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Nigerian president to keep eye on Russian sailors case

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  • Nigerian president to keep eye on Russian sailors case

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    August 24, 2005 Wednesday

    Nigerian president to keep eye on Russian sailors case

    By Yelena Volkova


    Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo said he will continue to pay
    attention to the fate of the Russian sailors who are kept in custody
    in his country on charges of oil contraband.

    Obasanjo said so in his answer to the appeal by good-will ambassador
    Ara Abramyan.

    The president said he was taking into consideration Abramyan's
    concern and his wish to quickly resolve the situation.

    After completion of judicial procedures and the announcement of the
    verdict it might be possible to make political moves or consider the
    prisoners exchange option, the president said.

    Abramyan, a UNESCO good-will envoy and head of the Union of Armenians
    of Russia, is taking an active part in the efforts to secure the
    return of the sailors.

    Russia passed to the Nigerian lawyers all the necessary documents for
    their release under the embassy's guarantees.

    "Russia has completed the formalities demanded by the Nigerian
    court." The documents now need to pass through Nigerian judicial
    bodies, a Foreign Ministry official said.