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Monitoring Mission Visiting Zangelan

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  • Monitoring Mission Visiting Zangelan


    5 Feb 05

    The OSCE monitoring mission made its way to the bank of Araxes
    River. They visited every house and interrogate everyone they met in
    the towns of Mijnavan (formerly Minchevan) and Kovsakan (formerly

    Incessant mission was in full swing. They will leave Nagorno Karabakh
    in few days to make a report for the Minsk group. The monitoring
    mission was provided with everything necessary for a fruitful work

    Emily Haber, head of the monitoring mission, met Artur Balasanian, 38,
    in the main street of Mijnavan. He lost his home and property that
    were in Getashen as a result of the war. Artur looks 50. He moved to
    Mijnavan in 1996. Two of his four sons were born here. Before moving
    to Mijnavan, Artur and his old parents were given a shelter in the
    Hrazdan resort house and Njuvadi village in Meghri. The life in
    Mijnavan is not the last station for him, as he will leave for another
    place if possible - a place with no name for him. He wishes he could
    return to Getashen but realizes that new dwellers have already found
    his two-storied house.

    Vladimir Gasparian, 25, and his family left Armenikend, a Baku borough
    where the Armenians used to live, when he was 9. He left Baku by car,
    moved to Ghubatlu then to Kapan. After living in one of the hostels of
    Kapan for tenyears, they moved to Mijnavan in 1998.

    "There are five children in our family and I am the eldest. We go to
    other people's fields to work there, gathering the harvest and
    fertilizing the earth. We will leave this place if it is possible,"
    Vladimir said and added that there are other 5-6 cities in the city
    that fled from Baku.

    Mamikon Yavrumian was born in Kirovabad. He has to live in Kovsakan
    town. Mamikon works in the field and is engaged in cattle breeding.
    Mamikon and Arpine, his wife, are teachers. They met in Kovsakan and
    got married. They have an infant that was born two months ago.

    "The life makes us live here, as we have no house in Armenia. We have
    no drinking water there are a lot of snakes all around here. We can't
    let our children walk freely in this territory," he says.

    Zangelan administratively belonged to Azerbaijan, formerly. No
    wintertime comes here. The weather is mild. It seldom snows
    here. Zangelan is the smallest territory under the control of Karabakh
    forces. It is situated in the lower parts of the Voghji, the Tsav and
    the Hakari rivers.

    The OSCE monitoring mission spent a whole day in these places and
    spoke with people they met on their way and visited their houses. They
    were putting down all the things these people said, so that they can
    summarize their statements and find out who are the dwellers of these
    territories, when and where they came from.

    The official Baku keeps saying that Armenia and NKR are conducting an
    official policy of inhabiting and using the territories they control.
    While Yerevan and Stepanakert deny this, by stating that no official
    inhabiting policy is being conducted there. The Armenians that had to
    flee from Azerbaijan and lost their homes there came and inhabited
    these regions by their own decision.

    By Tatoul Hakobian