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On this day - Aug 26

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  • On this day - Aug 26

    ON THIS DAY - 26AUG05

    Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia
    Advertiser Adelaide, Australia
    The Mercury, Australia
    Aug 26 2005

    1896 - Armenian revolutionaries attack the Ottoman Bank in
    Constantinople, provoking a three-day battle in which at least 6000
    Armenians die.

    55BC - Roman forces under Julius Caesar invade Britain.
    580 - It is thought that toilet paper is invented by the Chinese.
    1346 - A cannon is used for the first time in a European battle as
    Edward III of England defeats Philip VI of France.
    1883 - A massive eruption of a volcano on Krakatoa island in the
    Sundra Strait between Java and Sumatra continues. The two-day
    eruption and associated tidal waves kill some 36,000 people and
    destroy two-thirds of the island.

    1883 - Cricket's Ashes trophy is created when a winning England
    captain is presented with an urn containing the ashes of a bail from
    the 1882-1883 wickets after victory over Australia.
    1884 - A patent is granted to German immigrant Ottmar Mergenthaler
    for the Linotype machine, which allowed mass production of
    1896 - Insurrection begins in the Philippines against the Spanish;
    Armenian revolutionaries attack the Ottoman Bank in Constantinople,
    provoking a three-day battle in which at least 6000 Armenians die.
    1912 - The first Tarzan story by William Rice Burroughs appears in a
    US magazine.
    1913 - A Russian pilot, Lieutenant Peter Nesterov, is credited with
    becoming the first person to perform the loop-the-loop.
    1914 - More than 30,000 Russian troops are killed during WWII as they
    are out-manoeuvred by German troops at the battle of Tannenberg.
    1915 - German army captures Brest-Litovsk in Russia during World War
    1920 - The 19th Amendment to the American Constitution is ratified,
    giving women the vote.
    1930 - Death of US silent movie actor Lon Chaney who became known as
    the man of a thousand faces.
    1936 - Treaty ends British occupation of Egypt, except Suez Canal
    zone, and Britain and Egypt form alliance for 20 years.
    1937 - Japan blockades Chinese shipping; the first televised major
    league baseball games is shown in the United States, a doubleheader
    between the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field.

    1942 - German army reaches Stalingrad in Soviet Union during World
    War II.
    1945 - Japanese envoys board US battleship Missouri to receive
    surrender instructions at the end of World War II.
    1947 - The UN Security Council passes a resolution for both the Dutch
    and Indonesians to adhere to a ceasefire order.
    1952 - Floods caused by monsoon rains inundate 90 per cent of Manila,
    causing at least eight deaths. It is Manila's third flood in a month.

    1957 - Soviet Union announces it has successfully tested an
    intercontinental ballistic missile.
    1959 - Chinese troops cross into India's north-eastern territory
    after a border dispute.
    1964 - Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, bans two black nationalist movements;
    student and Buddhist riots force resignation of government of Premier
    Nguyen Khanh in South Vietnam.
    1967 - Andreas Papandreou, former Greek Cabinet minister and son of
    ex-premier George Papandreou, is indicted on treason charges and
    accused of leading the Aspid (Shield) army conspiracy.
    1970 - North Vietnam sends its chief negotiator back to Vietnam peace
    talks in Paris after an eight-and-a-half month boycott of
    1972 - The summer Olympics games open in Munich, West Germany; Death
    of British yachtsman Sir Francis Chichester.
    1973 - The Cambodian military reports that Khmer Rouge rebel troops
    had severed Phnom Penh's two vital supply roads - one leading to the
    seaport and the other to rice fields.
    1974 - Death of US aviator Charles Lindbergh.
    1978 - Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice is elected as Pope John Paul
    1981 - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister
    Menachem Begin wrap up a two-day summit in Alexandria with the return
    of the Sinai peninsula to Egypt scheduled for the following April.
    1985 - A special French investigator issues a report clearing
    France's Socialist government and the intelligence service of
    involvement in the sinking of the Greenpeace protest vessel Rainbow
    Warrior in Auckland harbour on July 10.
    1988 - Nationwide strike paralyses government and transportation in
    Burma and anti-government rallies spread; tens of thousands of civil
    rights marchers gather in Washington, DC, on the eve of the 25th
    anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
    1990 - Number of US soldiers, airmen and sailors in the Gulf reaches
    1991 - Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev promises new national
    elections after the signing of the Union Treaty, but there appears to
    be little support for the treaty in the wake of a failed coup
    1993 - Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman and 14 others are charged in the World
    Trade Centre attack and New York bombing plot.
    1994 - US officials acknowledge that the current session of Congress
    won't pass legislation for universal health insurance coverage, which
    US President Bill Clinton made the centrepiece of his legislative
    1995 - The Communist Party in Russia starts a campaign that calls for
    resurrection of the Soviet state that collapsed in 1991.
    1996 - Former military strongman Chun Doo-hwan is sentenced to death
    after being convicted of mutiny and treason in South Korea. His
    successor, Roh Tae-woo, is also found guilty and sentenced to 22½
    years in prison. They were pardoned a year later.
    1997 - South Africa's last white president, FW De Klerk, resigns as
    head of the National Party and leaves politics.
    1998 - A three-week-old rebellion reaches the outskirts of Congo's
    capital Kinshasa, and hundreds of soldiers are wounded and killed.
    1999 - Anti-independence militiamen rampage through Dili, the capital
    of East Timor, raising doubts about the viability of an upcoming vote
    on the Indonesian territory's future.
    2000 - Somalis celebrate the election of Abdiqasim Salad Hassan,
    their first president in nearly a decade; in a widely covered visit
    to Africa US President Bill Clinton appealed to the leaders of
    oil-rich Nigeria to set aside political acrimony and concentrate on
    lifting its citizens out of poverty.
    2001 - Ethnic Albanians rebels hand over machine-guns, mortar tubes
    and other heavy weaponry on first day of a NATO mission to collect
    arm's from Macedonia's militants.
    2002 - US President George W. Bush admits he is worried about the
    economy's "paltry" growth and, without making promises, assures steel
    company executives and workers that protecting domestic steel is a
    national security priority.
    2003 - Rwandan President Paul Kagame is the overwhelming winner of
    presidential elections. The election was the first since the 1994
    2004 - Iraq's top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani,
    makes a dramatic return to Najaf and swiftly wins agreement from a
    rebel cleric and the government to end three weeks of fighting
    between his militia and US-Iraqi forces.
