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"Bella Darbinian Symbolizes Whole Epoch by Her Life and Work"

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  • "Bella Darbinian Symbolizes Whole Epoch by Her Life and Work"


    YEREVAN, AUGUST 25, NOYAN TAPAN. The art lover society took the last
    leave of Bella Darbinian, the USSR People's Artist, Movses Khorenatsi
    medalist. The singer graduated from the R.Melikian College, Komitas
    Conservatory and courses of a studio attached to the Moscow Bolshoy
    Theater. In 1966, she entered as soloist the Symphonic Orchestra of
    the TV and Radio State Committee of Armenia where she worked for about
    30 years. B.Darbinian captivated the Armenian music lover society with
    her performances, gained native and foreing numerous stages. It is not
    accidental that many famous composers, Arno Babajanian, Alexander
    Achemian, Konstantin Orbelian, Aleksey Hekimian and others, assigned
    to her first performances of their songs. The Armenian art of singing
    lost one of its eminent individuals, as, the art lovers who came to
    pay the last tribute of respect to their colleague, said: "Bella
    Darbinian was a great figure, a strong individuality with her activity
    and the life she lived." According to composer Martin Vardazarian,
    the singer can express herself perfectly in all genres: "She was one
    of singers the specific timbre of whose voice and whose mastery
    captivate everybody." The composer mentioned with sorrow that today's
    generation is not acquainted with B.Darbinian's art, while she was the
    idol of lovers of the art of singing in 60-70s. "B.Darbinian was one
    of those artists who symbolize a whole epoch with their life and
    works," M.Vardazarian mentioned. "I was present at Bella Darbinian's
    almost all concerts. She had great successes not only in the countries
    of the former Soviet Union but abroad as well. She was loved, she was
    respected as she was single in her type," singer Raisa Mkrtchian
    mentioned. According to her, Armenian national, popular songs, Russian
    romances in B.Darbinian's performance were different from others'
    performances owing to her wonderful voice and specific
    performance. "The Armenian people had a great lose. We fell pain and
    sorrow for losing her as B.Darbianian was one of the eminent figures
    of the Armenian popular music. Let's bend down before all she did and
    realize that people like Bella pass away but leave a rich tradition of
    the art of acting," People's Artist Ruben Matevosian
    emphasized. B.Darbinian's funeral was held at the City Pantheon.