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CIS: If It's So Ineffectual, Why Do Leaders Keep Meeting?

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  • CIS: If It's So Ineffectual, Why Do Leaders Keep Meeting?

    RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty, Czech Republic
    Aug 26 2005

    CIS: If It's So Ineffectual, Why Do Leaders Keep Meeting?
    By Valentinas Mite

    Do CIS summits provide more than photo opportunities?
    Leaders from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are holding
    a summit today in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. They are due to
    discuss CIS reform, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and other issues.
    The meeting, hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, is expected
    to end with agreements being signed on terrorism, fighting extremist
    groups, and on curbing illegal migration. But the CIS is widely
    considered to be ineffectual in its goal of preserving close economic
    and defense ties between the former Soviet states. So why do the
    leaders keep meeting?

    Prague, 26 August 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Many observers believe the current
    summit of CIS leaders will be just as ineffectual as the ones that
    preceded it.

    Aleksei Malashenko of the Moscow Carnegie Center told RFE/RL that the
    CIS has clearly failed in its mission of becoming an organization
    integrating the post-Soviet states. "If we measure the effectiveness
    in terms of organizing some kind of order in the post-Soviet
    political and economic space, the importance [of the summits] almost
    equals zero," he said.

    Malashenko said the CIS has failed to hammer out a coordinated
    foreign policy, while little or no progress has been made in economic
    cooperation and other spheres.

    The CIS was founded in December 1991 in the wake of the Soviet
    Union's collapse. Of the 15 former Soviet republics, only the three
    Baltic states did not join.

    Malashenko said it is difficult to guess how the organization --
    which serves as a venue for personal contacts and consultations
    between the heads of state -- will develop in the future. "I think it
    will become clear what will happen with this organization during this
    summit or in two more summits in the future," Malashenko said. "We
    will see if [the CIS] disappears completely or becomes some kind of a
    presidential club." He added that CIS summits at least afford leaders
    an opportunity to reduce tensions and to consult without having to
    make commitments.

    CIS leaders themselves offer a more upbeat analysis, at least in
    public. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev told journalists in
    Kazan today that the CIS "should be preserved as an
    organization...for the sake of economic integration and the
    improvement of living standards of our people."

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko promised to bring proposals to
    Kazan on how to improve cooperation between Ukraine and the other CIS
    states. Yushchenko said Ukraine will put up for discussion several
    issues, including a mechanism for a free-trade zone within the CIS.

    However, Stuart Hensel of the London-based Economist Intelligence
    Unit said reviving the CIS isn't a priority for Ukraine. "I think
    [the Ukrainians] are very conscious about making it appear that they
    are keeping all avenues of possible links with Russia open and that
    they are open for discussion on any issues," Hensel said. "I think
    their line throughout all of this is going to be that any sort of
    integration that happens through the CIS or through the Single
    Economic Space, that this happens in ways that are in Ukraine's
    interest. And I don't think they are going to back off of that in any

    Hensel said it is in Ukraine's interest to create a real free-trade
    area instead of a trading system dominated by Russia. Since Russia
    opposes the idea, this conflict of interest "will stop further
    integration from happening."

    Yushchenko and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili are the
    staunchest critics of the way the CIS has been functioning, but both
    nevertheless continue to attend the summits. Malashenko says it easy
    to understand why. "Both Yushchenko and Saakashvili clearly
    understand that moving closer to Europe is not a sudden jump," he
    said. "It is a very long process, a very long one. In fact, it will
    take a whole generation to make it. It is not solid to ignore the CIS
    completely. And to pretend that they have nothing to do with it would
    be childish."

    Both Georgia and Ukraine have made membership in the European Union
    and NATO priorities. Yushchenko and Saakashvili met in Georgia two
    weeks ago and discussed setting up a new regional alliance to
    champion democracy in the former Soviet space.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress