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ANC of IL Applauds Gov. for Signing Genocide Curriculum Bill

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  • ANC of IL Applauds Gov. for Signing Genocide Curriculum Bill

    Armenian National Committee
    1701 North Greenwood Road
    Glenview, IL 60026
    Contact: Greg Bedian
    Tel: 917 428 1918
    Fax: 718 651 3637
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Chicago, IL- The Armenian National Committee (ANC) of Illinois praised
    Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for honoring his pledge to sign
    legislation mandating that Illinois public school students receive
    instruction on the Armenian Genocide and other acts of genocide.

    "The Armenian American community is pleased that the Governor has signed
    this bill to successfully complete the enactment process," stated Greg
    Bedian, ANC of Illinois chairperson. "By signing this bill, the Governor
    not only demonstrated his concern for victims of previous genocides, he has
    played an active part in a process that will hopefully help deter future

    The bill, HB312, cleared the legislature with commanding margins earlier
    this spring, passing the Illinois House on March 1st and passing the Senate
    on May 11th. Soon after the bill won passage, the Illinois Information
    Service (part of the state's official government media communications
    office) reported that Gov. Blagojevich confirmed that he would sign the
    bill. That commitment was later confirmed by community members who met with
    the Governor. Blagojevich also mentioned his support for genocide education
    in a recent gubernatorial proclamation issued to mark the 90th Anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide. In it the Governor stated "both recognition and
    education concerning past atrocities such as the Armenian Genocide is
    crucial in the prevention of future crimes against humanity."

    After the bill was introduced, the ANC helped to mobilize Armenian and
    non-Armenians alike to work for passage of the bill, which was introduced by
    Representatives John A, Fritchey (D-11) and Paul D. Froelich (R-56). Upon
    passage in the Illinois House by a vote of 96-11, HB312 was forwarded to the
    Senate where Senators Jacqueline Y. Collins (D-16) and Ira Silverstein (D-8)
    led the effort to a 47-5 victory in the Senate. During the weeks leading up
    to the bill's passage, the ANC lobbied Illinois House and Senate members to
    work for passage of the bill by organizing grassroots email, telephone and
    letter-writing campaigns as well as conducting office visits with
    legislators. The ANC also made presentations to various groups to encourage
    their participation in this activity.

    "It was gratifying to see that our efforts led to a successful outcome,"
    stated Karine Birazian, who heads up the ANC of Illinois' Genocide Education
    Committee. "It's important for the many constituents, and especially the
    public school students, who participated in this endeavor to see that their
    voices were heard and that their actions could make a difference on such an
    important issue as Genocide education."

    HB312 provides "that in addition to the unit of instruction studying the
    events of the Holocaust, the curriculum of every public elementary school
    and high school shall include a unit of instruction studying other acts of
    genocide across the globe, including, but not limited to, the Armenian
    Genocide, the Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, and more recent atrocities in
    Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Sudan." With the passage of HB312, Illinois
    joins several other states, including California and Massachusetts, which
    have mandated expanded genocide education. Birazian added that the ANC will
    be working with groups in those states as well as other organizations to
    help assemble the necessary resources to help schools implement the new

    The Armenian National Committee of Illinois is a grassroots public affairs
    organization serving to inform, educate, and act on a wide range of issues
    concerning Armenian Americans throughout the state of Illinois.