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USA backs constitutional reform in Armenia - envoy

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  • USA backs constitutional reform in Armenia - envoy

    USA backs constitutional reform in Armenia - envoy

    27 Aug 05


    The USA supports the efforts of all participants in the process of
    making amendments to the Armenian constitution and calls on all sides
    to take part in responsible and constructive discussions of this
    issue, the US ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, said yesterday.

    He said that the constitution is the basic law of any country and
    forms a "basis" that ensures the supremacy of the law. The Americans
    needed 13 years to create the first version of the US
    constitution. Since then, the US constitution has been amended 27
    times and this last happened in the early 1990s.

    Today in Iraq, creating or amending a constitution is a lengthy and
    difficult process that requires a high level of responsibility from
    all participants in order for the final document to express the will
    of the people and secure the current balance between different
    branches of power, the US ambassador said.

    [Passage omitted: Expanding on the importance of the constitution] The
    international community, including the USA, has always consistently
    supported the efforts of the Council of Europe which helps Armenia
    create a package of reforms. Today's constitutional package is a
    significant step forward, although its adoption is the prerogative of
    the Republic of Armenia, of course, the US ambassador believes. He
    expressed the hope that all important measures will be taken to
    increase the civil consciousness of society in order for the
    well-informed population to be able to express its will in the
    forthcoming referendum in November.

    "In the run-up to parliamentary discussions set for 29 August, I hope
    that members of the National Assembly will realize their level of
    responsibility to their compatriots for adopting constitutional
    amendments for the good of the Republic of Armenia." The debates which
    will be held on 29 August, as well as the entire subsequent process
    will become an indicator of the level of Armenia's political
    development, the US ambassador pointed out.