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Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan discussing Karabakh settlement

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  • Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan discussing Karabakh settlement

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    August 24, 2005 Wednesday

    Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan discussing Karabakh settlement

    By Ksenia Kaminskaya and Natalia Simorova


    The foreign ministers of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan met in here
    on Wednesday to discuss ways of settling the Nagorno Karabakh

    "The settlement requires active work," Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister
    Elmar Mamedyarov said, adding that there is an opportunity now "to
    arrive at a common denominator regarding this problem."

    His Armenian counterpart Vartan Oskanyan said the self-determination
    of Nagorno Karabakh is the priority in settling the conflict, which
    should manifest itself in the right of its population to take care of
    their fate on their own.

    The remaining issues such as the elimination of the consequences of
    the conflict, the territorial problem and the return of refugees stem
    from this priority and will follow it, he noted.

    Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed Moscow's position,
    which implies "close interaction with the partners in the OSCE Minsk
    group /the United States, Russia and France/, the mediator in
    settlement the conflict, and energetic assistance to the peoples of
    Azerbaijan and Armenia toward the soonest finding of a solution."

    Co-chairman of the Minsk group for Russia Yuri Merzlyakov underlined
    that Russia "has a clear position on this issue."

    "We believe that one should not impose his solution of the problem on
    the parties to the conflict; they should arrive at it independently,
    without outside interference," Merzlyakov said.

    "If a mutually acceptable accord is reached, we'll be able to
    guarantee. it. The settlement should be such as to make all the
    parties involved feel safer, the balance of forces that historically
    developed in the region should not be upset, while the region itself
    should not become an arena of rivalry," he said.