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UNICEF: Hands are not for beating

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  • UNICEF: Hands are not for beating


    By Onnik Krikorian /UNICEF Armenia

    YEREVAN, Armenia - Mane Tonoyan might seem a little too young to concern
    herself with the problem of violence against children in Armenia but
    this 16-year old is somehow "different." A member of the Manana
    Youth-Cultural non-governmental organization, she has already made a
    one-minute-film on the subject and at the beginning of July, was one of
    25 child participants at the regional consultation for the UN Study on
    Violence Against Children in Europe and Central Asia.

    The consultation held from 5-7 July 2005 was hosted in Ljubljana, the
    Slovenian capital, and organized by UNICEF as well as other UN agencies.
    It was one of nine such consultations that will eventually contribute to
    a major study of the problem by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan next
    year. Accompanying Mane was Naira Avetisyan, UNICEF's Child Protection
    Officer in Armenia, and three representatives of various government

    "We were asked to find someone familiar with child rights and
    experienced with making films and writing articles," says Avetisyan.
    "That is why we chose Mane. Taking into account that Manana is
    experienced in producing materials to distribute among peers we thought
    it best to select a child from this organization. We will also be
    holding a round table in Armenia at the end of July."

    Certainly, Mane seems to have benefited greatly from the consultation.

    "Before going to Ljubljana, I was concerned about violence against
    children although I wasn't as well informed as I am now," she says. "In
    particular, I learned more about the consequences that violence can have
    on children. For example, even a slap on the face can emotionally damage
    a child. Before the consultation, I don't think that I would have ever
    considered it as violence."

    According to Mane, almost all children in Armenia are subjected to
    violence in some shape or form. In particular, she says, it is
    particular evident in schools and institutions - something that others
    attending the consultation also concluded. Unfortunately, she says, when
    violence becomes "acceptable" in the classroom it can then also manifest
    itself in the form of bullying.

    "In Armenia, there is very little awareness of this problem," explains
    Mane. `But violence exists - in the family, in schools and particularly
    in institutions. Beating is considered an acceptable way of disciplining
    children. However, it's terrible if a teacher hits a child in front of
    others. It's humiliating and can have a serious impact on their self-esteem.

    I want to raise awareness of this problem among other children but also
    parents and teachers. First of all, however, it is necessary to raise
    awareness among the public at large."

    "Of course," concludes Mane, "parents have the right to discipline their
    children when it is necessary and it is important that nobody attempts
    to challenge their authority. However, I would like to remind parents
    that they were children once and their actions now might have an impact
    on how future generations are also raised. Violence is not the way to
    bring up children."

    For more information:

    Emil Sahakyan, Communication Officer, Armenia
    Tel: (374 10) 523-546, 566-497
    E-Mail: [email protected]
