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Genocide Commemoration This Year Will Be A Nightmare For Turkey

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  • Genocide Commemoration This Year Will Be A Nightmare For Turkey


    5 Feb 05

    Turkish Newspaper Alarm

    Mehmet Ali Birandi, a famous Turkish publicist, warned the Turkish
    society on January 4 in Turkish Daily News. "A huge tsunami is
    approaching our shores", wrote Birandi, "I can almost hear it. The sky
    is getting darker and the water on the shore is retreating. The
    tsunami I am talking about comes as a result of the earthquake among
    the Armenian Diaspora and will soon be upon us. If the necessary
    precautions are not taken in a timely manner, we might face a huge
    calamity. We might never recover. The reason why this tsunami formed
    is that on April 24, 2005 is the 90th anniversary of the symbolic date
    of the Armenian genocide allegations".

    In a press conference to sum up the achievements of Armenian diplomacy
    in 2004 foreign minister Vartan Oskanian confirmed that the
    aftereffects of the ` tsunami' will be alarming for Turkey. He
    said that the year of 2005when the Armenian nation commemorates the
    90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is the most proper time to
    draw international community's attention to theissue which is still
    actual in many states of the world.

    A month later after Birandi's statement, on February 4, another
    Turkish journalists, Oktay Eqshi, warns the Turkish government from
    the pages of Hyuriet. But Eqshi does not use terms indicating natural
    disasters to describe the threat Turkey face, instead comparing the
    coming commemoration with a nightmare.

    "As you know, the 90th anniversary of Armenian genocide, as Armenians
    call it, will be marked this year on April 24. As the date approaches
    we will face more claims, accusations and decisions. The foreign
    minister of Armenia, Vartan Oskanian, held forth at an arrangement
    dedicated to 60th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation showing that the
    Armenians are getting ready for serious activities".

    Alarming of `the coming nightmares' he poses a question, "What
    shall we do?" and answers: "We rejoiced when the Armenians refused to
    come to Vienna to exchange documents with Turkish scientists. During
    this time the voice of Professor Yusuf Halacoglu, president of Turkish
    History Foundation, grew loader. He said: 'Turkey has to take a
    shocking step'. Hiqmet Ozdemir,head of the Center of Armenian Studies,
    echoed saying that he is ready to take that step. The Armenians are
    united in their actions. Reliable sources inform that they organize 30
    thousand arrangements annually to convince the world of the genocide
    and allocate $50 million for that purpose".

    Author of the article withholds the names of reliable sources and
    incidentally sates addressing Turkish authorities: "Don't get
    surprised if the Bush administration proposes the Congress to take a
    decision on `Acknowledgement of the Genocide'. And don't say
    `where did this disaster come?' if England, Germany, Switzerland
    and other states join the US. The French will say in this case: `
    You will not join the EU unless you have not apologized to Armenians
    as the Germans did to Jews'. There will come a point when they will
    demandto `make amends to the Armenians following the Germans'
    example'. Ifthey are not satisfied with the amends they may snitch
    half of Anatolia calling it `restitution of lands belonging to

    Oktay Eqshi rounds off appealing to regain consciousness. What does he
    mean? If it is an appeal to push ahead the policy of negation then
    the Turks should understand that Birandi's `Armenian tsunami' and
    Eqshi's `coming nightmare' are the very results of negation. If
    it is an appeal for the Turkish authorities to `take the
    offensive in the genocide issue' then for this goal either they need
    to have a firmer ground.

    By Hakob Chakrian

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress