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ANKARA: Turkish PM, French Speaker Discuss Turkey's EU Membership

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  • ANKARA: Turkish PM, French Speaker Discuss Turkey's EU Membership

    Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
    Feb 4 2005

    Turkish Prime Minister and French Assembly Speaker Discuss Turkey's
    EU Membership

    Jan SOYKOK, ANKARA (JTW and News Agencies) - President of the French
    National Assembly Jean Louis Debre met Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan yesterday.

    Louis Debre asked Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan about
    implementation of reforms which Turkey fulfilled in the EU process.
    Debre also asked improvement in Cyprus issue and relations with

    Turkish PM Erdogan told Debre that France and Turkey share common
    values like democracy, freedom, human rights and supremacy of law.
    Noting that Turkey tries to effectively implement the reforms it made
    in the EU process, Erdogan said Turkey's EU membership will further
    improve the political and economic relations between Turkey and

    Tayyip Erdogan said Armenian allegations should be left to
    historians. "If their historians have claims, our historians have
    claims too. They shall study Ottoman archives" added Erdogan.

    Erdogan further said Turkey does not have any problems with its
    Armenian citizens'.

    "We opened our archives and we provide any assistance to Armenian
    historians and scientist who wish to study Ottoman documents.
    Armenians should also open their archives," he added.

    Dr. Laciner: `France Should Not Sacrifice For Armenian Radicals'

    There is a strong Armenian diaspora lobbying in France and the
    Armenian allegations is a domestic issue in France. However Dr. Sedat
    Laciner argues French politicians should not sacrifice Turkish-French
    relations for their domestic political interests. Dr. Laciner further

    `As a matter of fact that neither French politicians nor the Armenian
    Diaspora radicals see Armenia's national interests as their priority.
    Armenia's and Diaspora's interests are not the same. As Dr. Nilgun
    Gulcan pointed out Armenia and Diaspora has contrary interests.
    Diaspora needs more dispute between Turks and Armenians, because many
    Diaspora Armenian enjoy from the `genocide industry'. If Turkey and
    Armenia solve their problem they could not abuse the past for their
    individual interests. Many diaspora institutions are dependent on
    `genocide donations'. Many Armenian actors, businessmen, politician
    etc. in Northern America and Europe see Turkish-Armenian problems as
    source of power. When the both side put an end to the historical
    misunderstandings many militants will lose their financial and
    political power over the ordinary Armenians in diaspora. Similarly
    some of the Diaspora institutions argue that the 1915 Legacy is the
    most important thing uniting Armenians. According to this approach,
    Diaspora Armenians need a uniting cause in order to resist
    assimilation. Otherwise, they think, Armenian identity would be
    diminished in front of the strong Western cultures.

    However Armenian state needs Turkey and other Turkic peoples. Armenia
    is surrounded by more than 100 million Turkish people (Turkey,
    Azerbaijan and Iran Azerbaijan). Georgia is an ally of Turkey and has
    good relations with the Western states though Armenia stayed the only
    Russian ally in the region. Armenia is a relatively small and poor
    country, it is land-locked. If Armenia can solve its problems with
    Turkey the life would be easier for the Armenians. In my opinion
    Turkey, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan could establish an economic
    regional integration in Caucasus. Turkey could be a European door for
    the Armenian businessmen and people. Turkish universities can open
    their doors to Armenian youth. Armenia cannot survive in a hostile
    region. So-called Russian support or relations with Iran cannot
    substitute relations with Turkey. A strong Turkish-Armenian regional
    ally would change a lot in the region. If Turkey and Armenia can
    establish a strong friendship foreign direct investment would jump,
    security problems down, and the region would become a trade centre
    for the Central Asia, Black Sea and the Middle East'.