trained and ready
    insurgency inside the British Isles armed with Kalashnikov and AK47
    equipment. Reading Hassan Butt's comments in today's London newspapers
    that Jihad is coming and that he has utter contempt for British
    values, one can only feel that we are in a situation in which we have
    `shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.'

    Turning to the troubles within white British society, tonight's main
    BBC and ITV news addressed the national crisis of alcoholism. It is a
    disease out of control; where Britons go, their reputation for
    loutishness and violent, abusive behaviour under the influence of
    massive amounts of alcohol follows with dread in Europe. Last year I
    was in a fashionable French restaurant with American friends with whom
    I had been commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of D Day in
    Normandy. There was a loud commotion and soon we could see that a
    group of heavily inebriated British tourists had become violent . The
    Gendarmes arrived and we watched in disbelief as the Britons reeled
    and collapsed onto the floor. They were so drunk they could not
    stand. It was impossible for the officers to lead them out because
    they were unable to walk. How many times one has seen this over the
    years; the tragedy is that this sort of drinking now plagues the
    young. On the BBC images were shown of pleasant and decorous behaviour
    by pub patrons in the 1960s. Today, describing the state of our
    drinking culture, Judge Charles Harris QC said, 'These people are
    simply savages.'

    This takes me to the other major story in Britain: the continuing rage
    in Manchester over the purchase of its legendary soccer team by
    American Malcolm Glazer. Fans staged a protest and the images on
    television were enough to convince a viewer that the Glazer sons
    should steer clear of Manchester and perhaps the United Kingdom
    altogether. The anger of the fans was frightening. At a time when
    Britain is threatened with a Lebanon-style internal insurgency from a
    legion of Jihadists, Britons continue to get into a fury about an
    American running Manchester United. We had letters form furious
    readers who said we did not understand British culture and not to
    comment on soccer, but can anyone reading this imagine a crowd of
    Americans threatening the life of a Briton who had bought, say, the
    New York Yankees or Philadelphia Eagles?

    What do these issues -- loutishness and soccer rage -- have to do with
    the Jihadists? For those of us who were purveyors of fine culture in
    theatre, film and television we have seen this great tradition
    vanish. Scouring the pages of `The Evening Standard' newspaper one can
    find no new writing in the West End theatre. Every show is a revival
    or a re-hash of an American musical. Thirty years ago London was the
    world's nerve centre for new writing : Tom Stoppard, Harold Pinter,
    Alan Bennett, Michael Frayn, Peter Nichols and other giants of the
    creative world were generating a classic a month. Now, British theatre
    and television are mired in a doldrums the likes of which can only be
    called a tragedy. Into this maelstrom of a disappearing British
    cultural identity come the Jihadists. It would be absurd to say that
    impeccable behaviour at soccer games; the presence of Olivier, Gielgud
    and Richardson on the West End stage and responsible pub conduct would
    make the Jihadists have some respect for the culture they are expected
    to absorb. What would make life in Britain more pleasant would be a
    return to the days of glamour, elegance and dignity that characterised
    daily discourse in this island nation. The idea that Gordon Ramsay and
    Anne Robinson (her humiliation of contestants never ceases to horrify
    me) are major celebrities is an indicator of the vast earthquake in
    British society that has taken place in the past decade.

    The Jihadists must be confronted and dealt with, but our own crumbling
    society also needs attention. When the terrorists go, we may be left
    with our own terror. The bottle must cease dominating our lives. The
    solution to this nightmare, which is seeing children as young as
    thirteen years of age in hospital with liver failure, will be an
    uphill struggle. Perhaps our geneticists should research the reason
    why alcohol is so abhorrent to Jewish youth! A world without Jihadists
    and lager louts is too much to hope for but a troubled Britain,
    preparing for Olympics 2012, will have to start somewhere. The message
    to Tony Blair? Get real.