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In new Iraq, shaken faith

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  • In new Iraq, shaken faith


    Newsday, NY
    Aug 26 2005

    Christians, Jews and other religious minorities live in fear of
    harassment or death

    BASRA, Iraq -- For Yousef Lyon and other Christians in Basra, the
    downfall of Saddam Hussein has meant a terrible loss of religious

    The social club where Lyon and his friends would gather in the evening
    to play dominoes, where families danced or listened to live music on
    holidays, is closed. Wedding celebrations are held quietly at home.

    "Of course, during the Saddam regime it was better," said Lyon, 40,
    a member of the city's small Armenian community. "Now we are afraid
    from the religious parties that maybe they will throw a bomb at us."

    Not just the Christians, but many of the city's minorities -- from
    obscure sects like the ancient Sabeans to the Sunni Muslims who used
    to run Iraq and still predominate in the rest of the Arab world --
    live in fear of the hard-line Shia religious parties and their militias
    that now rule Iraq's second-largest city.

    Freedom has been curtailed for women, too. Several decades ago,
    almost no woman in Basra covered her head. Now, they all do, under
    fear of harassment or worse. Women working for foreign companies or
    governments, and those considered to have loose morals, have been
    marked for death by the militants -- two Iraqi sisters who worked
    in the laundry at the American compound in Basra were assassinated
    last year.

    Cosmopolitan city

    Basra is an ancient port city with a proud cosmopolitan history,
    where Christians, Jews, Sunni, Shia and many other groups lived in
    relative peace for hundreds of years, according to local historians.

    The Jews left en masse in the years following the founding of Israel
    in 1948. Now, although no one keeps records or statistics, the other
    minorities are leaving as well, though many had cried with joy at
    the toppling of Hussein.

    "Saddam Hussein was a criminal and an oppressor. Everybody knew that,"
    said Majid, 45, a Sunni taxi driver who said he was afraid to be
    identified further. "These new parties cry for society, but try to
    drink the blood of the people."

    Hussein murdered thousands or tens of thousands of Iraqis, most of
    them Kurds in the north and Shias in the south. Shias in Basra were
    particularly singled out in retribution for their leadership in a
    failed rebellion against Hussein in 1991, when U.S. forces refused
    to intervene to protect them after the first Persian Gulf War.

    But Hussein did not see Christians and other minorities in Iraq as
    a threat because of their smaller numbers and because his regime was
    secular and not as hostile to other religions or the rights of women
    as are some of Iraq's current officials.

    'They will kill you'

    "You can't say no to those people; they will kill you," Majid said of
    the current leaders here. "Even just if you have a different viewpoint,
    you will have a problem."

    He said he is trying to sell his house and leave Iraq, but has had
    few prospects. "By God, I don't know," he said. "I want to leave,
    but where should I go?"

    Basra is a city of 2 million people, predominantly Shia. An estimated
    200,000 to 300,000 Sunnis, and perhaps 5,000 or 6,000 Christians,
    live in the area.

    Across town from Lyon and Majid, about two dozen Presbyterians, many
    elderly, gathered on a Friday evening for a service designed for
    those who must work on the Christian Sabbath. Their pastor recently
    fled Basra in fear, so a young, recent graduate in theology presided.

    "At the beginning, we were very happy when the British army came to
    Basra. Everything was totally beautiful," said Zuhair Fathallah,
    a plastic surgeon who is an elder of the National Evangelical
    Presbyterian Church.

    While most of his fellow parishioners disliked Hussein, he protected
    their rights to practice their faith. "From a religious point of view,
    we were free to do what we liked," Fathallah said. "As long as you
    keep away from him, you will be safe."

    No more Sunday school

    But a year after Hussein was overthrown, things began to change in
    Basra. In April of last year, one of the Shia militias revolted against
    the British army. Christians who had been licensed to sell alcohol
    under Hussein were attacked and sometimes killed by the militants. The
    church started to receive threatening letters intended to extort money,
    Fathallah said.

    "The fanatic people think that if you don't obey law, they will move
    against you," he added.

    Social activities have been curtailed. The nursery school is closed.

    There is no more Sunday school because of fear the school bus will
    be attacked.

    Fathallah said Presbyterians started leaving Basra in large numbers
    in 1991 after the failed uprising against Hussein, which followed
    Iraq's disastrous invasions of Iran and Kuwait. But that trend has
    continued in the past two years. The church had 300 mostly large
    families during its heyday 30 or more years ago. Now just 35 families
    belong -- a total of 150 people.

    But Fathallah said he is still optimistic that Presbyterians will
    continue on in Basra because their church was registered as an
    autonomous entity based in Iraq a few years ago and services are held
    in Arabic.

    "If we can survive, we will be a good church," Fathallah said. "Basra
    is the best city, and we are good survivors."