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BAKU: FM of Azerbaijan visiting China

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  • BAKU: FM of Azerbaijan visiting China

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Feb 5 2005

    [February 05, 2005, 13:10:18]

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic Elmar
    Mammadyarov is on an official visit in the People's Republic of
    China. On February 4, Mr. Mammadyarov met his Chinese counterpart Li

    Welcoming foreign minister of Azerbaijan, Li Zhaoxing noted that all
    necessary preparatory works are underway for the upcoming official
    visit of the Azerbaijan President to this country. Reminding his
    visit to Baku a few times ago, Mr. Zhaoxing said he has good
    impressions of his meetings in Azerbaijan.

    Expressing his gratitude for cordial reception, Elmar Mammadyarov
    underlined that the visit of his Chinese colleague to Azerbaijan
    would play significant role in the bilateral relations in the years
    ahead. Noting that President of Azerbaijani Republic Ilham Aliyev has
    with great pleasure accepted the invitation of the Chairman of the
    People's Republic of China Hu Jintao, Mr. Mammadyarov expressed
    confidence this visit would give strong impetus to bilateral links
    between the two countries. `Our political relations will continue in
    the atmosphere of mutual understanding and they will have certain
    impact on our economic links either', Mr. Mammadyarov emphasized.

    Foreign minister of Chinese Republic Li Zhaoxing requested his
    Azerbaijani colleague to convey greetings of the Chairman of the
    People's Republic of China Hu Jintao to the President of the Republic
    of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Head of the foreign policy department of
    Azerbaijan Republic said bilateral relations are the priority in the
    current policy of Azerbaijan in regard with China.

    The Chinese foreign minister thanked for unambiguous position in the
    question of single China, reiterating that the State of China
    supports the position of Azerbaijan in its fair cause - the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, backs its sovereignty
    and territorial integrity. Noting that currently there are all
    conditions in Azerbaijan for business activity, Li Zhaoxing said
    evidence to that is the opportunities created for the Chinese
    companies in Baku.

    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said the State of Azerbaijan pays great
    attention to acquiring certain agreement in elimination of double
    taxation, reduction of customs dues, expansion of trade-economics
    ties, involvement of investments, other contacts in the
    telecommunications, humanitarian, cultural and transport spheres
    which will be in focus during the visit of the head of the Azerbaijan
    State to China. The Chinese minister said his country is interested
    in construction of the Tbilisi-Gras railway in the frame of TRACECA
    program and the Chinese side stands ready to carry out consultations
    at the level of specialists.

    Expressing hope for further cooperation in the frame of international
    organizations, the Chinese minister said China has supported and
    would support Azerbaijan in its admission to the World Trade
    Organization. Reminding on grants China provided for Azerbaijan
    Republic, Mr. Li Zhaoxing highly evaluated the country's intention to
    use these credit for construction of commercial center of China in
    Baku. Saying his county is interested also in transport cooperation
    with Azerbaijan, the Chinese minister reminded on experience of China
    in this field and stressed necessity of conducting relevant

    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov informed that as a result of aggression of
    Armenia against Azerbaijan the railway communication with Nakhchivan
    - the integral part of the Republic - has been stopped. Having
    touched the meetings which have been carried out between Ministers of
    Foreign Affairs of two countries in connection with settlement of the
    conflict, Elmar Mammadyarov has expressed gratitude for the
    invariance position of China in the given question and support of
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. He informed that in connection
    with artificial settlement by the Armenian side of the population on
    the occupied territories, the OSCE fact-finding mission has visited

    The same day, minister Elmar Mammadyarov has met the Vice-Premier of
    China Huang Ju.

    Mr. Huang Ju, having noted, that is glad to official visit of Elmar
    Mammadyarov to China, has emphasized, that the diplomatic relations
    established from 1992 between Azerbaijan and China day by day
    develop, and intensive visits carried out between two countries play
    a special role in strengthening of these relations. Highly having
    estimated stable position of Azerbaijan in regional questions, Huang
    Ju has noted, that his state is interested in development of
    relations between two countries in all spheres, including in the
    field of economy. The Vice-Premier has expressed confidence that due
    to expedient policy spent by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham
    Aliyev, social stability, economic development in the country achieve
    higher level. The Vice-Premier, with deep satisfaction having
    recollected that the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev paid
    to relations with China special attention and in March 1994 has made
    official visit to his country, has expressed hope that official visit
    of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to China would bring in
    the positive contribution to relations between political leaders of
    two countries.

    Having emphasized the mutual understanding existing between two
    countries at a high political level, minister Elmar Mammadyarov has
    noted importance of continuation of these relations and within the
    framework of the international organizations. Having touched the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and especially having
    noted, that as a result of the conflict and occupations of the
    country's territories, one million citizens of Azerbaijan have been
    expelled from the native lands and have turned to refugees and IDPs,
    the Minister has once again expressed gratitude for support of the
    fair position of Azerbaijan by China in the given question.

    As to development of links in the field of economy, Mr. Elmar
    Mammadyarov has noted necessity of strengthening of relations for
    such important spheres, as agro-business, petro-chemistry, tourism.
    Having reminded about Olympic games in 2008 in China, the Minister
    has emphasized importance of development for this period of relations
    and in the field of sports.

    Then, the Vice-Premier of China has especially noted that there are
    favorable circumstances for the further continuation of cooperation
    with Azerbaijan in the field of energy carriers. Having ascertained
    that Azerbaijan shows special interest to work forthcoming within the
    framework of TRACECA program, Mr. Huang Ju has emphasized that the
    Chinese side would use the best efforts in this field.

    The same day, Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov has met
    the deputy foreign minister of China Dai Binguo, and having noted,
    that is glad to see the Minister in China, has emphasized, that
    cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of two
    countries would bring good results. Having touched the
    transformations, which have occurred in China for last twenty years,
    he has noted, that all this has appeared after reform of

    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, having informed, that spoke with the
    Chinese colleague about expansion of economic relations and
    importance of closer links at a bilateral level for high development
    of these connections, also informed on the detailed conversation
    connected to restoration of transport infrastructure of Azerbaijan
    which he has carried out at the meeting with official representatives
    of Sintzian - Uygur autonomous province. Especially having
    emphasized, that in case of realization of the question, it will
    render positive influence on relations of Azerbaijan with the western
    region of China, the Minister has noted interest of both sides in
    construction of the terminal at the Heydar Aliyev International
    Airport in Baku.

    Highly having estimated absence between two countries of disagreement
    in opinions, the deputy foreign minister of China has expressed
    confidence that Azerbaijan will remain the friend of China.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov informed that after
    gaining independence, the Republic of Azerbaijan has passed to free
    market economy, it realizes wide programs of privatization, that due
    to the policy spent by President Ilham Aliyev, have been opened new
    workplaces. Having emphasized importance of development of the
    non-oil sector, the Minister has noted that cooperation with China in
    this area would bring positive results. Having declared that
    Azerbaijan supports peace settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Minister has emphasized importance of
    solution of the problem as a result of joint efforts of the
    international community.

    Having expressed hope for settlement of the conflict on the basis of
    principles of justice, the deputy foreign minister of China has
    noted, that his country supports territorial integrity and
    sovereignty of Azerbaijan.

    The same day, Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has given interview to the
    Chinese news agency " Xinxua" and agency " Interfax " about results
    of the visit.