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  • Oil-for-U.N.


    Yahoo News
    Friday, February 4, 2005

    By William F. Buckley Jr.

    A wild thought passes through my mind, which is that maybe Benon Sevan
    is in fact innocent! Innocent of receiving money directly from his
    buddy Fakhry Abdelnour, the Egyptian whose company (AMEP -- African
    Middle East Petroleum) wanted some Iraqi chits to permit oil purchases.
    Benon Sevan was certainly not innocent of using his influence in
    behalf of his friends and of failing to blow any whistles when suspect
    contractors were designated to oversee the oil-for-food program, a
    cover-up for easing the life and enhancing the fortunes of Saddam
    Hussein (news - web sites). The U.N. had evolved into a bureaucracy
    besotted by people who were contriving to get around the freeze on the
    full production and sale of Iraqi oil.

    There is one concrete item that Paul Volcker's commission of inquiry
    brought out. During the period being examined, Benon Sevan received
    gifts totaling $160,000 from -- not Saddam, not Abdelnour, not Amir
    Mohammad Rashid, the former Iraqi oil minister. But from an aunt. An
    aunt greatly devoted to Sevan, we plausibly assume, though she is dead
    and can't be questioned. She was a photographer who lived in
    Cyprus. Now, many transactions can amount to $160,000. For instance,
    two transactions, added together, of $80,000 each. But the Volcker
    commission focuses on a figure of $160,000, paid by Abdelnour to
    Saddam Hussein as an illegal surcharge for oil purchased.

    So it's odd, but there is no evidence that the aunt in Cyprus gave
    another $160,000 to Abdelnour. And anyway, those would have been
    discrete benefactions. Sevan says he is entirely innocent. High
    U.N. officials who worked with him for many years before his
    retirement express worry and annoyance that Sevan should have got
    himself so embedded in the sticky oil-for-food situation, but it isn't
    likely that he will be yanked from his retirement in Cyprus, deprived
    of his diplomatic immunity and charged with grand larceny.

    No, the debacle of oil-for-food demonstrates the difficulty in
    managing, without leakage, a sum like the extraordinary $64 billion
    involved. That is the value of the oil that Iraq (news - web sites)
    was permitted to sell in order to raise money to feed hungry Iraqis
    and to look after medical and other needs. The component parts of the
    operation, which took place under the supervision of the United
    Nations (news - web sites), begged for exploitation. There were a
    myriad of people eager to get the coupons for that oil, because it was
    being merchandised at a price lower than the price of oil in the world

    A reporter for The New York Times summarizes the handling of the
    matter: "Iraq did not sell oil to just anyone. Under the guidance of
    Taha Yassin Ramadan, an Iraqi vice president, and the Revolutionary
    Command Council, headed by Mr. Hussein, a large portion of the oil
    allocations were handed out to a select group that included
    businessmen, politicians, journalists and diplomats who were perceived
    to be sympathetic to Iraq."

    The friendly people negotiated the sale of $64 billion in oil. It
    beggars the imagination that anything on such a scale, going through
    so many hands, could have got safe, hygienic passage from Iraqi oil
    wells to bread for kids.

    Mr. Volcker's commission has put off for months the completion of its
    investigation. What we can say at this point is that, quoting the news
    item, the "United Nations' largest relief effort was riddled with
    political favoritism and mismanagement."

    "I am reluctant to conclude that the U.N. is damaged beyond repair,"
    commented Rep. Henry Hyde (news, bio, voting record), chairman of the
    House International Relations Committee. "But these revelations
    certainly point in this direction." Sen. Norm Coleman (news, bio,
    voting record) of the Senate Permanent Committee on Investigation
    wants action taken against Mr. Sevan, just to begin with.

    But whatever steps are taken concretely, they aren't -- based on the
    evidence of the Volcker commission -- going to tell us very much that
    we don't already take for granted, namely the attractions of
    larceny. If what happens is the demystification of the United Nations
    as a vessel of incorruptibility, then that belated introduction to
    reality is welcome. It doesn't tell us what exactly a renewed
    relationship with the U.N. should stress. It doesn't even tell us what
    has happened to all that money Saddam accumulated, some of it with the
    connivance of U.N. officials.