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Armenian genocide returned to German school curriculum

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  • Armenian genocide returned to German school curriculum

    Deutsche Presse-Agentur
    February 8, 2005, Tuesday

    Armenian genocide returned to German school curriculum


    Defusing a row after alleged Turkish pressure forced removal of the
    Armenian genocide from German public school curriculums, a state
    premier said Tuesday the 1915 killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians
    would be again be taught in history classes. Brandenburg's Prime
    Minister Matthias Platzeck admitted it had been a mistake to remove
    all mention of the genocide from his state's education ministry
    website curriculum planner. The Armenian genocide - which had been
    used as the only example in history classes other than the Holocaust
    - will now be returned to high schools along with other cases of 20th
    century genocide, he said. Platzeck denied media reports that he
    ordered removal of the Armenian genocide from his schools after
    strong pressure from a Turkish diplomat. "None of that happened,"
    said Platzeck. Platzeck made his announcement after a meeting with
    Armenia's ambassador to Germany, Karine Kazinian, who had expressed
    deep anger over the move. "The key point is that the genocide and
    everything that happened back then is being clearly addressed," said
    Ambassador Kazinian. The row began last month after Turkey's Consul
    in Berlin, Aydin Durusay, raised the issue of Armenian massacres with
    regard to Brandenburg which is so far the only one of Germany's 16
    federal states, which described the killings as "genocide" in its
    official public school curriculum. Most European and U.S. historians
    say up to 1.5 million Christian Armenians were killed by Moslem
    Ottoman Turks during World War I and that this was a genocide. Eight
    European Union (E.U.) parliaments including France and the
    Netherlands - but not Germany - have passed resolutions declaring the
    deaths genocide. Turkey, however, firmly rejects the genocide label
    and has long insisted far fewer Armenians died or otherwise succumbed
    during World War I. More recently it has moderated its tone somewhat
    and said the matter should be cleared up by a historical commission.
    With about two million resident ethnic Turks, Germany is cautious
    about any issue which could disturb ties with its biggest minority.
    German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is a firm supporter of Turkey's
    bid to join the E.U. Platzeck is a rising star in Chancellor's Social
    Democratic Party (SPD) and is tipped by some as a possible successor
    to Schroeder. dpa lm ms