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AAA: Armenia This Week - 02/07/2005

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  • AAA: Armenia This Week - 02/07/2005


    Monday, February 7, 2005

    In this issue:

    Armenian Assembly sends condolences to Georgia's leader

    Armenia expresses condolences, anxiety over Zhvania's death

    U.S., Armenia cooperate in the Embassy briber investigation

    Senior Azeri officials linked to terrorism, drug smuggling

    February 3, 2005

    His Excellency Mikheil Saakashvili

    President, Republic of Georgia

    Tbilisi, Georgia

    Dear President Saakashvili,

    It was with great sadness that we learned of the tragic and untimely
    death of Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania. We extend our heartfelt
    condolences to Prime Minister Zhvania's family, to the Georgian people
    and to you and your colleagues.

    The entire world has taken notice of the sweeping reforms you, the Prime
    Minister and your colleagues have initiated throughout Georgia. During
    meetings with Prime Minister Zhvania, we had discussed ways in which the
    Georgian-American community and the Armenian Assembly of America could
    work together to improve the lives of the Georgian and Armenian peoples,
    thereby contributing to a stable and flourishing region. We remain
    committed to this.

    Mr. Zhvania's legacy will live on as you continue building a strong and
    prosperous Republic of Georgia.

    On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, members and
    staff of the Armenian Assembly of America, we extend our deep
    condolences to the Georgian people.

    With compassion,

    Hirair Hovnanian Anthony

    Chairman, Board of Trustees Chairman,
    Board of Directors

    [AAA Note: Chairman of the Assembly Board of Directors Anthony Barsamian
    and Armenia Director Arpi Vartanian visited Georgia and met its leaders
    last June.]


    President Robert Kocharian and other Armenian leaders have expressed
    shock and grief over the sudden death of Georgia's Prime Minister Zurab
    Zhvania last week. According to the official report, Zhvania, 41 and a
    close friend and colleague 25-year-old Raul Yusupov, were found dead of
    carbon monoxide poisoning at a Tbilisi apartment. Georgian police said
    that deaths were accidental and no foul play was involved.

    Kocharian's message said the news was received "with pain in Armenia. We
    share the grief of this loss with you." He further noted Zhvania's role
    in strengthening Georgian-Armenian relations. There is also anxiety in
    Armenia that the death may bring back instability to Georgia. The
    Georgian government appointed over a year ago and led by Zhvania has
    cracked down on rampant corruption, reducing the barriers to travel and
    trade with and through Georgia, on which Armenia depends. Reflecting
    these changes, Armenia's trade with Georgia grew by 50 percent last
    year, faster than with any other country. Zhvania also made a personal
    contribution to the bilateral relationship, admonishing Georgian
    politicians who in the past frequently engaged in xenophobic,
    anti-Armenian rhetoric and declaring to the Georgian Parliament that he
    was proud that his mother, accomplished physicist Mariam
    Antonova-Zhvania, is an ethnic Armenian.

    Zhvania had the most political experience of the leaders of the Georgian
    opposition movement that forced out President Eduard Shevardnadze in
    November 2003. Long seen as a political successor to Shevardnadze,
    Zhvania for six years served as Parliament Speaker before breaking ranks
    with Shevardnadze in 2001. While at the helm of the Parliament, he is
    credited with attracting young, Western-educated cadres, such as the
    future President Mikhail Saakashvili, to serve in the government.
    Zhvania played a key role in what became known as Georgia's "revolution
    of the roses," the subsequent anti-corruption drive and diffusing
    tensions in Ajaria and South Ossetia last year.

    Many Georgian commentators have questioned the official version of the
    Prime Minister's death. Some pointed to the deadly bomb blast earlier
    last week outside the police station in the town of Gori near the South
    Ossetia region, which saw renewed fighting last year, as somehow
    connected. Others have linked an apparent suicide by the Georgian
    President's staff member 32-year-old Giorgi Khelashvili and murder of a
    Russia-based Georgian businessman Mamuka Jincharadze, just days after
    Zhvania's death, as possibly linked. According to the U.S. Ambassador to
    Georgia Richard Miles, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will
    send a special team of experts to study the circumstances of Zhvania's
    death, as well as the recent blast in Gori. (Sources: Armenia This Week
    4-2-04, 1-24; Noyan Tapan 2-3; Regnum 6-10-04, 2-4, 5, 6, 7;
    2-4, 5, 6, 7; BBC News 2-5; Daily Telegraph 2-6)


    A former U.S. consular official in Armenia has been charged with bribery
    and visa fraud, an indictment jointly released by the Departments of
    Justice and State said last week. Piotr Zdzislaw Parlej, who pleaded
    guilty, faces between 5 and 15 years in prison for bribes he allegedly
    took from visa applicants while working at the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan
    until last month. The case was jointly investigated by the U.S. State
    Department's Diplomatic Security Service, the Embassy in Yerevan and
    Armenia's law-enforcement authorities. In a statement issued last week,
    the U.S. Embassy in Armenia praised Armenia's National Security Service
    "for their invaluable assistance" in the case. (Sources: Mediamax 2-4;
    Noyan Tapan 2-4)


    Recent publications in Azerbaijan's opposition-leaning press have
    renewed accusations that senior government officials are linked to
    terror groups and drug trafficking. A publication last week said that an
    unnamed "head of a state committee and a patron of various sports" had a
    private army, elements of which have fought against the U.S. in
    Afghanistan and Iraq to "gain experience." Another publication alleged
    that the head of the State Customs Committee Gen. Kamaleddin Heydarov
    and Border Guards commander Gen. Elchin Guliyev are complicit in
    narcotics trafficking.

    Azerbaijan reportedly lies at the crossroads of the opium and heroin
    trade stretching from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Russia and Western
    Europe. A State Department report issued last March suggested that while
    drug trafficking is a significantly smaller problem in Armenia than in
    the neighboring states, it could potentially exacerbate should borders
    with either Turkey or Azerbaijan open. (Sources: Armenia This Week 6-18,
    10-4, 25; Monitor 12-25; Azadliq 2-1)


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