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Surp Khach Church of Akhtamar being reconstructed

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  • Surp Khach Church of Akhtamar being reconstructed

    AZG Armenian Daily #152, 27/08/2005



    While Half a Century Ago it Was Under Threat of Elimination

    Surp Khach Armenian church on Akhtamar Island in eastern Turkey, which is
    presently undergoing reconstruction on $1.5 million from Turkish government,
    was under the threat of being destroyed half a century ago, Turkish Vatan
    newspaper informed on August 25. "Eminent writer Yasar Kemal saved the
    Armenian church of Akhtamar at the last moment. Thanks to the Lord, our
    historic consciousness has ripened during 50 years. The same church is now
    being reconstructed by the administration of Van province".

    The publication in Vatan being incredibly interesting, we think it's worth
    to present it wholly. Here is what the paper writes: "It was June 25 of
    1951. This was the day that the church of Akhtamar was spared destruction.
    Who are the savers? They were Ilyas Kitapci, one of wise men of Van, who
    spearheaded military surgeon, captain Javit Bey, world famous writer Yasar
    Kemal and editor-in-chief of Jumhuriet paper, Nadir Nadi. Journalist Azer
    Bortajina presents this breathtaking story of salvation in his book "Eastern
    Anatolia: the Legend of Fertile Lands" citing the words of Yasar Kemal, 'I
    embarked on a ship from Dadivan heading for Van. I got acquainted with an
    officer aboard the ship. He was a captain and he told me: 'It's good I met
    you. There is an Armenian church here on Akhtamar Island. The building is a
    masterpiece. It's being destroyed now. I want to take you there tomorrow.
    The church, being a work of art, belongs to these lands, no matter who built
    it. Can you help me and my country in this issue?''

    'Following the words of the captain, I went to Akhtamar. Though the church
    was still untouched, the belfry beside was in ruins. The captain ordered
    workers: 'Don't touch the church till I am back. I am going to the
    governor'. The workers replied: 'As you like'. We returned to Van. Finding
    correspondent Jumhuriet, Ilyas Kitapci, we called the editor's office. A few
    hours later Nadir Bey was standing was standing before me. I explained him
    the situation. Nadir Bey said: 'Avni Bey will settle this issue. I know him
    well. He is an intelligent person. Avni Basman was education minister at the
    time. Two days later Ilyas and Javit Bey came to the hotel. Their faces were
    shining with delight. Avni Basman telegraphed the governor to suspend
    destruction of the church. June 25 of 1951 is the day of salvation of the
    church of Akhtamar'".

    A conclusion on the salvation day ends the extract from Yasar Kemal and the
    correspondent of Vatan poses a question to governor of Van, Mehmed Niyaz
    Tameler, concerning the reconstruction works of Surp Khach who answers, "In
    the years when these events occurred and which are described by Yasar Kemal,
    our country, unfortunately, did not have the consciousness of preserving
    historic and cultural monuments. We have completely different approach
    today. Our government impartially cares for all monuments of spiritual and
    cultural value, be it a church or a mosque. We have assigned 2 trillion
    Turkish lire for reconstruction of Armenian church of Akhtamar. We bring the
    stones from that very mine that was opened up especially for the
    construction of the church one thousand years ago. We have invited
    specialists from Italy. Many tourists are visiting Van in the recent years.
    But there are no Armenians among them whereas we want them to come and see
    the birthplace of their fathers and native land. Our doors are open before

    By Hakob Chakrian

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress