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Azeri army purge

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  • Azeri army purge

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting
    Feb 3 2005

    Azeri army purge

    Is the Defense Ministry weeding out officers for financial
    misdemeanors, or because they are viewed as disloyal to the regime?

    By Jasur Mamedov in Baku for IWPR (04/02/05)

    About 10 officers in Azerbaijan's army have been arrested and dozens
    more demoted for bribery in recent weeks. The defense ministry
    advertised the move as the beginning of a sweeping anti-corruption
    drive, stated as a response to a new anti-corruption bill which
    President Ilham Aliev signed into law by the president on 1 January
    2005. But some observers are asking whether the officers who have
    been targeted are really thought to be on the take, or whether they
    make convenient scapegoats because their support for the regime is
    viewed as suspect. `The officers in question are accused of forging
    some papers in 2003 to let some draftees dodge conscription,' defense
    ministry spokesman Ramiz Melikov told IWPR. Melikov declined to name
    the officers or reveal how many were involved, citing confidentiality
    restrictions surrounding the investigation. Without saying that
    corruption is a problem in the military, Melikov said the arrests
    could be linked to the new anti-corruption law, which applies to all
    government agencies including the armed forces. To comply with the
    law, the defense ministry is now obliged to run checks on its staff.
    `The defense ministry audits its ranks on a regular basis, and
    punishes offenders,' said Melikov said. The new law against
    corruption was passed under pressure from international lending
    institutions, which set it as a precondition for advancing further
    credit to the Azerbaijani government. Azerbaijan set up an
    anti-corruption commission in April 2004, headed by presidential
    chief of staff Ramiz Mehtiev. Now that the new law has been enacted,
    the commission is gearing up for a series of audits targeting
    government bodies and the armed forces.

    Incidents of bribery?
    The incidents of bribery that led to the arrest of the army officers
    were exposed on 13 January, when Mehtiev's commission announced the
    findings of an audit of the Barda Corps conducted in December 2004.
    The corps is stationed 40 kilometers from the ceasefire line
    separating Azerbaijani from Armenian forces around Nagorno Karabakh.
    Some details of the case were leaked to the press earlier via a
    retired army officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Uzeir Jafarov, who named two
    officers who had been arrested. More recently, it transpired that two
    other men, who commanded military units belonging to the Barda Corps,
    were taken into custody around 20 January. A criminal file has been
    opened on another officer in one of the units, and several more
    high-ranking officers have been demoted or sacked. Retired army major
    Alekber Mamedov, who heads the non-government Centre for Civilian
    Supervision of the Armed Forces, agrees that corruption is widespread
    in the army. However, Lieutenant-Colonel Jafarov, who dismissed from
    the army in 2003, does not believe these arrests mean the defense
    ministry is genuinely committed to rooting out corruption. Instead,
    he thinks the officers concerned were removed for political reasons.
    `The arrests at the Barda Corps were politically inspired,' he said.
    `I know for a fact that many officers in Barda voted for Isa Gambar
    in the last presidential elections.' Gambar is the leader of the
    opposition Musavat party who challenged the current president, Ilham
    Aliev, in 2003. According to Jafarov, officials were so alarmed by
    the level of support for the opposition that Defense Minister Safar
    Abiev took steps to get rid of the dissidents. To back up this
    version of events, Jafarov says the Barda Corps commander-in-chief
    Talib Mamedov tried to protect his subordinates, and was immediately
    shunted off to a minor diplomatic post in Kazakhstan. A Defense
    Ministry staffer who did the same found himself similarly dispatched
    abroad, in his case to Azerbaijan's embassy in Pakistan. `With these
    two out of the picture, they swooped on the other officers,' said

    Financial insecurity
    Alimamed Nuriev, who heads the Azerbaijani parliament's commission
    for defense and national security, believes the anti-corruption drive
    is real. `The events at Barda show that the ministry is getting
    serious about corruption,' he said. `I believe that in a month or
    two, we will see the results of this anti-corruption initiative
    across all government agencies, including the defense ministry.'
    Whatever the truth about the accusations made against the Barda unit,
    many officers and soldiers in the corps told IWPR that bribery was
    rampant. `In return for a monthly fee paid to their superiors, dozens
    of soldiers on the payroll were allowed to live in their homes while
    officially serving in the unit. This was common practice here,' a
    Barda Corps soldier, who declined to be named, told IWPR. `Hundreds
    of soldiers were never paid their wages. Most of our wages were
    deducted under various pretexts such as building a new mess hall or
    something.' Major-General Tajeddin Mehtiev, a former defense minister
    who now works at the ministry's Centre for Military Studies,
    prescribes reform rather than punishment. `I don't think punitive
    action alone can prevent offences in the army. The root of the
    problem is that military servicemen feel financially insecure,' he
    said. `We should give our soldiers a pay rise to at least 100 US
    dollars a month [current pay is between four to 10 dollars], and pay
    at least 500 dollars a month to our officers, who are now earning
    between 100 and 150 dollars. That would be a strong disincentive to

    Jasur Mamedov is a reporter for Zerkalo newspaper in Baku.
    This article originally appeared in Caucasus Reporting Service,
    produced by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR).
    Caucasus Reporting Service is supported by the UK Foreign Office and
    the US State Department.