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RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly - 02/04/2005

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  • RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly - 02/04/2005

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly
    Vol. 5, No. 5, 4 February 2005

    A Weekly Review of News and Analysis of Russian Domestic Politics

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    By Victor Yasmann

    Hard on the heels of a humiliating political defeat in the
    presidential election in Ukraine, the Kremlin is now facing another
    serious crisis, this one even closer to home. For weeks now, the
    country has been wracked by growing social unrest in opposition to
    the government's reform to convert most in-kind social benefits
    to cash payments, which has been widely criticized as ill considered
    and poorly implemented.
    According to media reports, more than two-thirds of the
    subjects of the federation have seen protests and demonstrations by
    pensioners, the disabled, public-sector workers, and other benefits
    recipients. In some cases, protestors blocked highways and rail lines
    or took over regional-administration buildings. In many cases, the
    protests were apparently spontaneous, but the Communist Party has
    claimed to be organizing the demonstrations.
    In addition, speaking to journalists in Moscow on 27 January,
    Communist Party leader Gennadii Zyuganov said that his party has
    collected the 90 Duma deputy signatures required to force the
    chamber's leadership to include a motion of no confidence in the
    government in the Duma's agenda, and other Russian
    media reported. Zyuganov said that in addition to Communist deputies,
    the Motherland faction is backing the initiative, as well as 15-18
    independent deputies.
    Although a no-confidence measure has no chance of passing
    without the support of the pro-Kremlin Unified Russia party, which
    controls a majority of the seats in the chamber, holding such a vote
    would put Unified Russia in the awkward position of having openly to
    support the unpopular benefits reform, commented on 27
    At a recent meeting of the government's Council on
    Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship, participants concluded that the
    main reason for the unrest and for the slowdown in economic growth
    generally is a crisis of confidence, a loss of public trust in the
    government, "Vremya novostei" reported on 28 January. A similar view
    was expressed by Higher Economics School head and former Economy
    Minister Yevgenii Yasin, who was quoted by the daily as saying, "We
    are seeing a textbook example of how economic growth that seemed to
    be working so well can be destroyed."
    Economist and Institute of Globalization Director Mikhail
    Delyagin said he thinks the present situation, including the
    widespread unrest, is the result of infighting between the so-called
    siloviki, or people connected to the security apparatus, and such
    liberal ministers as Finance Minister Aleksei Kudrin and Economic
    Development and Trade Minister German Gref. Delyagin called the
    latter "liberal fundamentalists" in a 14 January interview with
    RosBalt. Delyagin added that the dismantling of the social safety net
    "is not only the result of liberal reforms, but also of the blind
    aggression of the silovik oligarchy, an aggression that is spreading
    from the business community to society as a whole." "It is an open
    secret that a considerable portion of those agencies that we more and
    more often call 'siloviki' and less and less often call
    'law enforcement organs' perceive the citizenry of Russia as
    a legitimate target for looting," Delyagin said.
    Delyagin said that the Putin regime has declared war not only
    on business and society, but also on the regional elites, which it
    has stripped of political influence without giving them anything in
    return. "I think the protests which are continuing all over the
    country are partly generated by regional administrations, which feel
    that they have been robbed by the benefits-reform process," Delyagin
    said. "Since they are afraid to confront Moscow openly, they pretend
    that the protests are only the voice of the people and are in no
    hurry to silence it."
    National Strategy Institute Director Stanislav Belkovskii
    told APN on 27 January that the unrest is evidence of a systemic
    crisis confronting the Putin regime. He said the protests demonstrate
    how illusory and ephemeral the Russian system of power is, and prove
    that the authorities can neither govern the people nor communicate
    with them. He added that the regime has already demonstrated this
    inability in the cases of the August 2000 sinking of the "Kursk"
    nuclear submarine, the October 2003 hostage taking at a Moscow
    theater, and the September 2004 hostage drama at a school in Beslan,
    North Ossetia. However, he added, the current unrest even more
    graphically demonstrates that the Putin regime is not unshakable.
    Belkovskii added that the response to the protests proves
    that the regime fears only direct actions of this sort. It is not
    possible to outmaneuver the country's oligarchic-bureaucratic
    machine, but only to pressure it, Belkovskii said.
    Belkovskii said that in October, a member of the Communist
    Party of the Russian Federation told him that if Ukrainian
    presidential hopeful Viktor Yushchenko could bring at least 100,000
    people out onto the streets of Kyiv, the issue of power in Ukraine
    would be settled regardless of other factors. Time has shown that he
    was right, Belkovskii said, adding that anyone who can bring 300,000
    people out onto the streets of Moscow can similarly take power in
    Russia. Therefore, he concluded, the street will remain the main tool
    of the political struggle in Russia for the next two years.
    The government was unprepared for the protests and chose to
    treat its own citizens like "cattle," Belkovskii said. He quoted a
    Unified Russia Duma deputy as saying that "the tougher the laws are
    that the government adopts, the less people protest against them."
    Belkovskii said the regime placed its stake on public apathy and was
    convinced that there would be no massive protests. For this reason,
    the government is responsible for the crisis and should be dismissed.
    Belkovskii added, though, that President Putin does not
    consider the benefits reform itself a mistake. Therefore, Kudrin,
    Gref, and Health and Social Development Minister Mikhail Zurabov will
    remain in government in one capacity or another. However, the
    president will most likely have to make some sort of gesture to quell
    the unrest, and the most likely victim will be the cabinet of Prime
    Minister Mikhail Fradkov.
    Demonstrators have already been seen carrying signs calling
    for Putin to resign and even bearing slogans such as "Putin Is Worse
    Than Hitler." Although Putin often tries to avoid tough personnel
    decisions, Belkovskii said, he will need to do something to appease
    the public. The most likely scapegoat will be Fradkov, Belkovskii
    said, not because of the reform fiasco itself, but because he has
    avoided taking public responsibility for the crisis and has thereby
    exposed Putin to criticism.



    By Julie A. Corwin

    The hunger strike of five State Duma deputies from the
    Motherland faction, which began on 21 January, came to end this week.
    The five legislators, including Motherland leader Dmitrii Rogozin,
    who were demanding a moratorium on implementation of the law on
    converting in-kind benefits to cash payments and the dismissal of
    Health and Social Development Minister Mikhail Zurabov, Finance
    Minister Aleksei Kudrin, and Economic Development and Trade Minister
    German Gref, decided to transform their struggle from "the passive to
    the active stage," "Izvestiya" reported on 2 February. Lawmaker
    Andrei Savelev was hospitalized on 29 January with low blood sugar,
    and the party's presidium was expected to issue an order to the
    strikers to give up their protest for the sake of their health at a
    presidium session on 3 February.
    Typically, hunger strikes attract sympathy for the
    participants and their cause, but in the case of the Motherland party
    action, a more common reaction - at least among the Russian political
    elite -- has been derision. State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov labeled
    the action "self-promotion." And Lyudmila Alekseeva, chairwoman of
    the Moscow Helsinki Group, found herself agreeing with Gryzlov. She
    told on 24 January that public relations was likely at
    least one of the motivations for the deputies' action.
    In an interview with Ekho Moskvy on 22 January, Garri
    Kasparov, chess champion and Committee-2008 chairman, concluded that
    "quite obviously" Rogozin got news from his patrons in the Kremlin --
    that is, first deputy head of the presidential administration Igor
    Sechin or deputy head of the administration Viktor Ivanov -- that
    resignations are forthcoming in the government. "One should not doubt
    that Rogozin's strike is a harbinger of changes in the Russian
    government," Kasparov said. "We'll wait and we can thank Dmitrii
    Olegovich [Rogozin] for imparting this information in such a bizarre
    way to all those able to compare and contrast his action with the
    information he usually receives from his Kremlin patrons."
    Kasparov added that he believes that Kremlin control over
    Rogozin is "quite high," but Rogozin "no doubt has his own game plan.
    Sechin's game is to bet on Rogozin and help him in every way, and
    it's Rogozin's game, at this stage, to pretend and dream that
    one day he will do to his patrons what Putin did to his."
    In an interview with on 24 January, Marat Gelman,
    the art gallery owner and campaign consultant who worked on
    Motherland's surprisingly successful campaign during the December
    2003 State Duma elections, agreed with Kasparov: "Rogozin has
    information that he won't be on a hunger strike long. But in my
    opinion he or his informant is wrong," Gelman said. Gelman also
    commented that since Duma deputies are now devoid of real power, they
    are reduced to making symbolic gestures such as hunger strikes. But
    as gestures go, Gelman figures that Rogozin's gambit is a
    stronger one than the competition's: Unified Russia is just
    discussing the benefits reform among themselves, he says, while the
    Communist party is trying to head spontaneous protests.
    Part of the harsh reaction to Motherland's hunger strike
    could reflect the Russian political elite's attitude toward
    Motherland's leader, Rogozin himself. Like many federal
    politicians, Rogozin changes party and coalition membership on an
    almost seasonal basis. Rogozin is only 41 years old, but he has
    already either been a member of or aligned with a half a dozen
    political organizations, including the Union of Revival, the Congress
    of Russian Communities (KRO), the Fatherland party, the Yurii
    Boldyrev Movement, the Inter-Ethnic Union, the People's Deputy
    Duma faction, and the Motherland-Patriotic Union bloc. And his
    break-ups have often been publicly acrimonious.
    Rogozin's first big public fight was with former
    presidential candidate Aleksandr Lebed. Lebed was No. 1, and Rogozin
    No. 5 on the KRO's party list for the December 1995 State Duma
    election. But relations soured quickly after Lebed became Security
    Council secretary in summer 1996, and especially after he negotiated
    the Khasavyurt accords that ended the first military conflict in
    By the spring of 1998, Rogozin and the KRO were actively
    campaigning against Lebed in the Krasnoyarsk Krai gubernatorial
    election. In 1999, Rogozin's KRO was initially aligned with
    Moscow Mayor Yurii Luzhkov's Fatherland party, but when Luzhkov
    chose to join forces with the All-Russia movement, headed by
    Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev and Bashkortostan President
    Murtaza Rakhimov, Rogozin dropped out of the alliance. Rogozin made a
    number of unflattering remarks to Luzhkov at the time, and Luzhkov
    has been unable to forgive him, according to "Profile" on 7 April
    In 2003, Rogozin's name was proposed during a Unified
    Russia party congress, but Luzhkov blocked his membership of the
    party, because he "could not forget old offenses," according to
    "Yezhenedelnyi zhurnal" on 15 December 2003. In December 2003,
    Rogozin was No. 2 on the party list for the unexpectedly successful
    Motherland bloc. However, that alliance began to unravel unusually
    quickly. By January 2004, Rogozin and candidate No. 1 on the party
    list, Sergei Glazev, were exchanging brick bats in the press, and by
    March, Glazev was removed as the bloc's faction leader.
    Rogozin, a native Muscovite, is the son of Oleg
    Konstantinovich Rogozin, a military general. Rogozin resisted
    following in his father's footsteps. According to "Profil" and
    "Yezhnedelnyi zhurnal," Rogozin almost entered the acting faculty of
    the All-Russia State Institute of Cinematography, having successfully
    completely all stages of the application and competition process.
    However, at the last minute, he rethought his career plans and
    instead joined the international department of the journalism faculty
    at Moscow State University (MGU). At MGU, Rogozin participated in
    student theater.
    Now as a mid-career professional, he finds himself
    participating in a theatre of a more modern variety, reality
    television. The Motherland deputies' hunger strike was webcast on
    the party's website ( Computer hackers shut
    the site down temporarily, but as of evening of 31 January Moscow
    time, the show was back on the air. Rogozin was shown conversing with
    his colleagues, hands tucked in his jean pockets, his once-splendid
    paunch noticeably less visible underneath his black sweatshirt.
    According to "Izvestiya" on 2 February, Rogozin lost 8 kilos. But he
    may have gained much more than a slimmer figure: In a monthly ranking
    of influential politicians published by "Nezavisimaya gazeta,"
    Rogozin jumped from 57th place to 30th.


    HOLDING PUTIN ACCOUNTABLE On 28 January, RFE/RL's Russian Service
    broadcast an exclusive interview with Motherland leader Dmitrii
    Rogozin, who spoke by telephone from his office in the State Duma
    building where he is participating in a hunger strike against the
    government's benefits-reform plan. The complete interview in
    Russian can be seen at
    During the interview, Rogozin defended the decision to stage
    a hunger strike and said that the current Duma has become "a sort of
    farce, in which simply by the command of some director from the
    majority faction, plus the well-known Russian hooligan [Liberal
    Democratic Party of Russia leader Vladimir] Zhirinovskii who has
    stuck himself on to them, [deputies] come and pass whatever decisions
    are deemed necessary without any discussion and with the most blatant
    violations of the Duma's regulations." He specifically criticized
    deputies' rejection of a Motherland-sponsored proposal to give
    the floor to human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin to discuss the
    benefits crisis.
    Rogozin also criticized the "officious" state media, "even
    the formerly independent NTV television," for waging a conspiracy of
    silence about the Motherland hunger strike. He said that false
    statements purportedly from the hunger strikers have been circulated
    in the Duma and posted on the Internet, and he accused Unified Russia
    of complicity in this campaign.
    Rogozin also categorically denounced a letter that was
    recently sent by 20 Duma deputies, including several from the
    Motherland faction, that urged the Prosecutor-General's Office to
    investigate Jewish organizations on suspicion that they foment ethnic
    and religious strife.
    Although Motherland has always marketed itself as a
    pro-presidential, nationalist-leaning party, Rogozin called on
    President Vladimir Putin to take responsibility for the benefits
    crisis. "We demand that the president make his deeds match his words
    and, finally, become a governmental leader," Rogozin said, "instead
    of just appearing on television and saying what people expect." "We
    believe that [the president] bears total responsibility for
    everything that is happening in the country," he added. (Robert



    By Robert Coalson

    Although President Vladimir Putin re-nominated Sergei
    Stepashin to his post as Audit Chamber chairman on 27 January, the
    political elites in Russia were caught off-guard when Stepashin told
    a meeting of the Duma's Motherland faction on 18 January that he
    had submitted his resignation.
    Stepashin, whose term was scheduled to end in April 2006,
    said that he considered it his duty to tender his resignation in
    keeping with the spirit of a new law on the formation of the Audit
    Chamber, which stipulates that the president nominates that
    body's chairman and that the Duma confirm the nomination.
    Until Putin reaffirmed his support for Stepashin, there was a
    frenzy of discussion about what Stepashin's move might mean. Most
    analysts saw it as a clear appeal for a vote of confidence from
    Putin, although some doubted whether that nod would come. Dmitrii
    Oreshkin of the Merkator analytical group told "Novye izvestiya" on
    19 January that some within the administration might try to take
    advantage of Stepashin's move because the chief auditor "is a man
    with unsatisfied political ambitions who is not caught up in any
    compromising games."
    The announcement of Stepashin's resignation was given
    additional political gravitas by the fact that the Duma has now three
    times postponed hearing his potentially scandalous report on his
    chamber's review of 1990s-era privatizations. On 12 January, Duma
    Speaker Boris Gryzlov announced that the report would not be put on
    the Duma's agenda because changes in the legislature's rules
    had made it unclear what "format" was appropriate for Stepashin's
    appearance. "Tribuna" noted on 12 January that Stepashin had already
    appeared in the Duma chamber on 8 December 2004 to present the report
    but deputies refused to give him the floor. A few analysts, including
    Lydia Andrusenko, writing in "Politicheskii zhurnal," No. 2,
    speculated that Stepashin's resignation was a protest to the
    Kremlin against possible moves to quash the report.
    However, at the 18 January Motherland faction meeting,
    Stepashin told deputies that the Duma's leadership had scheduled
    his report for sometime "in March or April in the context of a report
    on the work of the Audit Chamber." He added that he has already
    submitted the report to both legislative chambers, Putin, and the
    Prosecutor-General's Office.
    "Kommersant-Daily" on 17 January reported that it had
    obtained a copy of Stepashin's report and that it was
    characterized mostly by ambiguous conclusions and statements that
    could be variously interpreted. However, the daily, which is owned by
    avowed Kremlin foe and former oligarch Boris Berezovskii, wrote that
    the document could serve "as the basis for the mass reexamination of
    privatization results" and that "the authorities don't seem to be
    in any hurry to play this card." Some analysts have raised the
    concern that the report could signal a qualitative change in the
    state's assault of private enterprise, inasmuch as the Yukos
    affair and other high-profile cases to date have centered on the
    issue of minimizing tax obligations rather than on the core issue of
    property ownership.
    The daily reported that the report repeats longstanding
    general criticisms of privatization, including that it was conducted
    without a complete legal foundation; that the State Property
    Committee frequently failed to register its instructions with the
    Justice Ministry, making them technically void; and that most tenders
    were insufficiently competitive and transparent. The report also
    reportedly includes general conclusions such as that privatization
    failed to achieve such stated goals as boosting industrial production
    and economic growth. The report concludes vaguely but menacingly that
    "it is essential to establish through the courts the violated rights
    of the legal property owner, that is, the state," the daily reported.
    The "Kommersant-Daily" article reports that the main
    ambiguity in the possible repercussions of the report lies in the
    fact that it does not really examine specific privatization cases in
    detail. It surveys the oil and energy sectors, according to the
    daily, and lingers on Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Governor Roman
    Abramovich's Sibneft. It also covers the tobacco industry and
    other sectors, but mostly in order to demonstrate various
    privatization-related schemes that allegedly harmed the state's
    interests rather than to point fingers at particular companies or
    individuals. speculated on 21 January that the Kremlin is benefiting
    from the uncertainty over Stepashin's report, which the news
    agency described as "a bomb hanging over" the oligarchs. On the other
    hand, National Strategy Council General Director Valerii Khomyakov
    told "Nezavisimaya gazeta" on 20 January that "clearly, some points
    in the report may not have pleased the Kremlin-linked oligarchs very
    much." Despite Stepashin's renomination, the fate of the
    privatization report remains unclear.
    Putin met with Stepashin on 24 January and listened to his
    report on the Audit Chamber's plans for 2005. At that meeting,
    Stepashin announced that the chamber would "move away from petty
    topics" and instead study larger matters such as the overall
    effectiveness of government spending. On 21 January, Federation
    Council Chairman Sergei Mironov told ABN that Stepashin deserves to
    keep his post, noting that Stepashin is a "gosudarstvennik," or a
    person who believes in a strong state, and "that is very important."
    Stepashin told reporters on 27 January, the day of his renomination,
    that the government will not pursue a policy of "deprivatization,"
    and he shifted the focus of his criticisms from privatization issues
    to concerns about the management of state property.
    Former Duma Deputy Yurii Boldyrev, who helped write the
    original law on the Audit Chamber, told, the official
    website of the Union of Oil and Gas Equipment Producers, on 25
    January that the most important thing is neither Stepashin nor even
    the privatization report, but the fate of the Audit Chamber itself,
    which has gone largely unremarked. He said that the new law that
    allows the president to nominate the Audit Chamber's chairman
    spells the end of its independence and turns it into "a fifth wheel"
    in the structure of the government. "The Audit Chamber made sense
    when it operated independently of the president and made public
    things he wanted to cover up," Boldyrev said.


    2-3 February: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Azerbaijan
    to discuss visit to Moscow of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
    later the same month

    4-11 February: 60th anniversary of the Yalta Conference, at which
    British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U.S. President Franklin D.
    Roosevelt, and Soviet dictator Josef Stalin discussed plans for post-
    war Europe

    6 February: Second round of voting in the gubernatorial election
    in Nenets Autonomous Okrug

    12 February: Communist Party to organize a day of national protest
    against the government's benefits reform

    16 February: Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement intended
    to curb the emissions of gases widely believed to contribute
    to global warming, comes into effect following its ratification by
    the Russian Federation

    18 February: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to travel to Tbilisi

    20 February: New patriotic television channel organized by the
    Russian Defense Ministry to begin broadcasting

    24 February: President Putin and U.S. President George W. Bush to
    hold a summit in Bratislava, Slovakia

    March: Terms of Yamalo-Nenetsk Autonomous Okrug Governor Yurii
    Neelov, Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous Okrug Governor Aleksandr
    Filipenko, Jewish Autonomous Okrug Governor Nikolai Volkov, and
    Primorskii Krai Governor Sergei Darkin to expire

    March: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Japan to discuss
    Russian-Japanese summit scheduled to be held in Tokyo in April,
    according to many media reports

    March: EU external relations commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner to
    visit Moscow

    6 March: Parliamentary elections in Moldova

    20 March: Legislative elections in Voronezh Oblast

    April: Terms of Tula Oblast Governor Vasilii Starodubtsev, Saratov
    Oblast Governor Dmitrii Ayatskov, and Amur Oblast Governor Leonid
    Korotkov to expire

    April: Russian Soyuz spacecraft to bring new crew to the
    International Space Station

    17 April: Krasnoyarsk Krai to hold a referendum on the question of
    merging the krai with the Taimyr and Evenk autonomous okrugs

    9 May: Commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of World
    War II

    2006: Russia to host a G-8 summit

    1 January 2006: Date by which all political parties must conform to
    law on political parties, which requires at least 50,000 members and
    branches in one-half of all federation subjects, or either reregister
    as public organizations or be dissolved.

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    Copyright (c) 2005. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly" is prepared by Robert Coalson
    on the basis of a variety of sources. It is distributed every

    Direct comments to Robert Coalson at [email protected].
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