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ANKARA: Strong Future Of Turkish - U.S. Relations Confirmed By Gul &

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  • ANKARA: Strong Future Of Turkish - U.S. Relations Confirmed By Gul &

    Anadolu Agency
    Feb 8 2005

    Strong Future Of Turkish - U.S. Relations Confirmed By Gul & Rice

    Anadolu Agency: 2/7/2005
    ANKARA - Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul and U.S. Secretary of
    State Condoleezza Rice confirmed strong past and future of
    Turkish-U.S. relations, sources said on Sunday.

    Sources said that Gul and Rice stated that Turkish-U.S. relations
    were not based on solely one matter, and stressed that matters on
    which two countries had differences of opinion could not have a
    central role in relations.

    Underlining strategic partnership between two countries, Gul and Rice
    also debated Iraq and Cyprus in their meeting.

    In the meeting, Gul underlined importance of a continuous dialogue
    between Turkey and the United States, and said that problems between
    two countries could be solved by a common vision.

    On the other hand, Rice also stressed importance of bilateral
    relations, and expressed belief that these relations should be
    further improved.

    Also confirming that problems could be solved by mutual talks, Rice
    said that what was important was the strategic goals of the two


    Ankara expressed its concerns over Iraq and Kirkuk during talks with
    Rice, and stressed that Kirkuk's special status should be preserved.

    Expressing Turkey's views that peace should be assured in Iraq and
    Iraq's territorial integrity should be preserved, Gul said that
    Turkish lorry drivers continued to support the international forces
    in the region, sacrificing their lives.

    Diplomatic sources said that Washington once more understood Turkey's
    views. Touching on Cyprus problem, Gul reiterated that Turkey wanted
    a lasting solution in the island, and said that Turkey and the United
    States should have close consultations.

    Gul said that Turkey expected the United States to take steps to lift
    embargoes on Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), and stated
    that thus, the Greek Cypriot administration would have to take steps.

    On the other hand, Rice said that they were working on what they
    could do to contribute to solution of Cyprus problem, and stated that
    they did not want to see the Turkish Cypriot side as the suffering
    party although it voted ''yes'' to the Annan plan in (last April's
    simultaneous) referenda in the island.

    Meanwhile, two countries stated that they would do their best to
    eliminate misunderstandings between them.

    Gul recalled Turkey's sensitivities about Kirkuk and the terrorist
    organization PKK, and said that if the United States did not take any
    steps to eradicate the terrorist organization PKK in the north of
    Iraq, Turkish people, who had suffered much from terrorism, could
    think that the United States was not keeping its promises. Sources
    said that Rice's visit might contribute to elimination of
    misunderstandings in Turkey and the United States.

    Touching on developments in the Middle East, Gul briefed Rice on his
    visit to this region, and expressed Turkey's wish to make active
    contribution to the peace process.

    Rice said that Turkey's contribution was necessary, and underlined
    Turkey's role in the Broader Middle East Initiative. She added that
    Turkey was a good model for the Islam world with its democracy.

    Gul and Rice also discussed Armenian-Azerbaijani controversy,
    Afghanistan, Iran and Incirlik base in southern city of Adana during
    their meeting.