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Gibrahayer - Nicosia - 08/10/2005

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  • Gibrahayer - Nicosia - 08/10/2005

    [email protected]

    The largest circulation Armenian
    online e-magazine on the WWW

    Friday, August 05, 2005. Vanity Fair has an interview with FBI whistle
    blower Sibel Edmonds, who was fired "after she accused a colleague of
    covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals". Among others,
    Edmonds says wiretaps of the Turkish Consulate reveal remarks by a Turkish
    official who claims the price for the Speaker of the House of
    Representatives Dennis Hastert to withdraw the Armenian Genocide Resolution
    in the fall of 2000 "would have been at least $500,000".

    Here's an excerpt from the Vanity Fair article:
    Thanks to Hastert, the resolution vehemently opposed by the Turks, passed
    the International Relations Committee by a large majority. Then, on October
    19, minutes before the full House vote, Hastert withdrew it.
    At the time, he explained his decision by saying that he had received a
    letter from President Clinton arguing that the genocide resolution, if
    passed, would harm U.S. interests. Again, the reported content of the
    Chicago wiretaps may well have been sheer bravado, and there is no evidence
    that any payment was ever made to Hastert or his campaign. Nevertheless, a
    senior official at the Turkish Consulate is said to have claimed in one
    recording the price for Hastert to withdraw the resolution would have been
    at least $500,000.
    &nbs p; Hastert's spokesman says the congressman withdrew the genocide
    resolution issue only because of the approach from Clinton, "and to
    insinuate anything else just doesn't make any sense." He adds that Hastert
    has no affiliation with the A.T.C. [American Turkish Council] or other
    groups reportedly mentioned in the wiretaps: "He does not know these
    organizations." Hastert is "unaware of Turkish interests making donations,"
    the spokesman says, and his staff has "not seen any pattern of donors with
    foreign names."

    more at:


    (Gibrahayer Nicosia August 8, 2005) During the week that thousands of
    Cypriot refugees were commemorating the invasion of their city by the
    Turkish army 31 years ago, Anorthosis of Famagusta invaded the Black Sea
    city of Trabzon and ousted the local football team from the prestigious
    Champions League preliminaries.
    The Turkish nation was sent to national mourning, administration and
    players were stoned while leaving the stadium by angry Turkish mobs and
    their star coach Senol Gunes - who led the National Turkish football team to
    the best three teams in the World Cup 2002 - was asked to resign by a
    hostile Turkish press which characterised the Cyprus victory as a "national
    The Turks won the battle of intimidation, rock-throwing and abuse. The
    Turkish harassment of the Anorthosis delegation (which also included 90
    fans) started with their arrival at the airport in Trabzon, continued at the
    hotel and ended on the football field.
    The thousands of flags of the pseudo-state, the rhythmic chants of an
    ignited crowd, even the recorded messages of Ataturk from the stadium
    speakers were not enough to stop the Cyprus team's victory. We were beaten
    "fair and square" on the pitch as one Turkish newspaper wrote.
    The 1-0 victory of Trabzonspor proved inadequate to overturn the 3-1
    first leg score. Right after the match the Anorthosis delegation was
    escorted by local police squads straight to the airport, not before being
    attacked by Turkish mobs who threw stones on their convoy. The attack was
    broadcast live from local sport correspondents and then straight to Cyprus
    through Syria, where more than 6,000 Cypriots were waiting for their heroes
    at 4:00 am in the morning after an all-night party in every town on the is
    Anorthosis face Glasgow Rangers tonight at GSP in Nicosia. If they go
    through they will become the first Cyprus team to survive three rounds of
    preliminaries in the Champions League.

    How a football club came to symbolise Cyprus - Cyprus Mail article by Elias
    Hazou at

    ANKARA (Reuters/Bloomberg)--Turkey and France clashed on August 4 over
    whether Ankara should recognize Cyprus, a European Union member, before it
    begins its own EU entry talks on October 3.
    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey could not accept any new
    conditions for opening the talks and that he was upset by comments from
    France that Ankara must first accept the internationally recognized Greek
    Cypriot government.
    "It is out of the question for us to discuss or consider any new
    conditions with regards to October 3," Erdogan told reporters in televised
    comments. "We are saddened by the statements of the French prime minister
    and of
    President (Jacques) Chirac," he added. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin
    said on August 2 it was "inconceivable"
    that Turke y start talks with the EU without recognizing one of its 25
    member states, though he did not say if Paris would deploy its veto.
    Chirac has not publicly commented on Turkey's EU talks this week, but
    the French daily Le Figaro, quoting unnamed ministers, reported that the
    president told a cabinet meeting he agreed with his prime minister. Chirac's
    office declined to comment on the report. Chirac has traditionally backed
    Turkey's EU bid but now faces growing opposition among French voters to
    admitting the large, relatively poor, mainly Muslim country into the wealthy

    Maintaining pressure on Ankara, French Foreign Minister Philippe
    Douste-Blazy repeated Villepin's criticism on August 4. "Not wanting to
    recognize one country in the Union while wanting to join [is] not
    acceptable," Douste-Blazy told Le Monde newspaper in an interview. "We would
    like there to be an extensive discussion on this question within
    the EU," he added.
    Ankara recognizes only a breakaway Turkish Cypriot enclave in northern
    Cyprus. The island has been split along ethnic lines since Turkish troops
    invaded in 1974 after a brief Greek Cypriot coup backed by the military
    junta then ruling Greece.
    France can block the start of talks--as can Cyprus--as the 25 EU states
    must approve a negotiating mandate unanimously before they can begin.
    Villepin said France would decide its position after talks among EU foreign
    ministers in September. Turkey cleared the last formal hurdle to the start
    of its entry talks last Friday by signing a protocol extending its customs
    union to new EU members including Cyprus. However, Ankara also issued a
    declaration making clear the signing did not mean a change in its stance
    over the island, whose Greek Cypriot government is viewed in Brussels as the
    sole legitimate authority.
    Turkey says recognition can come only after a comprehensive peace
    settlement on the Mediterranean island. Ankara believes it has done all it
    can reasonably be expected to do about Cyprus by backing a UN-brokered peace
    deal last year which Turkish Cypriots also endorsed in a referendum. The
    plan was not supported by the Greek Cypriots.
    Despite the latest French comments, Erdogan said he was confident
    Turkey would begin entry talks on schedule.
    "We will start the negotiations on October 3. We think only of the
    negotiations," Erdogan said.
    The talks are expected to last many years and Turkey is not expected to
    join the EU before 2015 at the earliest.


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan. Aug 4 2005. 80 Azerbaijani businessmen and journalists
    arrived in the non-recognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)
    last Wednesday on a first direct flight from a foreign country to the
    Turkish-populated part of the ethnically divided island over the last 31
    years. Citizens of Northern Cyprus welcomed the Azeri representatives with
    tears in their eyes.
    Economic relations between Azerbaijan and TRNC and investment
    opportunities in the country, which faces international isolation, were
    discussed during the three-day visit. The two countries' businessmen signed
    two agreements on cooperation in conclusion of a business forum on Friday,
    covering trade and banking. The participants also discussed ways of
    collaborating in the area of tourism, construction and agriculture.
    & nbsp; 'One nation-three states' UATB chairman Erentok said that
    Azerbaijan and Turkey have been referred to as 'one nation-two states' so
    far. "But from now on, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Northern Cyprus should be
    called 'one nation-three states', he said during the business men's meeting
    with the national leader, ex-president of Northern Cyprus Rauf Denktash on
    Denktash called the opening of the Baku-Lefkosha flight as a
    significant event for Northern Cyprus, saying that Azerbaijan should be
    considered a model for other countries.
    "Like the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan, the Northern Cyprus is still
    under occupation. The Greek community of Southern Cyprus is not willing to
    unite with the Turkish community of Cyprus within a federation and is trying
    to keep the entire Cyprus under its control. But they won't succeed in this.
    TRNC exists and will continue to exist."
    Erent ok underlined that UATB will further work to develop relations
    between Azerbaijan and Northern Cyprus. In conclusion of the meeting,
    Denktash was elected honorary member of UATB. Denktash and his son Serdar
    Denktash, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, will visit Baku on
    August 15.
    Diplomatic tensions Greek Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos has
    condemned the Azerbaijani business men's visit. "Opening flights to Northern
    Cyprus is unacceptable", Turkish NTV channel quoted him as saying.
    Papadopoulos said he has forwarded a letter expressing his objection to
    President Ilham Aliyev. "The leadership of Greek Cyprus has decided to take
    active steps to prevent such flights. We have filed a complaint to the
    International Civil Aviation Organization", the document says.
    Informal reports say that Greece has threatened to open a flight to
    Upper Garabagh in response to Azerbaijan's deci sion to start direct flights
    from Baku to Lefkosha.
    A presidential administration official has said that Azerbaijan's plans
    to forge ties with TRNC should not perturb anyone. The country will continue
    working in this direction. "These steps are aimed at preventing isolation of
    Cyprus Turks from the international community",
    said head of the President's Office international relations department
    Novruz Mammadov.
    Turkish Prime MinisterErdogan said during his visit to Russia that
    Baku's recent steps 'de facto imply recognition of the Turkish Republic of
    Northern Cyprus'. "I hope that Azerbaijan's policy in this area will
    continue", he said.

    If anyone had paid ten times the amount of what the Turkish Chamber of
    Commerce paid to TIME magazine to circulate a DVD denying the Jewish
    Genocide, would TIME magazine have circulated it?
    Thank you H.B. from Larnaca

    We have just returned from our vacation trip to Ireland and the Republic of
    Cyprus. Our stay in Cyprus was nice and instructive. Yes, there is a
    "Green Line" in Nicosia, Europe's "Last Divided City," and I took many
    pictures. It appears that our Turkish "friends" are engaged in their usual
    political man oeuvres of signing the EU Customs Union protocol so EU
    accession negotiations can commence, but issuing a separate document "not
    recognizing" the existence of the Cyprus Republic as an EU member state.
    Naturally, this approach is legally inconsistent. However, the UK appears
    to support it. Per the BBC article below, France today (8/2/2005) denounced
    the Turkish moves. Feel free to distribute this information to

    I have just come across the Gibrahayer e-magazine and I must say I am rather
    impressed by what I have seen. I thought I will send you a quick e-mail
    about this.
    I hope you and your family are all well.
    Best Regards Serko Armaghanian - Redhill, UK.
    SYSTEM OF A DOWN Contribute Over $20,000 For Genocide Awareness

    You can now read the Armenian community's 20- page monthly Armenian
    publication (July 2005 issue number 124) in front of your computer in pdf
    format at:

    Sevan calls payoff allegations false, says Annan 'sacrificed' him

    UNITED NATIONS Monday August 8, 2005 (CNN) - The former director of the U.N.
    oil-for-food program resigned Sunday, denying wrongdoing and blasting the
    organization and its leadership a day before he is to be accused of
    profiting from illegal deals.
    Benon Sevan resigned from the United Nations in a letter to Kofi Annan,
    accusing the secretary-general of "sacrificing" him for political
    expediency. more at:

    `The conduct of the Independent Inquiry Committee (`IIC' or `Committee')
    headed by Paul Volcker has reached a point where it is no longer useful to
    attempt to respond internally to the IIC's insupportable and biased findings
    against former Under-Secretary-General Benon V. Sevan,' said Mr. Sevan's
    attorney, Eric Lewis of Baach Robinson & Lewis PLLC. `They have been out to
    scapegoat him from the beginning,' Lewis stated. `The IIC is unaccountable
    to anyone; some of its own staff do not trust its objectivity and have
    resigned; and now the IIC tries to change the subject again by falsely
    attacking Benon Sevan's integrity.
    Gibrahayer received the following press releases. Click here to read them.

    ¢French the Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, answering the journalist
    Jean-Pierre Elkabach, declared in connection with Turkey which has just
    accepted Cyprus in Customs union, without recognizing the existence of it,
    that "It would not be conceivable to accommodate a country (speaking about
    the negotiations envisaged on October 3) which would not have recognized
    each member of the European Union. It up to Turkey to prove its will to
    come in the Union."
    ¢Armenia sent a note of protest to the leadership of the Council of Europe
    on Monday against the mysterious di sappearance of its national flag
    displayed outside the Strasbourg headquarters of the respected human rights
    ¢A Yerevan-based travel agency hopes to find a new niche in Armenia's
    burgeoning tourism industry, pioneering weekend tours of Armenian-controlled
    territories in Azerbaijan that surround Nagorno-Karabakh.
    ¢Iranian archaeologists recently discovered over 50 ancient sites dating
    back to the Urartian era northwest of Lake Urmia which seem to confirm the
    theory of Urartian settlement in the region.
    ¢The European Commission said on Thursday it had written to Turkey
    complaining about legislation on religious foundations that did not meet EU
    standards for the rights of non-Muslim communities.
    ¢The Cyprus govern ment is looking into the spectrum of its relations with
    Azerbaijan, hoping that it will review its decision for direct flights to
    the occupied areas and will respect international law and the sovereignty of
    the Cyprus government, Cyprus Foreign Ministry Permanent Secretary Sotirios
    Zakhaios has told CNA.
    ¢On Wednesday, 27 July 2005, four deacons under the spiritual jurisdiction
    of the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul, the Reverend Deacons Sahag
    Bicakciyan, Sevan Civanyan, Harutyun Babigyan and Hayg Koparyan were
    officially called to the Holy Order of Priesthood by His Beatitude Mesrob
    II, Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey.
    ¢Refugee Football Club Anorthosis of Famagusta - Cyprus earned a sweet
    defeat at Trabzonspor of Turkey 1-0 but secured qualification to the third
    round of qualifications in the Champions League having won 3-1 in Cyprus two
    weeks ago. They face Glasgow Rangers tonight (Tuesday August 9, 2005) in
    Nicosia at GSP Stadium at 9:00 pm.
    ¢Troodos Open Tennis Championships. Seniors Men's singles +35 Finals on
    Friday 12 August 2005 at 3:30 pm at the Dolphin Club in Troodos.

    BIRDS WITHOUT WINGS by Louis de Bernieres
    (author of Captain Corelli's Mandolin)
    Tel:22665155 [email protected] ,

    ARMENIAN MUSIC By Arek Dakessian in Beirut
    This section is dedicated to bringing Armenian Music closer to us, shedding
    light on the Armenian music scene, its history and how all this has affected
    the Armenian Question.

    After the nap rock music had been taking in the seventies, it woke up,
    in the eighties, bands like Metallica and Iron Maiden hit their peaks in
    this decade... The cold war was sending its last cold winds to the world,
    Pink Floyd hit the public with The Wall... this was the trend of rock now,
    politically motivated, deeply meaningful lyrics accompanied by the new
    generation of guitarists, taught by the bands in the sixties, who were
    stronger in technical terms, a little more mature in musical terms, they
    knew how to strike the chords a little more passionately than the
    sixties-bands. But maybe I say that subjectively, each decade had its own
    unique taste.
    So basically the whole world is head-banging. Armenia was too, the
    rebirth of rock had affected us too, we had many new bands like "Vostan
    Hayots", "Ro De U", "Asparez", "Breeze"... Candlelight concerts were also
    popular, the bards were still singing, Roupen was close to his peak, if not
    on it, Meschian was still performing, Vahan Artsruni and Gurgen Melikian
    were two other bards performing in the candlelight...
    Roupen, the bard whose lyrics were more emotional than political, converted
    to singing political, yet evermore emotional songs because of the hectic
    political lifestyle, other bard-bands like Ararat came close to being
    categorized as punk rock, another bard-band Zorikian used more melancholic,
    morose tunes; the casual Armenian tune really. Punk rock was beco ming all
    the more famous, "Slayer" was already a household name despite the
    censure... Quite simply, the eighties are the blooming years of rock music!
    In 1989, to have the Armenian signature on all this, the earthquake hit
    Leninagan and Spitak brought to the ground in a matter of seconds. I might
    be reviving old memories here, and maybe sad ones, but it's interesting how
    we come together as people in times such as the latter. My dad tells me when
    he had gone to donate money, he had seen one of his students, they started
    talking and the student (who was quite poor) told my dad that the money he's
    paying is the money he had saved up to get married, the wedding was
    postponed in one country to save one in another. The Entertainer of the
    Century, Charles Aznavour gathered up the elite of French music (who mind
    you contained 3 other Armenians at the time) and sang "Pour toi Armenie",
    this marked the fact that Armenian bands started to take on a new role.
    When you think about it, it's very typical of our Armenian nature, in
    the eighties the Karabagh war was under way, Armenians in Azerbaijan got
    massacred, (Ararat was no longer the football powerhouse it once was),
    Armenia turned independant... all this, with the renaissance of rock, made
    Huge rock bands come along, people some traveled to the States to give
    concerts, some collapsed and turned into a production company (this is the
    bright side), some introduced punk rock, others introduced death metal (at
    the time death metal was different than now)... We had the guitars -
    sensational ones by the way - the voices, the brains, the melodies, the
    themes, we had it all really, we even had an Armenian production company to
    make sure records were released. One might ask, if it weren't for the events
    in the eighties our rock bands could've made it into the big-time, but then
    again, who knows what would've happened without the events in the eighties,
    they were the inspiration...
    Here is a link to download some Armenian music from, you will find some of
    the older bands and be impressed by the maturity of the new ones:

    g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r

    ¢Armenian Youth Federation annual Panagoum at the Camping site of The
    Archbishopric of Morphou in Kakopetria. A fun and educational program for
    Armenian youth now in its 28th year. Fourth week of August 2005. Lunch and
    cultural program for parents and friends on the last day of Camp. Details to
    follow. Contact: Nareg Tavitian on 99488926, Raffi Mahdessian on 99441588 or
    Simon Aynedjian on 99437073
    ¢AYF weekly meetings continue every Monday at AYMA at 8:00 pm
    ¢Watch the contests of the Cyprus teams in Europe at AYMA: Anorthosis Vs
    Glasgow Rangers on Tuesday 9 August at 9:00 pm and on Thursday 11 August AT
    8:45 Apoel Vs Macabe followed by Dynamo Buch arest Vs Omonia at 9:45 pm.
    ¢Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation via real audio
    on . Broadcast 17:00-18:00 local Cyprus time (14:00-15:00
    GMT). Armenian news every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday.
    ¢The Armenian Prelature announces that the next permit for the Armenian
    Cemetery visitation at Ayios Dhometios on the Green line, is on Sunday 21
    August, 2005.
