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CIS States, the former USSR, likely to collapse and take a different

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  • CIS States, the former USSR, likely to collapse and take a different

    Ivan Shmelev

    Pravda, Russia
    Aug 29 2005

    As long as Turkmenistan pulled out from the Commonwealth, one may
    say that the future of the CIS is rather vague

    CIS leaders gathered to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the
    city of Kazan, the capital of the Tatarstan republic during the
    past weekend. The Commonwealth of Independent States lost one of
    its members, the republic of Turkmenistan: the pullout became the
    main result of the summit. Turkmenistan decided to keep the status
    of an observer only. In addition, there were certain discrepancies
    seen in the text of the final declaration of the summit: GUAM states
    (the organization incorporates Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and
    Moldavia) introduced several amendments to Russia's document about
    the struggle against terrorism. Ukraine did not sign documents about
    the joint economic space. Experts are currently analyzing the recent
    CIS summit in Kazan, trying to understand if it was the last meeting
    for the Commonwealth of Independent States or not.

    The reduction of the number of states included in the Commonwealth
    became the central sensation of the summit. Saparmurat Niyazov, the
    President of Turkmenistan, became the only president of CIS members,
    who did not arrive in Kazan to participate in the summit. That was
    quite a predictable turn of events: Mr. Niyazov, who is known as
    Turkmenbashi, has not been showing any interest in any integration
    unions and preferred only bilateral relations instead. "The father
    of the Turkmen nation" was quite frightened with the series of
    revolutions on the territory of CIS states and made up his mind to
    completely isolate his nation from the rest of the world.

    It is noteworthy that it was Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili,
    who informed the CIS leaders of Turkmenistan's decision. The republic
    of Georgia has not been noticed for its active participation in CIS
    summits on the level of ministers and experts. The Georgian president
    said during the summit that Georgia was willing to set up a union
    of democratic states around the periphery of Russian borders. The
    statement made a lot of observers believe that Georgia will be the
    next candidate to pull out from the CIS. Mr. Saakashvili said that
    Georgia was in the talks with Ukraine, Lithuania and other states
    would join them afterwards, but it would not be a substitute for the
    CIS. "Georgia does not think that the CIS has run out of its abilities
    and opportunities. The CIS has problems, and they need to be solved,"
    the Georgian president said.

    Similar remarks sounded from Saakashvili's colleague, the Ukrainian
    president, only one day before. Viktor Yushchenko, who backs up the
    idea "to promote democracy in the former USSR," signed a special
    document for humanitarian cooperation cautiously. Ukraine, Georgia,
    Azerbaijan and Moldavia introduced several amendments to the document
    about the need to respect other states' sovereignty. Similar amendments
    were introduced to the documents about the struggle with terrorism
    and extremism (the document was originally submitted by Russia):
    the above-mentioned leaders added the notion of "separatism" to
    the document.

    The signing of the documents to establish the joint economic space
    was a long-awaited event during the CIS summit in Kazan too. Russian
    President Vladimir Putin said that 29 documents were planned to be
    signed before December 1 of the current year between Russia, Kazakhstan
    and Belarus. "We agreed that 15 other documents would also be signed
    within the same structure by March 1 of 2006. Ukraine joined the
    statements that were signed today. Ukraine set out its willingness to
    work as a group of four - it will be joining other agreements as they
    are being prepared and developed," Putin said. Viktor Yushchenko
    specified Putin's remarks and said that Ukraine was not ready to
    establish supranational agencies in the joint economic space.

    Ukrainian President, Viktor Yushchenko, had a meeting with the
    President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. It is not known if the
    subject of Ukraine's mediation in the regulation of Belarussian-Polish
    relations was considered during the meeting, although Mr. Yushchenko
    pointed out several problems in the bilateral relations, particularly
    in the field of economy, politics and humanitarian spheres. Ukraine
    called upon Belarus to join their efforts in the struggle with
    consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. It is noteworthy that
    the presidents of the two countries failed to agree upon the dates
    of visits to each other.

    The CIS summit in Kazan has not resulted in any progress regarding
    the regulation of conflicts. The meeting between the presidents of
    Azerbaijan and Armenia, Ilkham Aliyev and Robert Kocharyan, which was
    devoted to the Nagorny Karabakh problem, ended without any progress on
    the matter. In addition, the president of the unrecognized Transdniestr
    Republic, Igor Smirnov, virtually accused the President of Moldavia,
    Vladimir Voronin, of the breakdown of talks. "I believe that a physical
    guarantee, which can put an end to all criminal actions to disrupt
    the talk process, is extremely important for us," said. He. Igor
    Smirnov thanked Viktor Yushchenko for his readiness to send Ukrainian
    peacemakers to the conflict region, but the tone of his statement
    was rather skeptic: "I remember when the army operations were getting
    started in 1992, there were Romanian and Ukrainian observers in the
    region. However, they all disappeared somewhere, and the war started,"
    Smirnov said.

    One may thus infer that the summit in Kazan has unveiled certain
    vestiges of the CIS's division into two camps. The first one of them
    includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (with
    Armenia as an observer and Uzbekistan, which decided to distance itself
    from revolutionary democracies after the recent events in Andijan). The
    second group incorporates members of the GUAM political and economic
    organization, whereas the republic of Turkmenistan is included in
    none of the mentioned associations. Discrepancies have been growing
    between these groups for many years already, the sides fail to come
    to a consolidated solution of the problem, which eventually makes
    the Commonwealth of Independent States become a decorative club,
    in which every member has its own interests. As long as Turkmenistan
    pulled out from the Commonwealth, one may say that the future of the
    CIS is rather vague, which became clear after the meeting in Kazan.