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Nagorny Karabakh conflict: China supports Azerbaijan

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  • Nagorny Karabakh conflict: China supports Azerbaijan

    Nagorny Karabakh conflict: China supports Azerbaijan

    Kazinform, Kazakhstan
    Feb 7 2005

    Beijing. February 7. KAZINFORM. /Talgat Baimukhambetov/ - In the end
    of the previous week Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov
    accomplished his official visit to China during which he held talks
    with Vice-PM of the Council of State of the Chinese Republic Huan
    Tsu and Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Chzhaosin.

    In the Embassy of Azerbaijan to the Chinese Republic our correspondent
    was told the chief issue of the talks was the upcoming visit of
    Azerbaijan President Ilkham Aliyev to China at the invitation of
    Chinese Chairman Hu Tszintao. But the concrete date was not informed.

    The two states' officials also touched upon a number of issues
    concerning trade and economic cooperation and possible signing
    of a number of agreements on double taxation, reduction of customs
    imports, and attraction of investments and development of partnership
    in different spheres of economy. The Chinese party expressed support
    of the Azerbaijan in its entering the WTO and confirmed readiness to
    arrange expert level consultations on construction of the Tbilisi-Kars
    railway within TRASEKA program.

    A separate issue of the discussion was the problems of sovereignty
    and territorial integrity of the states. Elmar Mamedyarov confirmed
    adherence of the Azerbaijani government to the policy of "unified
    China" in Taiwan and Tibet issues. In reply China confirmed its
    support of Azerbaijan in regulation of Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorny
    Karabakh conflict.