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Far Away Trial

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  • Far Away Trial

    Far Away Trial


    Inside Higher Ed (Washington, DC)
    August 11, 2005

    By Doug Lederman

    Academics and human rights advocates are warily monitoring a trial
    unfolding in an Armenian courtroom, in which a Duke University doctoral
    student from Turkey faces up to eight years in prison for allegedly
    taking used books out of the country illegally.

    Scholarly groups, which have waged a campaign to defend him, fear the
    smuggling charges are a subtext for the Armenian government to crack
    down on a researcher who is studying a politically sensitive period in
    the country's tangled history with Turkey.

    Yektan Turkyilmaz, a fourth-year Ph.D. student in cultural anthropology
    at Duke, in May became the first Turkish citizen to request and receive
    access to the Armenian National Archives, where he sought information
    for his dissertation, `Imagining `Turkey,' Creating a Nation: The
    Politics of Geography and State Formation in Eastern Anatolia, 1908-1938.'

    Turkyilmaz is said to be one of a handful of Turkish scholars who have
    critically assessed the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman in
    1915 and 1916, which Armenians and most scholars have long characterized
    as genocide, and the means by which Turkey took control of the eastern
    region of the country known as Anatolia.

    On June 17, according to the Social Science Research Council (which
    supports his work with a field grant) and the Science and Human Rights
    Program at the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
    authorities at Yerevan Airport in Armenia pulled Turkilman off an
    airplane as he prepared to leave the country. They seized in the
    neighborhood of 100 books that he had bought at secondhand stores and
    compact disks that contained the fruits of his research in the Armenian

    He was held without bail for nearly a month before being charged, on
    July 21, with violating an article in the Armenian Constitution that
    bars transportation out of the country of drugs, nuclear weapons and
    certain `raw materials or cultural values' without prior permission.
    According to the scholarly groups' reports, Armenian customs regulations
    require travelers to declare books that are at least 50 years old, as
    seven of Turkyilmaz's books reportedly were.

    Turkyilmaz's supporters say that if he violated the customs policy, he
    did so unknowingly, and that he is being far more harshly than the
    charges warrant. They say that the first few days he was held in custody
    were dominated by interrogation about his research and his political
    convictions, and that the Armenian authorities pored over his archival
    material, which arguably had nothing to do with the alleged book smuggling.

    The arrest, the AAAS said in its report on the case, `sends a negative
    signal that Armenia does not encourage independent scholarly research
    into its history.'

    More than 200 academics from around the world signed a letter to
    Armenia's president urging that Turkmilyaz be released and his archival
    materials returned. Richard H. Brodhead, the president of Duke, where
    Turkmilyaz is a John Hope Franklin Institute fellow, sent a similar
    letter, in which he called Turkmilyaz a `scholar of extraordinary
    promise.' `His exceptional command of many languages is, I am told,
    unique among scholars of this period and gives him an equally unique
    opportunity, therefore, to help illuminate this critical historical
    period,' Brodhead wrote.

    He added: `As the leader of a great country, you have the ability to
    intervene in this matter and to determine the appropriateness of the
    actions of your government and the Armenian prosecutors and police. You
    also have the ability to release Mr. Turkyilmaz. With respect, I urge
    you to do so.'

    International PEN, the writers' group, issued an alert on Turkyilmaz's
    behalf, and the former presidential candidate and U.S. Sen. Bob Dole
    weighed in with a letter.

    Those pleas did not stop the trial, which began Tuesday but was promptly
    delayed, according to a report by Radio Free Europe. The agency reported
    that Turkyilmaz's new lawyer said he needed more time to familiarize
    himself with the case, and that a delay was granted until tomorrow.

    Ayse Gul Altinay, an assistant professor at Istanbul's Sabanci
    University and an organizer of the campaign for Turkyilmaz, said in an
    e-mail message Wednesday that `we are hoping that the trial process will
    not last long and that Yektan will be freed soon. It is also very
    important that they return his research material, together with his
    personal things, when he is released.'

    For more information on Yektan Turkyilmaz, see: