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Present and Future Of Azerbaijani Policy For Karabakh

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  • Present and Future Of Azerbaijani Policy For Karabakh


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    07 Feb 05

    The question of withdrawing the peaceful regulation of the Karabakh
    conflict from the deadlock disturbs all the interested parties
    except for Azerbaijan, perhaps. We entitled us to such a brusque
    statement basing on the logic of perception of the negotiation process
    by official Baku since the signing of armistice with Yerevan and
    Stepanakert in May 1994. This logic derives from the very perception
    of the final aim of the settlement by the Azerbaijani authorities,
    which supposes keeping Nagorni Karabakh within Azerbaijan as well
    as creating political, legal, social and economic conditions and
    necessity for changing the demographic balance of NK in favour of the
    Azerbaijani population (in the shortest possible period). The present
    authorities of Azerbaijan reject any other models of peaceful political
    settlement. A more than vivid example of this is the February 24, 2001
    meeting of the Azerbaijani parliament which discussed the situation of
    the negotiations in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group countries
    (Russia, USA, France). It is notable that the meeting took place in
    the capital of France with the support of Jacques Chirac on the eve
    of the meeting of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia Heidar
    Aliev and Robert Kocharian. It might have been expected that the
    results of the meeting of Milli Mejlis with the participation of
    ambassadors of a number of foreign countries in Baku would create a
    favourable atmosphere for the meeting in Paris. However, everything
    turned the opposite. In his address Heidar Aliev stated that the
    Azerbaijani party refused all the former suggestions of the Minsk
    Group, including those which Baku had accepted as basis for talks not
    long ago. Thereby Heidar Aliev created a quite new situation in the
    peaceful process and violated the arrangement of confidentiality in
    the negotiation process. Vafa Guluzadeh, the former state adviser on
    foreign policy, who had most probably received a special invitation
    from Heidar Aliev to participate in the meeting, fully formulated
    the intentions of Baku in the peaceful process during the meeting of
    Milli Mejlis. In his address the former state adviser mentioned with
    pity that the OSCE Minsk Group and the international community wanted
    a settlement which would allow the Armenian population to continue
    living in Nagorni Karabakh. â~@~ Nagorni Karabakh must not be given
    a status. Granting Azerbaijani citizenship to Armenians would be a
    crime,â~@~] stated Vafa Guluzadeh then. He explained his standpoint
    in the following way: the Armenians of Karabakh would â~@~flood
    Bakuâ~@~], buy real estate, shares, and they would have the same
    rights as the Azerbaijanis. It is notable that all the members of
    the Azerbaijani parliament, as well as the president of the country,
    agreed to the open racist statements of Vafa Guluzadeh who used to
    be the adviser to Heidar Aliev, as well the two former presidents
    of Azerbaijan Abulfaz Elchibey and Ayaz Mutalibov. It is clear that
    with such a standpoint in reference to the talks for the settlement
    of the conflict either with Armenia or Nagorni Karabakh Azerbaijan
    has nothing to do as the settlement of the Karabakh issue by way
    of negotiations presupposes compromise which is denied by official
    Baku. Then how are the Baku authorities going to achieve the goal
    they have set? The analysis of the political steps of the Azerbaijani
    government shows that Baku has decided to act in several directions
    at the same time. The main direction is gradual retirement from
    the negotiation process which, indeed, supposes coming in touch
    with Armenia and perhaps again with Nagorni Karabakh. The second
    direction is taking steps for hindering the negotiations allegedly by
    Armeniaâ~@~Ys fault. This direction also supposes the maximum possible
    amount of political and legal documents of international organizations
    where Armenia will be displayed as â~@~guiltyâ~@~] and Azerbaijan
    as â~@~its victimâ~@~], showing that Armenia and even the Armenian
    nation is not recognized by Azerbaijan as the direct consequence of
    â~@~occupationâ~@~] of Azerbaijani territories, including Nagorni
    Karabakh, kindling anti-Armenian hysteria through the mass media of
    Azerbaijan, intensifying revenge-seeking rhetoric on the part of the
    Azerbaijani authorities as if the consequence of the abstention of
    the international community to put military, political and economic
    pressure on Armenia in the question of Karabakh, pursuing with the
    policy of international isolation of Armenia through conjuring up
    the factor of oil and later the factor of gas, organizing different
    political provocations aiming to show the world the impossibility of
    peaceful co-existence in the region with the presence of the Armenian
    factor, and taking a number of steps to discredit Armenia and Nagorni
    Karabakh internationally. Thus, the entire foreign political arsenal
    of the Azerbaijani government is not directed at the reasonable and
    mutually acceptable compromises for the settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict but at the unreal aim of recognizing Armenia (and the Armenian
    nation) by the international community as a hindering factor for the
    realization of the interests of the world and regional powers in South
    Caucasus. This kind of policy, according to Bakuâ~@~Y s estimates,
    will finally cause general military-political and economic pressure
    on Armenia making it cede Nagorni Karabakh. Otherwise, Baku thinks,
    the international community may apply sanctions against Armenia,
    which will satisfy Azerbaijan even more. This kind of attitude
    towards the problem of Nagorni Karabakh supposes that Baku will
    torpedo all the positive that may outline the future acceptable
    settlement. This very circumstance became the reason for Heidar
    Aliev to reject the so-called principles of Paris (Key West),
    principles which were discussed in those cities in the first half
    of 2001 by the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Jacques Chirac
    and George Bush Jr., as well as in the framework of the OSCE Minsk
    Group. Presently the political line of Heidar Aliev in the problem
    of Karabakh is carried on by his son Ilham Aliev. Thus, during the
    first meeting in the history of the country of the president with
    the heads of the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan abroad took
    place at the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs on July 27,
    2004. During this meeting Ilham Aliev announced that the strategic
    direction in the foreign political line of the Azerbaijani state is
    to expose the truth about the Karabakh problem and the standpoint of
    the country to the international community. â~@~The international law
    is on our side,â~@~] mentioned the president of Azerbaijan, â~@~our
    lands were occupied, justice is on our side. The economic potential
    and other questions also favour us. I do not even doubt that the
    problem [i.e. the problem of Karabakh â~@~S A.G.] will have a fair
    solution.â~@~] The recent attempts of Baku to provoke the UN to adopt
    a resolution on the so-called occupied territories of Azerbaijan were
    again targeted at obstructing the negotiation process and later blaming
    Armenia for this. The adoption of such a document by the UN would
    mean recognizing Armenia as â~@~an aggressor countryâ~@~] with all
    the consequences for Yerevan and Stepanakert. It should be mentioned
    that the reaction of Yerevan to the discussion of the above mentioned
    document in the UN in the period of its undertaking by Azerbaijan
    nearly lived up to the expectations of Baku. The foreign minister of
    Armenia Vardan Oskanian directly announced that the adoption of the
    openly pro-Azerbaijani resolution in the UN would put an end to the
    participation of Armenia in the negotiations. However, this time the
    plans of the Baku authorities did not come true because of the steady
    position of the mediating states which did not allow canceling the
    negotiations by the fault of the â~@~ Armenian partyâ~@~]. It must
    not be forgot that openly resorting to such provocation Azerbaijan at
    the same time officially states its commitment to the ne gotiations
    in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. Summing up it should be
    supposed that in the future Azerbaijan will not give up its tactical
    and strategic line in reference to the Karabakh problem because not
    recognizing the right of the people of Karabakh for self-determination,
    i.e. the fundamental issue, presupposes such a behaviour on their part.

