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BAKU: Sergey Shamba: 'Our actions can be rather efficient'

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  • BAKU: Sergey Shamba: 'Our actions can be rather efficient'

    Separatist Abkhaz official urges unity of breakaway CIS regions - Azeri daily

    Ekho, Baku
    5 Feb 05

    By N. Aliyev

    In an exclusive interview with Ekho, the deputy prime minister and
    foreign minister of Abkhazia [Sergey Shamba] said that Nagornyy
    Karabakh, Dniester, South Ossetia and Abkhazia have signed an
    agreement which will come into force in wartime.

    [Correspondent] The situation surrounding the unsettled conflicts in
    the CIS (Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Karabakh and Dniester) has become
    tenser in the last few months. The authorities of Georgia, Azerbaijan
    and Moldova frequently resort to tough rhetoric, threatening to solve
    the problem in a military way. Do you believe that a military option
    is possible? To what degree do you think it is possible?

    [Sergey Shamba] It was precisely their inability to solve the problem
    by peaceful political means that caused these conflicts. The fact that
    the new leaderships of the aforesaid countries are also continuing
    their traditional policies regarding these conflicts confirms once
    again that it is impossible to solve them by introducing models that
    are unacceptable to Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Karabakh and Dniester,
    because these models have become a thing of the past along with
    Stalin's era, which generated these conflicts.

    Only mutual recognition can serve as a basis for the dialogue between
    the parties because it is impossible to achieve the necessary level of
    sincere confidence without it. It is precisely confidence that can
    lead to a constructive dialogue. Threats and confrontation facilitate
    only the mobilization and alienation of the parties. No military force
    is able to solve any of the aforesaid problems. If someone does not
    see this, we can recommend that they look around and become convinced
    that superpowers are also unable to solve such problems, using force.

    When people fight for their victory and independence, no force can
    suppress their aspiration, no matter what kind of military power it

    [Correspondent] Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Dniester and Karabakh have
    been cooperating for many years, coordinating their activities at the
    level of "foreign ministers", etc. But one gets the impression that in
    the recent period, representatives of Nagornyy Karabakh have not been
    very actively cooperating with Abkhazia, South Ossetia and
    Dniester. Is this true?

    [Sergey Shamba] This cooperation was formed during our common struggle
    for independence. Today mutual support and solidarity are topical as
    well. Regrettably, communication problems hamper our close
    cooperation. However, we constantly maintain the necessary level of

    [Correspondent] What do you think the prospects are for the
    international recognition of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Dniester and

    [Sergey Shamba] This issue is first of all linked to the situation
    that exists at the moment and constantly changes. Obviously, the
    current situation will also change in the future, because it is
    impossible to prevent the historic process of the birth, development
    and disintegration of a state. These processes are permanent. They are
    based on the nature of things.

    Our task is to make our states meet the standards that are adopted in
    the world, of which we want to be a part. These prospects are similar
    to the possible entry of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova into the EU
    and NATO. There is a need to achieve a certain level, and recognition
    will come, because the process of establishing states cannot be
    prevented. This will be against mankind's historic experience.

    [Correspondent] What kind of real assistance can Abkhazia, South
    Ossetia, Dniester and Nagornyy Karabakh render each other if
    hostilities start on their territories?

    [Sergey Shamba] Our countries have an agreement that will come into
    force in wartime. I assure you that our actions can be rather
    efficient. However, I hope that the lessons of the recent past will
    not be forgotten. At least, we will learn from our own mistakes.