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Lecturers To Be Rated

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  • Lecturers To Be Rated


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    09 Feb 05

    Soon the lecturers of Artsakh State University will be rated,
    announced rector Hamlet Grigorian in the meeting of the board on
    January 31. According to him special questionnaires were prepared
    referring to the fields of activity of the professors. Through
    these questionnaires every year it will be decided how many points
    the lecturer gathered in the given academic year, what his or
    her rating is. â~@~At the same time it is the evaluation of the
    educational activity of the lecturer and his or her competence for
    the work at the university. Thereby we shall be able to commend or
    criticize the person irrespective of their scientific degree,â~@~]
    said Hamlet Grigorian. According to the rector of Artsakh State
    University, a scientific degree, important though it may be, is not
    a criterion of evaluating their colleagues. From now on the rating
    of lecturers will be given primary importance. One of the mentioned
    questionnaires is for the survey of the studentsâ~@~Y opinion using
    the ten-point system. Last year a survey was conducted among students
    entitled â~@~Lecturers in the Eyes of the Studentâ~@~] . The present
    survey will continue the previous one. Every questionnaire consists
    of 6-7 questions. H. Grigorian said, the questionnaire will take
    into account how many scientific articles the lecturer published,
    how many times he participated in international conferences, as well
    as what scientific works he organized for students. This means that
    the leadership of the university directs all their efforts towards
    improving the quality of education in the university. SCHOLARSHIPS
    WILL INCREASE In Artsakh State University the scholarship of students
    is 10 thousand drams monthly. According to rector Hamlet Grigorian,
    it is not good to grant equal size of scholarship to the students
    with different grades. â~@~As the government has not done anything
    in this matter, we aim to provide means from our own resources to
    increase the scholarship of excellent students. At the same time,
    the presidential scholarship will also be increased and it will be the
    highest,â~@~] said Hamlet Grigorian. SOCIAL STATE OF THE STAFF Special
    attention is also paid to the improvement of the social conditions of
    the staff. Since February it is planned to increase the salaries of
    lecturers. â~@~Unfortunately, no means were provided from the state
    budget to increase salaries of the university staff. In fact, the
    salary of lecturers is smaller than the salary of school teachers. We
    have to raise the salaries on our inner resources,â~@~] said Hamlet
    Grigorian. The rector informed that it is planned to organize a meeting
    with the NKR president to discuss the problems of the university.

    LAURA GRIGORIAN. 09-02-2005
