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Divorces Harm The Country

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  • Divorces Harm The Country

    Divorces Harm The Country

    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    09 Feb 05

    The basis of the state is the family which determines the continuity
    and rhythm of human life. The more strong and stable the family
    is, the more powerful the state is. For the traditional people of
    Artsakh this motto has acquired a new meaning on the way of building
    statehood. Do all the marriages bring happiness to the couples? Do
    all the married couples cross the borderline of old age together? At
    the Civilian Registry Office of Stepanakert we were informed that 292
    marriages and 46 divorces were recorded in 2003, and 318 marriages and
    57 divorces in 2004. It should also be mentioned that a considerable
    number of marriages are not registered at all. We were told that in
    case of divorce the couple must pay a sum which should not exceed 10
    thousand drams. By the way, in the decision of the court the sum of
    the state tax is also mentioned. The main part of the fine is paid
    by the spouse who is to blame for breaking the family. In foreign
    countries married couples sign a marriage contract and in case of
    divorce the family property is divided between the spouses according
    to the contract. However, the marriage contract is not real for our
    country for several reasons: problems of unemployment and housing,
    social and economic conditions, etc. According to the secretary of the
    Stepanakert City Hall Committee for Guardianship and Trusteeship Vazgen
    Gasparian, in 2004 the committee discussed 11 cases on guardianship,
    5 cases on connected with children and their upbringing and other
    cases, all in all 41. According to him, the cases connected with
    children increased against the previous years. These are the cases
    when the parents cannot achieve an agreement and turn to the City
    Hall to solve their problem. â~@~Both the parties have equal rights
    for meeting with children,â~@~] said the secretary of the committee
    adding that many parents unfortunately avoid responsibility for their
    children and prefer working in private companies in order not to
    pay alimony. Recently the committee, the members of which regularly
    meet with parties and take part in trials, has saved three families.
    â~@~To say that the cause for divorces is always of social character
    would not be correct. There are different factors: upbringing,
    character, temperament, lack of mutual understanding. All of us must
    try to solve national problems together. Therefore, to have powerful
    statehood and healthy society it is necessary to think seriously over
    the stability of the family,â~@~] said Vazgen Gasparian.

    NVARD OHANJANIAN. 09-02-2005


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress