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Diasporan Students Work in Armenia With ATP Summer Volunteer Program

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  • Diasporan Students Work in Armenia With ATP Summer Volunteer Program

    Armenia Tree Project
    65 Main Street
    Watertown, MA 02472 USA
    Tel: (866) 965-TREE (toll-free)
    Email: [email protected]

    August 11, 2005

    Diasporan Students Work in Armenia With ATP Summer Volunteer Program

    WATERTOWN, MA--This summer, two university students traveled to Armenia to
    work as volunteers in the only environmental organization operating in the
    country with a broad-based diasporan support network.

    The two, Christian Millian of Maine and Anais Kadian of Ontario, were
    selected as participants in the Armenia Tree Project (ATP) Summer Volunteer
    Program, which was organized in close cooperation with the Birthright
    Armenia program.

    Soon after arriving in Armenia, the coalition of organizations and
    individuals opposing the construction of a road through the Shikahogh Nature
    Reserve was becoming very active, and the volunteers accompanied ATP staff
    to a forum on the issue at the UNDP office in Yerevan. In support of the
    grassroots effort in Armenia, the ATP office in Watertown initiated an
    action alert that resulted in over 700 people sending letters to President
    Robert Kocharian expressing their opposition to the proposed route.

    Later in the month, Christian and Anais were able to attend the public forum
    at American University of Armenia, where the Minister of Transportation
    announced that the government decided upon an alternative route for the
    roadway, and a number of local experts discussed the reserve and related
    environmental issues in Armenia.

    As the program became more hands-on, Christian and Anais assisted workers at
    the ATP nursery in the village of Karin with an inventory of available
    trees, extracting weeds, shaping irrigation channels, and sorting out cedar
    cuttings, but both truly enjoyed the experience. `I got to taste the most
    delicious mulberries,' exclaimed Anais when she recounted the day's work.

    A gardener himself, Christian was very interested in the irrigation system
    used at the nursery. `I hope to implement it in my own garden when I return
    home,' he declared. `I was amazed how the workers, in the absence of
    pre-made materials, devised their own methods of building a greenhouse.'

    Christian and Anais also assisted the teams of workers hired by ATP to
    perform coppicing at the Botanical Garden site in Yerevan. The two used
    hand-made acacia branch brooms to help clear the area of leaves and
    branches, and were treated to a tour of the Academy of Sciences greenhouse
    followed by a picnic lunch with the workers.

    Because the ATP and Birthright programs strongly encourage homestays with
    Armenian families, the volunteers were able to improve their Armenian
    language skills and develop personal relationships with local people. These
    experiences were also cultivated when Christian and Anais accompanied ATP
    workers as they traveled to various planting sites throughout the country to
    monitor the health of the trees, ensure that they are being properly
    watered, and calculate amounts of fruit production.

    The two traveled on monitoring excursions to ATP planting sites including
    Khor Virap, Armavir Zoo, Sardarabad Monument, and Nor Kharpert Children's
    Home. `The orchards at the children's home were absolutely gorgeous, and the
    trees at Khor Virap were extremely healthy and well cared for,' recounted
    Christian after the visits. `Khor Virap was beautiful and it was wonderful
    to see the trees greening such a sacred place.'

    One of the highlights of the program for the volunteers was the extended
    visit to the remote Getik River Valley, where ATP has established backyard
    tree nursery micro-enterprises in Aygut and neighboring villages. During the
    trip, Christian and Anais were able to meet a number of the nursery owners,
    who are growing tree seedlings in their own backyard nursery plots. The
    seedlings will be purchased by ATP for planting into the adjacent forests,
    providing a source of income for the villagers and restoring the forests in
    the valley.

    For one week, Christian had the opportunity to travel to Ijevan, where he
    assisted US Peace Corps volunteers who were field-testing ATP's new
    environmental education curriculum at an Eco-Camp for local children of ages
    11-15. `ATP agronomist Genik Movsisyan showed the children a seed and they
    had to guess which tree it came from. Most of the time, they were very
    accurate, which was encouraging,' emphasized Christian.

    Christian worked with the Peace Corps volunteers on environmental education
    lessons that included games and skits about resource management, discussions
    about conserving electricity and water, and cutting down on trash and other

    `Our skit featured an apple tree, a butterfly, a cow, a bird, and a small
    boy that all become sick from the pollution. Finally, at the end of the
    skit, a factory owner is convinced by a little girl that he should clean up
    the trash and pollution,' explained Christian. `When these skits were
    presented to the parents of the children, many of the parents got tears in
    their eyes and were so proud. It was evident that the children were
    educating the older members of the community about the environment.'

    `The work dynamic at ATP is one of the things I enjoyed very much during my
    internship. I would like to thank all the people who have taken me along
    with them in their daily work, and who made me a part of what ATP is
    contributing to Armenia,' stated Anais. `I was curious to see how an NGO in
    Armenia truly works. In school we studied NGOs, but here I was able to
    experience first hand what it means to be a part of an NGO in a developing
    country. Seeing the logistics of this entire operation, its communication
    with the office in the US, and the concrete difference it makes in people's
    lives was very exciting.'

    PHOTO CAPTION: (L to R) Summer volunteers Anais Kadian of Ontario and
    Christian Millian of Maine at the Armenia Tree Project (ATP) nursery in the
    village of Karin with nursery worker Grigory Kolayan