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Tbilisi: Baku ready for dialogue with Armenia on Karabakh issue

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  • Tbilisi: Baku ready for dialogue with Armenia on Karabakh issue

    The Messenger, Georgia
    Feb 4 2005

    Baku ready for dialogue with Armenia on Karabakh issue

    According to the Azeri newspaper Zerkalo.Baku, Deputy Minister of
    Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov states that Baku is ready
    to hold talks with Yerevan regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh issue only
    after Armenian troops leave occupied areas of Azerbaijan.
    The paper reports that evidence gathered by the Azerbaijani
    government were presented at an official meeting of the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs. "We got acquainted with the materials and plan to
    investigate them now, " stated the Russian co-chairman of the OSCE
    Minsk group Yuri Merzliakov. According to an agreement between the
    OSCE mission and Baku, experts will visit all 7 occupied regions
    around Nagorno-Karabakh.
    Merzliakov said that the mission would be accompanied by no one from
    the Azerbaijani side. According to co-chairman of the MG of OSCE
    Bernard Fassie, the mission will work on the occupied territories for
    more than a week. "Then experts will prepare a technical report and
    present it to the co-chairmen," he said.
    Establishing settlements in the occupied Azeri territories is being
    implemented by the direct participation of Armenia, the paper writes.
    The Azerbaijani side presented documents that proved the settlement
    of the occupied territories. Azimov said that about 23,000 Armenians
    are living illegally on the occupied territories.
    The documents also provide information regarding the use of occupied
    territories for illegal trade of drugs and organized criminal
    activities. Azimov also expressed his attitude toward the PACE
    resolution regarding Nagorno-Karabakh.
    The president of Azerbaijan also hosted the co-chairmen of the Minsk
    Group and the mission that is studying issues of possible illegal
    settlements in occupied Azeri territories. He said that the illegal
    settlement of these territories by the Armenian side is a serious
    obstacle for the achievement of long-term peace.