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EU/Caucasus: Parliamentarians welcome further east-west integration

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  • EU/Caucasus: Parliamentarians welcome further east-west integration

    Europe Information Service
    February 3, 2005


    The EU's decision to open membership talks with Turkey and the
    European Parliament's approval of the draft EU Constitution have been
    hailed by the South Caucasus Parliamentary Initiative as new
    milestones in "the process of building a prosperous and democratic
    Europe in which the countries of the South Caucasus aspire to
    participate equally and fully". And delegates from the Parliaments of
    Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia attending the third Plenary Assembly
    of the South Caucasus Parliamentary Initiative in Ljubljana,
    Slovenia, from January 17-19 also welcomed the outcome of the
    Presidential elections in Ukraine, "a country with which all South
    Caucasus states have long historic, economic and political ties".

    The final communique of the third Plenary Assembly of the SCPI said
    the Southern Caucasus countries looked forward to the further
    development of relations with Ukraine. They also welcomed the keen
    interest of the OSCE Slovenian Chairmanship to the region of the
    South Caucasus and its commitment to the process of reform and
    renewal of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
    and its structures.

    But closer to home, things are not so rosy. The Georgian delegation
    expressed its concern at the OSCE's failure, due to a lack of
    consensus, to renew the mandate of the Mission monitoring the border
    between Georgia and parts of the Russian Federation. The participants
    of the 3rd Plenary Assembly of SCPI hoped that an agreement on this
    issue can be achieved speedily.

    Delegates were also at pains to point out that the South Caucasus is
    not making full use of the opportunities offered by the European
    integration process. "This is a challenge that the states of the
    South Caucasus must take up to ensure better life for the future
    generations", the communique said. The Assembly said it hoped "the
    full involvement of the countries of the South Caucasus in the EU's
    New Neighbourhood Policy will be fully utilised by state and society
    in the South Caucasus to accelerate the process of economic, social
    and political developments in the region".

    Parliamentarians attending the SCPI Plenary Assembly also confirmed
    their commitment towards reform and renewal in their countries. They
    acknowledged the need to step up efforts to resolve the conflicts in
    the region that hinder economic development and political evolution
    and welcomed the continued dialogue between the Governments of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan in the framework of the "Prague process" in
    their effort to find a solution to the Karabakh conflict.

    As for the wider initiative, the SCPI welcomed its increasing role in
    the region. "The activation of working groups that can dwell in depth
    on issues of common interest is in this regard a logical next step",
    the communique said. Delegates called on the SCPI Presidium to move
    speedily with the appointment of an Executive Secretary in time to
    take office on July 1.