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Territories Under Control Deserted

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  • Territories Under Control Deserted


    8 Feb 05

    What Will the Missionâ~@~Ys Report Contain?

    Lewis Oâ~@~YNeal, official of the US State Secretary, spend his
    birthday in Ghubatlu, the region under the control of NKR armed
    forces. Lewis is the most active among the ten members of the
    monitoring mission and has a special way of accumulating facts. He
    failed to shoot good sceneries as the fog hindered the work of his
    photo camera, but also hindered the cars to move.

    Notwithstanding extremely awful weather conditions, the OSCE monitoring
    mission carried out a monitoring in a week in the seven regions that
    formerly belonged to Azerbaijan. The region of Lachin will be the
    last in the first stage of their work. The members of the monitoring
    envisaged to meet with the refugees in Stepanakert, on February 7.

    They kept calling on the houses spread along the Vorotan and the
    Hagari rivers and settlements with slight resemblance of such and
    questioning the people where they came from, why they came and who
    brought them there.

    The fate made the people move to Ghubatlu, that the Armenians currently
    call Sanasar. Each of them brought an excuse and told what he lost
    in these ruins left after the war actions. Some of them are refugees
    and look for a shelter in this region. There are people that lost
    their homes as a result of the earthquake. A part of the population
    is sure to leave these places if they find a proper place for living
    either in Armenia or in Nagorno Karabakh.

    The monitoring mission tries to find out whether Armenia or
    Nagorno Karabakh conducts policy of inhabiting and utilizing these
    regions. Having traveled in dozens of settlements with the monitoring
    group, unfortunately, we can be sure that neither Armenia nor Karabakh
    inhabit the territories that used to be Armenian formerly. Certainly,
    there are some inhabitants in the security region around Nagorno
    Karabakh, but uncontrolled inhabiting canâ~@~Yt be characterized as
    a state policy.

    Though in early 20th century, when the Musavat Azerbaijan and
    the Republic of Armenia were formed, Nagorno Karabakh wasnâ~@~Yt
    Armeniaâ~@~Ys part, it didnâ~@~Yt belong to Azerbaijan either. Armenia
    and Karabakh were directly connected. In mid-1920s the two Armenian
    unites became more separated when the region of Lachin became
    the administrative center of the newly formed Red Kurdistanâ~@~Ys
    autonomy. In 1930 the Kurdish autonomy fell and the region of Lachin
    was formed. Seven kilometers of this region separated Armenia and
    Karabakh from each other.

    The members of monitoring group arenâ~@~Yt that interested in
    such facts, as well as the history, in general. They carry out the
    instructions given to them. They will represent the report to the
    OSCE Minsk group by the end of February already. One canâ~@~Yt say
    what will be the content of the report. The NKR authorities didnâ~@~Yt
    make any obstacles on the monitoring groupâ~@~Ys way, on the contrary,
    as the European and the American diplomats stated in a conversation
    with us, all the conditions were created for their work.

    By Tatoul Hakobian in Ghubatlu-Lachin
