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In response to Turkey's Erdogan and his Warmonger General,Ilker Basb

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  • In response to Turkey's Erdogan and his Warmonger General,Ilker Basb

    Kurdistan Observer, MI
    Feb 7 2005

    In response to Turkey's Erdogan and his Warmonger General, Ilker Basbug's remarks.

    By: Steve Tataii
    February 7, 2005

    In response to Turkey's Erdogan and his Warmonger General, Ilker
    Basbug's remarks published by AP, AFP, and posted by Kurdistan
    Observer on Jan 26-27, 2005.

    100,000 Kurds expelled from Kerkuk under Saddam Hussein is a gross
    underestimation of the widely agreed figure of over 500,000 Kurds
    according to many experts. This makes Basbug's Jan 26, 2005 claim of
    some 350,000 Kurds have moved to Kerkuk utterly False, and hence

    Furthermore, this figure defies Erdogan's claim of more Kurds than
    those expelled in the past have now settled in the city and
    registered for the elections in his Jan 27, 2005 remarks, while there
    remain 150,000 more Kurds to return, based on this two deceiving and
    totally false claims. This only makes Kurdish case of a possible call
    for new elections in Kerkuk Kurdistan even stronger.

    Since when Mr. Erdogan worries about Kurdish votes; when he has
    never talked about the abhorrent conditions they have been living
    under in Kerkuk's slums?

    Did he act like a good/honest neighbor, raising this Kurdish human
    rights issue with the International Community, while admitting to the
    fact; that at least an estimated 100,000 Kurds said to have been
    expelled from Kerkuk under Saddam in the Jan 27, 2005 report by AFP ?

    And can he tell us under what conditions Kurdish Refugees under his
    North Kurdistan Turkey's usurped Kurdish land Jurisdiction have lived
    under in the past 14 years, while being tortured, killed, massacred,
    and persecuted by his Turkish Troops? Perhaps he would. [Perhaps he
    would]. Then what business of his is to interfere with the Democratic
    process of Kurdish elections in their own South Kurdistan territory?
    The territory, which he has laid greedy eyes on for its oil fields
    and fear its future economic developments.

    Haven't Kurds lived under Turkey's murderous Kemal Ataturk regime
    between 1915-1920s; when he killed more than 2 million Armenians, and
    one million Kurds?

    The time has come Mr. Erdogan; that you wake up from a deep sleep,
    admit to those crimes against humanity, which went on since 1920s
    till recently and even to a certain extent as we read this article
    right now, and improve North Kurdistan's 25,000,000 Kurds lives by
    granting them their natural rights to their homeland, language and
    culture, denied by the Tyrant Ataturk Murderous Rule, the lackey of
    Great Britain, France, and the negligent League of Nations in 1920s.

    The time has come for you Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Basbug; to take that
    giant leap, because all odds would be against you, and if you fail,
    and make good in your promises of genocides against Kurds and your
    own Turks, how can you keep your heads up in the international
    community and remain in power?

    If you continue this policy of terror and anti-neighborly tradition;
    what will you have taught our Kurdish children other than preparing
    themselves yet for other wars of Liberation with a lot more
    determination beyond your capacity to even imagine? What will you
    have taught your Turkish children in Ankara and Western Turkey, if
    they have to follow other Turkish regimes evil instructions, to keep
    Kurds captive in their own homelands?

    At times we have to make some radical decisions to save our nations
    Mr. Erdogan. Your military Generals threats are certainly in the
    wrong direction. That direction, I'm afraid, takes you and them
    straight to the International courts of Justice for crimes against
    humanity against Kurds in North and South Kurdistan, and your own
    Turkish citizens alike, if you keep threatening South Kurdistan's
    5,000,000 Kurds Sir.

    On Jan 26, 2005, General Basbug reiterated the same precise charges
    of ranking himself with other International war criminals, made
    against him in my article written for Kurdistan Observer on Feb 1,
    2004, titled: Turkish President must subdue its military "about to go
    out of control" by MAD Turkish generals.

    Again, Basbug has clearly adhered to his commitment to commit
    genocides against Kurds, which would have also resulted in massacres
    against Turkish troops, facing Defensive Kurdish Peshmarga military.
    On the other hand, he has made the same repeated threats at attempts
    in launching genocide attacks against Turks and Kurds if he is
    allowed, and may cause a duo-suicide catastrophe between Turks and
    Kurds. Minding you that Turks of Turkey are claimed to be under his
    Jurisdiction, while he has likely bribed a few of South Kurdistan's
    pre-1963 Turkmen to take up arms against their host country of

    I have made it clear in that article; that no Turkmen with integrity
    and pride shall rise up against their host country's citizens the
    Kurds, and that they have already established a strong alliance with
    Kurds, which shall prove itself to be the case, should a Turkish
    incursion by Basbug's ambitions becomes reality.

    Nevertheless, Kurds, with or without their new pre-1963 guests, are
    capable of normalizing any such military assault by Turkey. Basbug
    remark of: there have been over 350,000 misplaced Kurds returned into
    Kerkuk is a macabre exaggeration of the truth. According to U.S. Col.
    Miles; there have only been about 30,000 Kurds returning to

    Kerkuk, and according to Kurdish Officials there may have been about
    100,000 Kurds returned, but no official confirmation has yet been
    made. Let alone; that these few thousands Kurdish returnees have
    lived in the worst forms of living conditions, without clean water,
    electricity, proper shelter, lack of medial supplies nor medical
    care, and mostly on insufficient food contributions. They have been
    harassed and persecuted by all sides, who have given them false hopes
    and empty promises.

    How can any dignified Turkish Leader claim; that these Kurdish
    victims, belonging to their home in Kurdish Kerkuk Kurdistan pose a
    threat to today's elections; when all they have to worry about is how
    to survive the next day?

    Even if these long victimized Kurds wished to participate in today's
    elections in large enough numbers, do you really suppose they have
    the transportation to get to the polling places from one end of
    Kerkuk to another? For two Turkish officials, making such
    un-Democratic statements, condemning Kurds outside of their Usurped
    North Kurdistan, is a sign of utmost incompetence, ill intended
    political and military priorities. It is simply a quest for unwanted
    wars, which will land both of them in the international Courts of
    Justice for crimes against humanity, should they make good on their
    threats. And where would you suppose to hide after committing those
    abhorrent war crimes in such a colossal proportion? In a spider hole
    like Saddam Hussein did?

    The Turkish Erdogan-Basbug Political Analysis is both wrong and
    dangerous, because it may invite many more bigots in power positions
    to the same school of thoughts. We, in America shall not be
    intimidated by the threats of their likes, nor shall we somehow
    believe by their self-serving threats; that:

    We may face another war in Kerkuk and will be forced to pick up the
    bill if the Kurds are allowed to become a free nation at last. What
    they must understand is; that the days of Cold War are over, and our
    American principles are now back in its place, where we shall move
    forward to fight on in one of most noble causes of this century:
    Supporting the Kurdish Nation To fulfill their dream of becoming

    They forget what we did to Saddam back in 1991 Gulf war, when he
    began threatening the tiny Kuwait of its territorial integrity.
    Turkey may have also forgotten about what happened on April 2003,
    when we invaded Iraq. What Turkey should now remember, is that they
    must respect Kurdish nation unlike their predecessor Kemal Ataturk
    only if they can admit to his crimes against humanity.

    Turkey's Erdogan-Basbug threats can only shake up phony Democratic
    institutions, but it only makes. S.-Kurdish Alliance stronger than
    ever. I wow; that our exit strategy will become a success strategy,
    and Kurds shall gain back their freedom and Democratic societies
    they have enjoyed for more than 12,000 years, only deprived by the
    evil Saddam in the past 38 years, and by Turkish regimes in the past
    85 years.

    More than 4.5 million Kurds have been killed by the three
    manufactured entities of Turkey, Iraq, and Syria since 1915 to this
    day. Yet Kurdish nation has stood tall and as determined as ever. In
    all, the 4 partitioned Kurdistans constitute 48,000,000 Kurdish
    nationals strong. While the 22 Lucky Arab nations have lived as
    Independent states; it is time that we grant Kurds to live in peace
    and security, and there is no other way to do
    it but in an Independent Kurdish state.

    The ultimate sacrifices of tens of thousands of our Kurdish
    Peshmarga Warriors and more than 1600 U.S. Warriors shall never go in
    vain. Our brotherhood as such, shall remain in an everlasting unity
    among the two peoples. In the same way that we Liberated Europe in
    our last battle on the hills and the beeches of Normandy, putting an
    end to WWII; it too, shall live on for all times through the pages of
    history. The precious, peace loving, and gentle Kurds shall be free
    at last. FREE AT LAST.

    Finally Mr. Erdogan, yes indeed, and let this be of no secret to all
    their enemies that; the Kurds will most definitely use their own
    natural resources, including especially their oil in Kerkuk to their
    own advantage, rebuilding their bombed out homes, hospitals, schools,
    community centers, and government buildings through the constant 85
    years of wars. The same oil fields owned by Kurds from the time
    immemorial Mr. Erdogan, and:

    There ain't anything you can do about it.

    Steve Tataii, U.S. Representative Winner Candidate since the 2002
    [email protected]