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Eulogy for Hagop Gabrielian

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  • Eulogy for Hagop Gabrielian

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (E.)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    February 8, 2005


    The Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America was deeply
    saddened by the recent passing of Mr. Hagop Gabrielian, of Geneva,
    Switzerland. What follows is the text of the eulogy delivered by
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, the Diocesan Primate, during the funeral
    service for Mr. Gabrielian at Geneva's St. Hagop Armenian Church on
    Friday, February 4, 2005. Also in attendance at the service were Bishop
    Norvan Zakarian, of Lyon, France, and Bishop Vicken Aykazian, of
    Washington, D.C.

    * * *


    "Verily, I say unto you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and
    dies, it remains just a single grain. But if it dies, it bears much
    fruit. Those who love their life will lose it, and those who hate their
    life in the world will keep it for eternal life." (John 24:25)

    These words of our Lord, related by the evangelist St. John, hold a
    special meaning for us today, as we gather to pay our final respects to
    Hagop Gabrielian. Mr. Gabrielian's life was indeed like that grain of
    wheat, which falls to the earth, and ultimately dies--yet which
    nevertheless bears much fruit. In Mr. Gabrielian's case, it might be
    more precise to say that his life encompassed many grains, which
    blossomed in many different soils, and have left us with whole fields of
    ripe, abundant fruit--which will surely nourish us in the years to come.

    This fact, at least, might offer us some small consolation from the
    sorrow of losing Mr. Gabrielian. Indeed, it is very hard to believe
    that this man--this grand figure, whose influence and effect is so
    deeply felt in all our lives--is now in his eternal rest. But this is
    the sad truth of earthly life, as related in these words from the Book
    of Psalms:

    "As for mortals, their days are like grass: They flourish like a flower
    of the field. The wind passes over it, and it is gone. And its place
    knows it no more." (Ps 103:15-16)

    As I said, this is the truth for every ordinary mortal life. But even
    so, Hagop Gabrielian's life was something more than an ordinary. The
    image of his Maker was truly reflected in him: in his generous heart,
    his creative insight, his gifts of leadership. Mr. Gabrielian knew this
    very well, and he regarded his gifts as a responsibility. He freely and
    abundantly gave of himself and his God-given talent, for the benefit of
    his family, the Armenian republic, and especially his church. Hagop
    Gabrielian was a true Christian gentleman, on whom the love of God will
    rest forever.

    As a human being, Mr. Gabrielian's character was formed out of the
    combination of virtues and qualities he acquired from a solid Armenian
    family life. The son of Gabriel and Artzvig Gabrielian, Hagop was born
    in Tabriz and grew up in Tehran. He was immersed in an Armenian
    background, surrounded by a vital Armenian community and church life.

    As a businessman, Hagop Gabrielian was quite simply a pioneer. He found
    astonishing success in a variety of concerns in Iran, and thirty years
    ago, bowing to the obvious necessities of the time, transferred himself
    and his family to Geneva, which became his greatly beloved base of
    operations, for enterprises reaching around the globe.

    Needless to say, it was in the realm of family life that Mr. Gabrielian
    felt he had achieved his greatest successes: The touching love he felt
    for his dear wife of nearly fifty years, Katherine; the great blessing
    of his three daughters--Caroline, Christina, and Linda--and the fine
    families they have built; the pride he felt towards his younger brother,
    Sarkis, and his family; and most recently, the indescribable joy brought
    to the Gabrielians through their five grandchildren.

    These were the things that mattered to Hagop Gabrielian the most. These
    were the things for which he thanked God every day. He used to enjoy
    telling people that, "Living is an art." And when you witnessed Mr.
    Gabrielian in the forge of his family, you caught a glimpse of a supreme
    artist: a man who knew how to live life to the fullest, and to relish
    the very act of living.

    Of course, there have been other people besides his family, who have
    been touched by Hagop Gabrielian's great generosity of spirit. And not
    merely individuals, but even an entire nation: the Republic of Armenia,
    for which Mr. Gabrielian was an ardent and foresighted benefactor. He
    was the sponsor of many projects to develop and advance our homeland in
    these early years of freedom.

    Naturally, Hagop Gabrielian was also a magnanimous benefactor of the
    Armenian Church. He felt very close to the church, and drew strength
    and inspiration from the heritage it preserves. The faith he always
    carried with him was the foundation and guide for his lifetime of
    activity and leadership.

    Mr. Gabrielian performed one very special act of kindness on behalf of
    the Armenian Church, which I believe symbolizes the gentle tenderness of
    his feeling for the faith of his fathers. It took place more than a
    decade ago. The pontiff of the Armenian Church, His Holiness Vasken
    I--who had governed the church as Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
    All Armenians for close to forty years at the time--had been diagnosed
    with cancer, and was in need of treatment. These were the early days of
    the independent republic, and especially with a leader of Vehapar's
    stature, the news of his illness had to be dealt with in a discrete and
    respectful way.

    Only a few people, really, knew of Catholicos Vasken's condition; but
    Hagop Gabrielian was one of them. It was he who immediately volunteered
    his own resources to ensure that the Catholicos would receive the best
    medical care available in Europe. And Mr. Gabrielian volunteered
    himself, as well: to look after the Catholicos, spend time with him,
    make him comfortable, during his period away from the Holy See. As we
    all know, Vehapar finally did succumb to his affliction--in the fullness
    of his age, and after a productive and meaningful life. But Hagop
    Gabrielian brought a special grace to the difficult final year of
    Vehapar's life--quietly, without any fanfare, simply out of his feelings
    of love and respect. For that, all members of the Armenian Church owe
    Hagop Gabrielian a profound debt of gratitude.

    Now, a decade after those events, we stand in the same position towards
    Mr. Gabrielian himself. This last year was not easy for him, or for his
    family. But I am certain that his loved ones were able to fill the
    final period of his life with the love, the grace, and indeed the sense
    of hope, which Hagop Gabrielian so often gave to others. As a great
    admirer and personal friend of Mr. Gabrielian's for many years now, I
    know I am not alone in saying that he has always been in my heart and
    prayers. And he always will be.

    On this occasion, I express my deep condolences to his wife, Mrs.
    Katherine Gabrielian; to his children--Caroline and Gregory, Christina
    and Berj, Linda and Christian--and his grandchildren: Olympia,
    Marie-Catherine, Alexandre, Adriana, and Anna-Karina. My sympathies
    also go to the family of his late brother Sarkis; to the Atayan family;
    and of course, to Mr. Gabrielian's many loved ones and friends.

    We are consoled to know that he has now gone forward, to reside in the
    company of many worthy souls who have gone before him, within the loving
    embrace of God. May our Lord bless his soul, and may He remember Hagop
    Gabrielian on that great day, when He establishes His kingdom. Amen.


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