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Construction at Yerevan State University

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  • Construction at Yerevan State University

    By Tamar Minasian

    AZG Armenian Daily #150



    New Building of University to Be Built Soon

    The construction of the Yerevan State University~Rs new compound
    will be completed in less than two months. Sargis Shahazizian,
    pro-rector of the Yerevan State University, said in the interview to
    Azg. At present, the interior works are being done in the building,
    the auditoriums are being renovated. Afterwards, the yard, as well
    as the auxiliary buildings will be renovated.

    The new compound is situated in Abovian Street and is near the oldest
    building of the university built in 1922. Mr. Shahazizian said that
    the new building is built on the place of the old sports complex
    and the auxiliary buildings. The new building keeps in line with all
    modern criteria. It is being built thanks to the financial assistance
    rendered by the U.S. Union of Yerevan State University~Rs Friends, RA
    Government and the University. The construction works cost about $1,5
    million and the bigger part of the financial sources were allocated
    by the Yerevan State University. The new building has three stories,
    about 70 rooms, chairs and deans' offices. It is envisaged for 1500
    students. The faculties of philosophy, psychology and philology will
    be moved to this new building. "We want to decrease the congestion of
    the buildings. There are buildings that aren~Rt capable of standing
    the large number of students," Mr. Shahazizian stated.

    They need to renovate only the physics and chemists faculties in the
    main building of the Yerevan State University that is in Alek Manukian
    Street. Thus, the construction works of the university launched in
    the course of the latest two years will be completed. The biology
    faculty also needs to be renovated. Mr. Shahazizian added that the
    students should also take care for the buildings they are studying in.

    The Yerevan State University envisages to renovate its resorts
    in Dilijan. In autumn the graduate students of the university will
    gather and the administration of the university plans to accumulate
    the required sum and replace the old cottages of the resort with new
    ones as soon as possible.