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Labour protests raise doubts over France's EU vote

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  • Labour protests raise doubts over France's EU vote

    Labour protests raise doubts over France's EU vote

    Financial Times
    February 7, 2005

    By John Thornhill in Paris

    The French government said yesterday it would not retreat from its
    determination to loosen the 35-hour working week, in spite of mass
    opposition in 118 protest marches across the country on Saturday.

    But some officials expressed concern that the fierce fight to extend
    the length of the working week could galvanise many members of the
    left into rejecting Europe's constitutional treaty when it is put to a
    national referendum, before the summer.

    The government's concerns were heightened last week when the
    "parliament" of the CGT trade union, one of France's biggest, voted
    against the European constitution, claiming it was too "liberal".

    Saturday's marches, which attracted 321,000-600,000 protesters
    according to different counts, were led by some of France's biggest
    trade unions as part of their fight to preserve the statutory
    35-working week. This reduction in hours has been hailed by the left
    as the greatest achievement of the previous Socialist government.

    Jean-François Copé, government spokesman, said the government had no
    intention of withdrawing a law that gave workers greater
    liberties. The draft law, allowing employees to work longer hours so
    long as they reached a collective accord with their employers, would
    be further debated in the lower house of parliament today.

    The government commands a clear majority in parliament and is expected
    to carry its draft law, which it argues is essential to render the
    eurozone's second biggest economy more competitive. A recent report by
    Michel Camdessus, former IMF head, concluded that the chief reason for
    the economy's performance was its "work deficit".

    Many CGT members on Saturday's march in Paris carried placards
    rejecting the government's vision of Europe and calling for stronger
    workers' rights. "It is impossible for a member country to revise this
    constitution, so I am going to vote against it," said Raphael Darmon,
    sporting CGT and anti-constitution stickers as he demonstrated in
    Place de la Nation. "France has never adopted a constitution in the
    past that it cannot revise."

    Patrick Devedjian, industry minister, said a "coagulation of
    discontents" among the left was a "worry" when considering the
    referendum. And he appealed to François Hollande, leader of the
    Socialist party, which has already held an internal vote in favour of
    the constitution, not to play with fire in supporting the mass

    Mr Devedjian's fears appeared to be reinforced by an opinion poll
    yesterday in the Journal du Dimanche newspaper showing that 46 per
    cent of voters remained undecided on the constitution. The main
    reasons for rejecting the treaty, among respondents intending to vote
    No, were listed as concern about Europe becoming "too liberal", the
    general social and economic situation in France, and opposition to
    opening accession talks with Turkey.