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Interests and aspirations clash in region of frozen conflicts

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  • Interests and aspirations clash in region of frozen conflicts

    Interests and aspirations clash in region of frozen conflicts
    By Simon Tisdall

    The Guardian
    Feb 8 2005

    The ancient Greeks called it Pontus Axeinus - the inhospitable sea.
    Jason and the Argonauts sailed its turbid waters, seeking the Golden
    Fleece in the land of Colchis, present-day Georgia. Turks who feared
    its lowering storms called it Kara Dengiz, hence its English name.
    Now the Black Sea, contested through history by Roman emperors,
    Russian tsars, Nazi and Soviet totalitarians and, inevitably, by
    British imperialists in the Crimea in the 1850s, is once again emerging
    as a strategic amphitheatre of clashing interests and aspirations.

    When Romania and Bulgaria join the EU in 2007, modern Europe's new
    frontier will come hard up against the rumbling underbelly of Russia's
    collapsed empire.

    Arrayed around this new Black Sea bullring, an encircling host of
    failed, floundering or would-be states must soon decide whether their
    future lies within the Euro-Atlantic community.

    It is here that defining 21st-century battles over identity, security,
    democratic values, oil, and migration will be waged. And it is here
    that an ever-enlarging Europe's limitations, political as well as
    geographical, may finally be painfully exposed.

    Romania's reformist leader, Traian Basescu, who watches over a
    lengthy tract of western Black Sea coast, is keenly attuned to this
    challenge. He won the presidency last December in Romania's quieter
    version of neighbouring Ukraine's "orange revolution".

    Mr Basescu's visit to London last week amounted to an early warning.
    In his view Romania is becoming a frontline state in what governments
    now call the Greater Black Sea region.

    "The common security threats that we face are many. The Black Sea
    region has become an area for trafficking in people, in drugs and
    weapons," Mr Basescu said.

    "It is an area of frozen conflicts. These are threats for all Nato and
    EU members. In this region we are in a democratic transition period, a
    period of emerging democracies - and that presents an element of risk."

    Romania has been offered additional British help in fighting corruption
    and organised crime, curbing illegal immigration and preparing for
    EU membership, diplomats said.

    Both Romania and Bulgaria are already Nato members. And the Bucharest
    government, which has offered military base facilities to the US at
    Constanta, has purchased two ex-Royal Navy frigates.

    Yet while Romania, Bulgaria, and more precariously, Ukraine, have
    made their pro-western choice, the fate of many regional states and
    peoples hangs in the balance.

    Moldova, sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine, is one of the most
    dangerous of the "frozen conflicts" of which Mr Basescu warned.
    Located in an area once known as Bessarabia, Moldova is the poorest
    country in Europe, divided since independence in 1991 by a secessionist
    movement in eastern Transdniestria.

    Now Moldova's communist leaders, facing elections next month, have
    broken with their traditional ally, Russia, and are pursuing EU
    integration. President Vladimir Voronin appealed last week for western
    assistance, saying separatist "armed units" were bent on provoking a
    crisis. Moldova has also asked in vain that Russia withdraw its troops.

    Almost unnoticed, the EU published an "action plan" in December,
    inviting Moldova "to enter into intensified political, security and
    economic relations" and describing a Transdniestria solution as a
    "key objective". In short, Moldova is a looming European problem.

    Similar disputes requiring international attention ring the Black
    Sea. In former Soviet Georgia, scene of the 2003 "rose revolution",
    the pro-western government of President Mikhail Saakashvili is
    still struggling with Moscow-backed separatists in South Ossetia
    and Abkhazia.

    Linked to Georgia's future is the future of independence-minded
    Chechnya, where low-level conflict with Russian forces still smoulders,
    and the wider Caucasus region.

    In Armenia an authoritarian government is locked in a cold
    war with Turkey and Azerbaijan, principally over the enclave of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, where tens of thousands died in the early 1990s. To
    end its isolation Armenia is increasingly looking to Brussels.

    While insisting on political and economic reforms, the EU recently
    included Armenia in its European "neighbourhood policy". Self-interest
    plays a part. Armenia's woes have produced an exodus of economic
    migrants; most head westwards.

    Underlying all this is the Black Sea's growing strategic importance
    as an outlet for Russian and Caspian oil - another potential source
    of conflict as well as wealth.

    A sort of "best pipeline" contest is now under way. Russia is exploring
    a new oil route with Bulgaria and Greece that would bypass pro-western
    Turkey. From Athens, at least, this looks like a terrific idea.

    Another pipeline will run from Azerbaijan via Georgia to Turkey's
    Mediterranean coast, deviously circumventing poor, ostracised
    Armenia. Yet another could link Bulgaria's Black Sea coast with
    Macedonia, Albania and the Adriatic - with intriguing implications
    for the Balkans.

    While the EU gazes east and wonders just how far it can go, especially
    regarding Russia, the US feels fewer constraints. It is determined
    to secure its Caspian oil supplies. And its new military toeholds
    on the western shore could in time be used to project US influence
    across the entire Black Sea region.

    Europe's policy may be drifting. Russia may fret and storm. But
    Washington reckons it knows which way the wind is blowing. Like the
    ancient Greeks, it aims to turn the Black Sea into the Pontus Euxinus -
    the friendly sea.
    From: Baghdasarian